Monday, July 31, 2006
It's been bugging me lately that doctor offices are doing a poor job of confirming appointments as of late. I have been confirming myself, but this morning just decided to go to my mamagram appointment. Only you know what? It's on Thursday. I know when I scheduled it and the appointment with another GYN about having the ablation done, they couldn't do the same day, so the girl wrote my appointments down, but then scheduled them for the same day. Either she told me and I didn't get it, because I was talking to the nurse about something else or didn't tell me, I'm not going to be mad, but what a waste of time this morning, I should have called. UGH. I woke up with a stiff neck too, and driving was really painful. Double UGH.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
So Exhausted!
A fun birthday, I left the house at 1 and didn't come back until right before my party. I sent over to Sheer Paradise for a few spa treatments. I had a facial, massage, and pedicure. It was a fun way to spend a few relaxing hours on my birthday. My Mother-in-law made some BBQ shredded chicken, there were snacks galore, and my sister-in-law brought me the cake I wanted, chocolate with chocolate filling and cream cheese frosting, yummy. After cake and opening my many wonderful gifts, we played games. I love playing games with big groups. The party didn't end till really late, like midnightish, I was so tired, but it took a long time to fall asleep, it was so tough getting up this morning at 7:30 for church. It was even tougher staying awake at church during the message! LOL The kids let me lay down this afternoon for several hours, I feel much better now, hopefully now I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Things about me on my 40th birthday!
Lots of things about me on my 40th birthday! I tried to do 40, but went a little bit over~
* My big sister had prayed for a baby sister, when she was in 2nd grade.
* I was a preemie weighing in at at 4 Lbs.
* I had to stay in the hospital for weeks after my birth.
* My brother broke my leg getting me out of my crib when I was 9 months old.
* I had an open heart catherization in January 1968.
* I grew up in Clearfield, PA.
* When I was 3, my older brother prayed for a baby brother.
* My baby brother was born in September 1970.
* My parents said no more prayers for babies.
* I remember going to work with my Dad when the baby was born.
* The next day I went to my Mom's friend's house instead.
* I went to half day kindergarten in the afternoon for half the school year, then morning.
* I started taking dance classes when I was 5, oh how I loved to dance.
* In first grade I had to get glasses. I had to bring a note home to my parents that I failed the eye test in school, I cried all the way home, I hated that I had failed something.
* I had a another catherization done when I was 11, I was in the hospital for a week.
* I had to walk to school 1st through 8th grade.
* I started taking baton lessons at about at 8.
* I was a majorette in 8th through 12th grade.
* My Dad died of heart and lung failure when I was 15.
* I thought it was cool to get to finally ride a bus in high school, until I got my license then it was way cooler to drive everyday.
* McDonald's was my first job.
* Graduated high school in 1984
* Moved to Arizona after graduation.
* Worked at McDonald's then Jack in the Box
* Moved out of my Mother's house and got an apartment on my own when I was 22.
* My baby brother died May 30th 1990
* Started to attend this weird church Hosanna Christian Fellowship in September 1990 * Met my future husband November 2000, I didn't have great first thoughts about him, too tall, all arms and legs, and I hated that he worked at Smitty's since that were my brother had worked.
* Became very good friends with him anyway.
* My sister and Frank another close friend gave me a surprise 25th birthday party, with all my friend's from the weird church LOL, the church wasn't so weird after all!
* October 2001, I was having some money problems, Pat lent me some money.
* November 9, 1991 Pat first kissed me outside of Frank's house..
* Pat asked me to marry him on January 9, 1992.
* We were married on June 20, 1992 at Hosanna Christian Fellowship.
* We honeymooned in Sedona.
* Our first child, Joseph was born on March 25, 1993.
* I stopped working at Jack in the Box when our son was 1, I had several jobs in a few months but then ended up at Drug Emporium for almost a year, before being laid off.
* I was out of work for 6 weeks, before I started to work at Macy's customer service.
* Then I transferred to accounts payable, and worked a specialty department for setting up computerized invoices.
* I found out I was pregnant with our second baby in June 1996.
* I left Macy's to start a child care business at home in June 1996
* Sarah was born January 30, 1997.
* I had surgery in July 1998, to remove a lemon sized tumor near my adrenal glands. After the surgery pain felt worse than any contraction ever did.
* My 32nd birthday was not much fun.
* After trying for 2 years to get pregnant again following Sarah's birth, we went to a fertility doctor. He gave me Clomid to try.
* I got pregnant!
* November 1999, I became the children's director at Hosanna Community Church.
* Rachel was born by C-section on February 5, 2000. I nearly died after her birth, it was pretty scary.
* My Mom had a stoke in March 2000, followed by a heart attack in July 2000.
* She had by-pass surgery in July 2000, she never recovered, she died on August 28. 2000.
* Rachel's first year of life seemed to go by with out me noticing it much, oh how I wish I could get that time back.
* April 2001, I found out that my heart aneurysm needed to be repaired, it was large now. I freaked out, and felt like a time bomb, because if I didn't have the surgery soon enough, it could have killed me instantly.
* July 2001, Pat. My sister and I flew to Houston for my surgery. My in-laws met us there.
* After the surgery I was in the hospital for 9 days. Pat and I left the hospital and went directly to the airport, it was a very hard trip home.
* The recovery took months, at first I couldn't even sleep in my bed, and slept sleeping in my in-laws borrowed recliner.
* My 35th birthday was not much fun.
* January 2002, Hosanna closed it doors.
* April 2002 we started attending Desert Breeze Community Church.
* Spring of 2003 Pat and I started leading a life group.
* Every birthday since my 35th we've gone away on vacation, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Universal Studios, Disneyland.
* This year I want a party at home.
* I'm leaving for the day and will be doing some things I've never done, pampering myself, (facial, pedicure, massage) and letting Pat and the kids get the house ready for the party.
Monday, July 24, 2006
I hate car stuff! (update)
My car did not start this morning as I was leaving to take the girls to VBS, UGH!!!!!!! Pat was home, so I took his car, then dropped off a Fed Ex package, went to the foot doctor and post office. He has to work at 11, so he doesn't have time to look at the battery now, so I'll be staying home the rest of the day, UGH!!!!! Pat put some kind of gel on the battery and the car works again, Thank goodness! I hate being carless.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
What a weekend~
Sarah and I had a ate lunch/early dinner at Wildflower Bread Co. Then the afternoon's rain adventure, (see previous) Sarah and I came home to watch, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Pat took the other two to see Superman Returns. Pat and I watched In Her Shoes. Saturday, was so hot, I didn't want to leave the house, but had to drop off and pick up Joseph at a scout's house. I grilled some baby back ribs for dinner, I should have gotten more they were a big hit. After showers we all sat down and watched Cheaper by the Dozen 2, then we played Guesstures, man is that a hard game. Sarah and I lost to Pat and Joseph. Pat was off on Sunday, the first one in awhile, and we only had to go to 1 church service! After lunch and resting a little, Pat and I went to see The Devil Wears Prada, when we went out to the car afterwards, the car battery was dead. I called the kids, at home to look up the number for AAA, I had my cell phone, but not my wallet. I went back inside the theater, while Pat waiting for AAA to come. The battery was really, really dead, but they did get it started, Pat came to get me, and we went to Checker's the battery was under warranty until 8-15, so oh yeah, it didn't cost anything. Tried playing Guestures again, we had a tie game, and it wan't 0-0, it was 6-6, but it's still a hard game.
Friday, July 21, 2006
It Rained!
Not a big deal to most of the world, but when you live in the desert, it's a big deal. It even rained longer than 5 seconds! Sarah and I were at target and we could hear the thunder outside in the store, and the lights even flickered (I prayed the power would not go out, God heard me). It was funny watching people just staring out the glass doors, like it was the first snow fall or something! Oh, how I remember doing that growing up in PA. It might be raining still up north a little bit (like 3 miles, the sky is still dark in that direction), but the closer we got to home, it was getting less and less, then just stopped. It didn't look like we got much rain in our neighborhood, it was fun while it lasted though. LOL
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Something is wrong with my shower, I started the water then got ready to take a shower, when I stepped inside, the water temp. was boiling hot, I scream but of course none of the kids come to check on me, luckily I got the blasted thing off. I turn the handle thing all the way to the farthest cold place, and turn the water back on, that did not help at all! So, I scream again (why I have know idea, since no one is going to check on me anyway, but it makes me feel better). I manage to get the water off again and go take a shower in the hall bathroom, which works just fine. What's the stupid deal?
Last night Joseph came home from scouts to tell me that he was elected by his troop to be the senior patrol leader. He's pretty excited, it's the highest office for a boy in the troop. He said they held elections at camp, but Matt the scout leader didn't tell the boys until last night. I'm hoping it will be a good thing for him, and hopefully he'll take the responsibility seriously. Rachel is so hard on herself, today at VBS she got so mad at herself because she wasn't doing the hand motions excaitally right. Yesterday she was so mad, because she was having a hard time with the book she was reading. She did read already today and she did great, and she feels good, about being done already, so we can go to the pool.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Today's doctor
I saw my GYN today, since my cycles have been messed up for the last 7 months, it's time to due something. Funny thing is that he suggested endometrial ablation, I had tried to get this done right before this craziness started with my cycle. He doesn't do the surgery, (he said he's too old) so I have an appointment with one of his partners in 2 weeks. I am hoping the insurance will now pay for it. The doctor also gave me some birth control pills to try to get my cycles normalized. It would so help my hormonal self to know when I'll be getting a period and not surprises. He also ordered a mamorgram for me, since when I tried to schedule that for today, the office wouldn't schedule it, since I had my annual pap smear at my regular doctor's office. Of course that's on a different day than I see the other doctor too. UGH
Sunday, July 16, 2006
It's hot, and other random thoughts
The temperature thing on a building on Pinnacle Peak at 1 PM said 116, that's mighty hot. I felt yucky hot all morning. The AC in the hall way where the toddlers play at church was so stuffy hot, I sat mostly in front of the fan the whole time I was serving this morning, did the lesson, snack and craft from there too, let Pat and Joseph to run after the kiddies. There was only 5, so it was a really calm morning. For some reason, the enter key doesn't work on this blog, so I have no way to go to the next thought :( My heel is better, the cortisone really seemed to have worked, yea! I felt yucky on Friday, it felt like I had heart burn, we didn't do anything, I did leave around 6, by myself and went to my friend Trica's and scrapbooked for a few hours, I didn't feel much like eating, I had gotten a salad a McDonald's on the way and we split it (I gave her all the stuff I don't like), the peas and red peppers and gave her some of the good stuff too, the chicken and oranges. Yesterday morning Joseph had a scout thing to go to, that was suppose to be 2 hours, but I guess it was really about 2 minutes, he went with his asst. scout master and I was going to pick him up, he tried calling me, but Pat was downloading something on the internet and Joseph couldn't get through. The A.S.M. brought him home, opps. I did laundry and went to the grocery store. I didn't have many groceries to get, but wanted to start school supply shopping, with stuff that was on sale, and I had coupons for. I saved over 50% on my total bill. Last night the kids and I went to my cousin Joe's house, my cousin Mike had brought over the slides from Hawaii, of my cousin Bill's memorial service. They were neat, half of his ashes were spinkled in the ocean, a bunch of people paddled out with their surf boards, had a huge circle of prayer, Mike sprinkled the ashes, everyone left leihs out in the ocean and they surfed back to the beach. The other half of his ashes were laid in a military cementary. Now, today I haven't done anything more exciting than taken a nap, since we've been home from church, it's too hot!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Dangers of teaching children things
1. They then think they know everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. They can read what you type on your blog/diary. (translation don't write anything about them you don't want them to read) 3. They know when it's really time for bed. (translation can't put them to bed early).
Doctor and Doctor
Fun, fun, fun. NOT! Had an echo done this morning, (I hate trying to lay in a way that the tech can get a good angle of my heart, but leaves me feeling all twisted) followed by a visit with the doctor, who said everything looks about the same as last year (cardiomyopthy and heart valve). I have been having a few episodes of shortness of breath and light headedness, he says that's due to the heat and to be careful, oh brother! I made it in time to see the foot doctor, who did x-rays, and could tell by the x-ray how badly my heel is inflamed. She suggested to try cortisone shots to see if that helps. So, she gave me my first shot and I'll go back in two weeks to either get another, or tell her it didn't work. I'm supposed to not walk much on it today. Maybe after a nap, (Pat's alarm went off at 5:30, but he wasn't in bed, so I had to go find him, of course that woke me right up) I'll start reading my new book.
Saturday, July 8, 2006
So, tired!
I am so tired now, I did pretty well, all day being alert and a good hostess, but now I want to crash. I stayed up till 1 AM last night reading, I love to read but sometimes I really hate it. I am so terrible and that if something is good, I can't put it down until I've read it all. Luckily the book last night only had 244 pages! Today was an all day scrapbook day. 4 ladies came, no one for the whole time, everyone stayed for a few hours. I didn't do much scrapbooking for myself, helped someone who was getting started, which was way more fun.
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
I can't seem to put my left foot down on my heel, yet today. It really started last night when I went to bed. I was fine last night walking from the parking lot to the football field for the fireworks, and back to the car again, which I was totally surprised by. But I guess I'm now paying for it. I need to wear these shoe inserts, but I have to wear closed heel shoes to do that. (I'm really just hoping this helps, years ago when Joseph was a baby I had the same problem, and a foot doctor modeled my feet and made the inserts) It is just too hot to put on socks and sneakers. I just haven't gone to a foot doctor yet, I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have to wear ugly shoes. But now today I'm reconsidering. So, I call the doctor I saw a few moths ago about another issue I was having with my foot, (she was really nice and the office is close by, so I won't change) so anyway it takes me this long to get up enough nerve to call and the office was closed today. UGH! Now I have to get my nerve up again tomorrow to call. The heel is still not feeling so good, it's so not fun limping around.
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Happy 4th of July!
We had a fun day, Pat had to work, but the kids and I slept in really late. Then we just hung out all day, until Pat got home from work. Then I grilled some hot dogs while Pat got everything else ready, we met, my FIL, and BIL and family at GCC. They kids had a great time running around. Check out some pictures on flickr of our day.
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Scout Camp
Joseph left yesterday morning to back up to his camp. He was to go on Thursday afternoon, but his ride had car trouble. He was crying Thursday night when he went to bed, he was so upset that he had gotten hurt, and was missing camp. I offered to take him back, but he didn't want me to, he was just upset and not thinking clearly. Friday morning his asst. Scout master called and was going up to camp later in the morning (she had to work all week and couldn't stay at camp for the week). He says NO. I'm like "what?" I tried talking to him about it, but wasn't getting anywhere with him. So I left him alone to think about it and went and prayed for him. 10 minutes later I hear him on the phone saying he's going. The boys got back an hour ago and he was glad he went! He did say his knee was hurting a lot, probably from walking standing on it too much. I'm happy he went.
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