Saturday, March 31, 2007
Boring day.. kind of a let down
After the busy we week I had you'd think I would be happy for a boring day. But really it seemed to feel like a let down of a day with nothing to do except laundry
Joseph was gone all day helping his Grandpa. The girls left for 5 hours to a friend's house. Pat was in bed all morning, then we he got up he wasn't really talking to me. So, maybe he's mad at me too. I'm a little frustrated with him right now, really nothing new, I'm just letting it get to me.
I did work on Rachel's teacher's scrapbook for a few hours and it's looking good. Played a game with Sarah, after Rachel went to bed. She of course did not fall alseep yet, so now I'll have to deal with them goofing off. Joseph went and spent the night at my sister's house. Only the girls to fight with to go to sleep.
Can you pick me out from this old picture of me,from my first dance class?

Thursday, March 29, 2007
The girls have not brought home their report cards yet, and since Sarah's teacher is out on medical leave from heart surgery and Rachel's teacher is out on maternity leave, it wasn't even an option to have conferences. I'm sure I could have pushed for the principal or some other teacher to do them. (hopefully they will come home tomorrow) Deer Valley has an online program that you can check you child's grades, as often as you want. I usually don't check the girl's very often, (Joseph I check daily). I had checked Sarah's last over the weekend, and she missed being on honor roll, by just her science grade. I felt so sad for her. Well, tonight she wanted me to check her grades because she wanted to see for herself. Guess what? The science grade is a "B" now, it was missing an assignment being entered. She's very happy that she got that grade up to let her be on honor roll again this quarter. Rachel's user password has gotten lost, so I can't check her grades, I know she's doing well, I'm not concerned. I need to remember to get the user password from the front office again.
How can it be Thursday already?
This week has just flown by. It's been crazy busy, I've even forgotten about some things, until someone has reminded me. Today and tomorrow won't be much better as far as business goes. I'll be glad for the weekend to rest. I think the only things I have all weekend is Joseph helping move rocks with his grandfather on Saturday, and a leadership meeting at church Sunday morning. But who knows what else I've forgotten.
Monday, March 26, 2007
It just stuck me as strange to see one lonely flower on this plant. The front of the plant is just a bunch of dead leaves, left over from our colder than normal days in January. I'm glad to see life in it though. The plant is a little taller than the roof as you can see in the picture. It would be sad to have Pat chop it down, like some of the other desert plants that didn't fair so well.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
My baby is 14! When he was first born I used to just stare at him and wonder how this long little guy fit inside my womb. Now I look at him 14 years later and wonder, he's as tall as a man, but still a boy, how can that be?
Happy Birthday to my Boy/Man!
I love you!
Friday, March 23, 2007
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
The carport roof, has been in terrible shape for a long time. Rain seems to soften it, Joseph said he heard it fall this morning, while he was watching TV.
He cleaned up the roof of Pat's car, because he was worried about dents. I think some how the car escaped any. My car wasn't so lucking when the back piece of the carport fell, there's a little dent on the trunk.
Pat's going to call our insurance company and see if they will cover this. We were going to replace it awhile ago, we just didn't have the money then, and still don't. I'm hoping insurance will cover it, there's a lot of open space now, that someone can get in to the attic.
The carport roof, has been in terrible shape for a long time. Rain seems to soften it, Joseph said he heard it fall this morning, while he was watching TV.
He cleaned up the roof of Pat's car, because he was worried about dents. I think some how the car escaped any. My car wasn't so lucking when the back piece of the carport fell, there's a little dent on the trunk.
Pat's going to call our insurance company and see if they will cover this. We were going to replace it awhile ago, we just didn't have the money then, and still don't. I'm hoping insurance will cover it, there's a lot of open space now, that someone can get in to the attic.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
"the phone"
Joseph got to celebrate his birthday 3 days early.
1. He wanted his gift, (the phone)
2. Pat doesn't know his sch. yet for next week, he was off today, so it was a good day to celebrate.
The phone is mostly from Joseph's Grandma and Grandpa, Pat said we should have them to dinner, so they could see him open the gift. Grandma wasn't feeling good, she couldn't make it to dinner, but Grandpa came to celebrate.
1. He wanted his gift, (the phone)
2. Pat doesn't know his sch. yet for next week, he was off today, so it was a good day to celebrate.
The phone is mostly from Joseph's Grandma and Grandpa, Pat said we should have them to dinner, so they could see him open the gift. Grandma wasn't feeling good, she couldn't make it to dinner, but Grandpa came to celebrate.
A boy and a dog at the park today
Joseph is taking care of his cousin's dog. He's doing a great job, and the dog follows him around everywhere.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Oh, my aching back
Sitting too long in one spot, is not what the doctor ordered. But we had nice yummy dinner date, and it didn't seem like we were sitting for long. But I guess it was, Tylenol and ice to the rescue. opps :(
mini golf
Today's outing. Indoor mini golf.
I blew it though, I went to the chiropractor today and was supposed to take it easy and not walk much, I thought the indoor golf place would be fine, because it isn't that big so there's not much walking around. I probably would have been fine except, that we stopped at the grocery store afterwards for a few things, and now my back is really hurting. I'm icing it now, and I hope it will fell better soon. because Pat and I are meeting his brother and wife for dinner. We were going to do mini golf. as part of our double date, but the indoor place closes at 8, and Castles and Coasters would probably be to much walking for me right now. I took the kids this afternoon, because Monday through Thursday it's only $3.00 a round, and I was looking for another inexpensive outing. $12.00 for us all to golf, the kids played a few games,and we had enough to get ice cream cones at McDonald's , and spent less than $20.00.
I blew it though, I went to the chiropractor today and was supposed to take it easy and not walk much, I thought the indoor golf place would be fine, because it isn't that big so there's not much walking around. I probably would have been fine except, that we stopped at the grocery store afterwards for a few things, and now my back is really hurting. I'm icing it now, and I hope it will fell better soon. because Pat and I are meeting his brother and wife for dinner. We were going to do mini golf. as part of our double date, but the indoor place closes at 8, and Castles and Coasters would probably be to much walking for me right now. I took the kids this afternoon, because Monday through Thursday it's only $3.00 a round, and I was looking for another inexpensive outing. $12.00 for us all to golf, the kids played a few games,and we had enough to get ice cream cones at McDonald's , and spent less than $20.00.
Monday, March 19, 2007
decisions, decisions....
Day One of Spring Break- Chuck E Cheese.
I am trying to go do something everyday with the kids, but I don't have a lot of money, I just had to buy pizza for today's outing, because we had lots of left over tokens from Chuck E Cheese night a few weeks ago.
Here they are trying to decide what cheap toys to get, and forget about, probably already, but it was such a long time figuring it out.
I am trying to go do something everyday with the kids, but I don't have a lot of money, I just had to buy pizza for today's outing, because we had lots of left over tokens from Chuck E Cheese night a few weeks ago.
Here they are trying to decide what cheap toys to get, and forget about, probably already, but it was such a long time figuring it out.
Slept in!
Hooray for Spring break, It was lovely sleeping in till 9, the only kid awake so far is Sarah, I'm sure later it will just be a joy to get them all to bed. NOT!
Yesterday, was much more fun than the day before. After serving in the first service at church, went (me and the kids) to the 11 O'clock service. Went to Target to get some seeds, for some herbs I want to try to grow, there's just something about Spring that brings in the gardening in me. Went to Costco and got the pictures that were there waiting for me, and snacks for school next week. We ate lunch at Costco. While we were waiting to fill our drink cups, one of my friend's from our old church said hi! I haven't seen her in a long time, we used to met everyone ince in awile at McDonald's. Carol and her son sat with us while we ate and visited, it was so much fun, catching up with her. Although she did most of the talking! I was glad to hear all the changing in her life since we last saw each other. Pat had just seen her husband at Fry's last week, so I did know a little of the changes. My friend's husband was the head pastor from our old church, and now he's in the police academy! Planted my herbs when we got home, and did a little scrapbooking. When Pat got home we started out marathon watching 5 episodes of season 4 of 24. I'm very sorry Pat got me to watch the show, it's very addicting!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Boring day..Depressed
Joseph was gone all afternoon, to a baseball game.
Sarah woke up this morning complaining of a stomachache. She later had a temp. The girls and I were going to go out and do things while Joseph was gone, instead we stayed home.
Rachel did go over to a neighbor's house for a little bit.
I could have cleaned or organized something, I just didn't want to. it's too hot in the house for me unless, I'm right in front of a fan.
I did start a scrapbook for Rachel's teacher, got the cover,and back done,and one page. But I need to go to Costco to pick up the pictures, I didn't want to take Sarah out, or leave her home, and by the time Joseph came home, I was to hot to go out. Hopefully I'll remember to get them tomorrow after church. I want to make a cute book for her, because this is her last year teaching at Sunrise.
Rachel and I had dinner alone, Joseph wasn't hungry and he was busy watching TV, I made him come out and do his after dinner chore, even though he didn't eat. He should have come and sat with me and Rachel at the table too, but I just didn't have the strength to go through it with him. It is so much easier for me when Pat is home and I have backup.
The girls watched a movie in the family room and Joseph in my room, I felt left out.
Once I thought I sent them all to bed, I started a movie for me to watch alone. It was not all relaxing, when I keep hearing them goofing off, and coming out to "talk" to me. UGH!!!!
I can't wait to try to get sleepy children up tomorrow at 7:30 for church. OH Fun!!!! NOT!!!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
My post posted without me having to clear files and restarting the computer! I'm so glad!!!!!!!
It is just too hot already! UGH!!!!!! It's suppose to cool down a little later next week, but today was so hot, and I was inside most of the day! I went to school with the girls and went with Rachel's class to computer lab, then I went to one of the kindergarten classrooms, to help do an art project. Rachel hung on me, and didn't want to me leave her, she's been doing so much better lately. The substitute was a friend of mine, she took Rachel off of me, and as I walked away, I could hear her screaming. She was fine, as soon as I walked away, but it breaks my heart, when I have to walk away. I came home for lunch then went back to school and did the art project with the afternoon kindergarten class, then sold candy for the PE coaches. Usually the PTO sells candy and snacks on Friday, but we helped the PE coaches sell stuff, because they couldn't sell anything except water on their field days this week, so we let them make some money. Really it doesn't matter who sells to the kids, because the money is used for the kids anyway. After candy sales, our music teacher needed a ride home so we took her home, then I stopped by the PTO's treasurer's house to drop off the last of the fundraiser orders. Then the girls were going to go check out a girl scout troop, but the meeting was canceled, bummer :(
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sarah gave me a manicure tonight, and Rachel gave me a pedicure!
They loved it!
Click on my pictures to see my toes!
Up until now we've had a fun peaceful evening, but now no one will go to bed, UGH
My neck has been hurting all day, I must have slept on it wrong or something.
I went to the chiropractor today for the first time, he did x-rays, my tail bone had been broken in 2 places, he's going to try to adjust it so I can sit comfortably. He also found that the curve of my spine goes the wrong way, and of course the bulging disks I knew about, and I must have injured the back of my neck sometime and it's out of line too. Gee, that's just what I wanted to hear, there's more things wrong with me. I'm hoping and praying the insurance will cover all these visits well, and the doctor can fix me ~
They loved it!
Click on my pictures to see my toes!
Up until now we've had a fun peaceful evening, but now no one will go to bed, UGH
My neck has been hurting all day, I must have slept on it wrong or something.
I went to the chiropractor today for the first time, he did x-rays, my tail bone had been broken in 2 places, he's going to try to adjust it so I can sit comfortably. He also found that the curve of my spine goes the wrong way, and of course the bulging disks I knew about, and I must have injured the back of my neck sometime and it's out of line too. Gee, that's just what I wanted to hear, there's more things wrong with me. I'm hoping and praying the insurance will cover all these visits well, and the doctor can fix me ~
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Complaints, complaints, complaints
Sunday night was terrible, even with taking the stupid sleeping pill, I only got 1 hour of sleep. I hate it, then I sleep 4-5 hours during the day, and my whole day is gone.
I called the doctor to see if they would call in something else for me to try. The nurse was kinda weird about it, but did call in something else. Pat will pick it up for me today when he goes to work.
Last night I had about 5 hours of sleep, only because I've really been having some back issues, and had to take a bunch of tylenol for the pain, not that it helps all that much, but I'm out of musule relaxers.
I was at Sunrise all morning, and I have to go back later, the stupid copier is broken, (it's supposed to get fixed this afternoon) and I need to make copies of about a zillion checks from the candle fundraiser, so I can go make the depoist.
Good news, my brother went back to work yesterday, I don't know how the first day went, but he was really happy to go back.
Pat has to close 4 nights this week. I hate it, I have to just keep saying to myslef, I'm VERY thankful he has a job.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Oh my aching head. The worse migraine I have had in a really long time. This morning, I got up to take Joseph to his interview to work at Boy Scout summer camp. MY head hurt, I thought if I took some pain medicine and washed it down with some caffeine, laid back down, I would be OK. Since I'm struggling with drinking any cold liquids right now, because of the metallic taste in my mouth from the sleeping aid, the doctor gave me, I got a chocolate donut on the way home, (caffeine being in chocolate you know) I thought my head was going to explode, a few hours later I had to take more pain medicine, stayed in bed till after 3, cool, darkness of my room really seemed to help, but when you have a migraine, you just feels like your head is in a vise and think your going to throw up. It was terrible. Still there's still some pressure in my head, but not like before, and I feel so drugged up from all the pain medicine. I was supposed to go to a baby shower this afternoon for 2 of my cousins, I just couldn't. What a bummer of a Saturday, and a Saturday Pat was off, since it's his last day of vacation for this week.
Joseph did get hired to work at camp, and will be gone about 5 weeks this summer, it will be a great experience for him, he gets to work with the horses.
Friday, March 9, 2007
A Really Long Day!
I was at Sunrise all day, except for the almost hour I left to get craft supplies to do a craft in the afternoon kintergarden class.
Computer lab, and helping the sub till 10:30, working on flyers to go out out today and next week, The PTO fundraiser orders were due today, pulled all the cash and checks out and matched totals. Then after school sold candy. We were short on helpers, so I took, one end, and another woman did the other end of the campus. I was very blessed that one of our PE coaches came to my rescue, I had tons of kids surrounding me! My feet hurt!
Pat and I went out for an early dinner when I got home, because in all my business, I didn't have time to eat. :( I did grab some popcprn from the teachers lougne and ate a bag of M&M's.
Pat and I had a nice dinner, then we went to see a movie- Music and Lyrics,I thought it was cute.
While we were gone, Sarah went to her first dance. Well, sorta. She's in student council (student council is kids from 4th-6th grade) and the put on the dance for the 5th and 6th graders. Since she's in 4th grade, (for some reason she was the only 4th grader who showed up) she set up and ran some games, and said she got to face paint. I'm sure she loved it that! I was told she was a hard worker, that made me feel proud.
My Feet Still Really Hurt! I worn new shoes today, what a goof.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
The on going frustrations of school mornings
1. Getting the kids awake. (OK, so that ones not that bad, just whenever Joseph forgets to set his alarm, is frustration, Sarah usually pops right up, Rachel on the other hand needs more time to wake up)
2. Getting dressed (OK, Joseph usually doesn't have a problem, unless he can't find something usually shoes, but that's his fault for not putting them away where he's supposed to, Sarah's pretty good about getting dressed right away, she's usually so hungry, that she wants to hurry up and get dressed fast so she can eat. Rachel on the other hand is a nightmare getting dressed, clothes have to fit "just" right, not a little snug, and not too loose either, then there's skorts, that bother her because the shorts part in front rubs on her leg, not to mention how very important the way the shirt fits, which could have been fine last week, but not so fine this week, but OK next week.)I used to make the girls pick out their clothes the night before, we will be going back to that. I can't take any more clothe issues in the morning.
3. The packing of the lunch, Again we will be going back to packing the night before, because for some reason the girls can't decide what to pack.
4. Breakfast. It's either too many options or not enough, either way I lose, why can't they just be grateful we have food to eat.
5. Taking of the medicine. Joseph does fine taking his, but every day I have to remind him to take it, I don't get this, he knows if he doesn't put in his contacts he can't see, why can't he use that foolishly for the medicine. Sarah on the other hand, I have to remind and watch (because she's been known to try to hid the pill, instead of taking it) But only I can watch, if anyone else looks at or near her when she's taking the medicine it is not a pretty sight.
6. Hair. Sarah's the only one who has long enough hair, that it takes more than a few seconds to brush out. AND heaven for bid that she let me help her, or do something with it, just hanging down, tucked behind her ears everyday really gets on my nerves.
7. Walking/Riding to school. I can't win here either, I'd like them to walk in the mornings there isn't chorus, or I'm on campus, which really means just Mon. and Wed. they walk. But of course on those days they don't want to, but want to walk on the other days. Chorus was cancelled for today, and they were running late, only because of goofing off (Rachel), or reading (Sarah and the neighbor girl) I made them walk, was kinda mean when the neighbor girl declares she's thirsty right as they were walking out the door, I wouldn't let her get a drink, what is the teaching her, it's OK to do what you want on your time, but when it's time to go leave, then think about how being thirsty, having to go to bathroom, etc. I asked her to walk quickly to school if she was that thirsty, so she could get a drink.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Pat couldn't stand all the dead looking trees/srcubs/plants in the front yard. He came in side to ask me to take a picture of the forset he left in the front yard. It's all cleanes up now. And there's still some plants he didn't touch, but will waht and see if they regrow. Desert plants do not loke the cold days we had this winter.
Speaking of season, Joseph comes in the house anf declares it is offically Spring because he say a butterfly!
Speaking of season, Joseph comes in the house anf declares it is offically Spring because he say a butterfly!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Chuck E Cheese
Tonight was the night kids have been waiting for, Chuck E Cheese fundraiser night.
We had several teachers and lots of families come out to support the Sunrise PTO.
AN interesting thing happened the Sarah's old asst scout leader came, and told me that the leader had called her about what I had written about her on this blog. I didn't know for sure she did, but Sarah said she does. Now I know for sure. The asst, said the leader called her at CEC tonight and all the asst would say to her is "prove us wrong". Well, the leader says she doesn't have time to, she getting married in 2 weeks. Well, number 1. if it were important for her to clear this up she'd make the time, and number 2. It should take no time, unless the books have not been keep correctly. When I got home I had a message from the leader, for me to call her. Thinking it was to late, and not having her email, I thought I'd post it on my blog. Can't wait to hear what she has to say to me.
The only think I really care about now is getting Sarah out of this troop, and getting her cookie sales transferred to the new troop. I think I will like the new troop a lot better, Rachel can join too as a Daisy, and both Daises and Juniors meet at the same time, every other Friday afternoon.
Monday, March 5, 2007
New look
Glasses are still not lost, though it was a little close one day last week.
Sarah got braces on her top 4 front teeth, today, and she lost 2 teeth too! One at school, and one while I was helping her floss her teeth! Think she'll want help every night flossing?
Sarah got braces on her top 4 front teeth, today, and she lost 2 teeth too! One at school, and one while I was helping her floss her teeth! Think she'll want help every night flossing?
recital fever
The girls found out what songs they will be dancing too in June, they are excited.
Rachel's combo class is doing a song called "Popcorn", it's cute, I never heard it before, it's about kids at grandma's house, and she makes them a snack, but forgets to put the lid on the popcorn maker. Jazz is "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog", the girls loved the beat.
Sarah's tap is Take me out to the ball game, which the girls were not all that excited about, until the baseball bats came out! Her ballet class is doing "If I were a Movie", from Hannah Montana. She'll find out her jazz song on Thursday.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Look closely... The wicked witch is dead.
Pat came out all excited, he found the wicked witch was dead!
Sarah took him the camera, so he could show me, I was buried in mixes of drawers and clothes and couldn't get possible out of the living room.
The shoes are not ruby, but I think you can get the idea. :)
Sarah took him the camera, so he could show me, I was buried in mixes of drawers and clothes and couldn't get possible out of the living room.
The shoes are not ruby, but I think you can get the idea. :)
Brainy idea
For several months Sarah has been sleepig on her bedroom floor. She said it's just more comfortable. I suspected it was more than that. I've been trying to come up with ideas on how to get both beds on the floor.
Saturday night I mention it, when we were in the room praying. Sarah's face lighted up with joy. I think she's going to like sleeping in a bed again.
Rachel was freaking out about the whole thing, but now I think she's going to like it.
We still have more to do, like the walls are bare from where the bunk bed was, and we didn't even attempt to tity up the shelves. But Sarah did the book case all by herself and she did a great job!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
The girls on the slide
We had a family outing today!
Pat was off! We went to the park. We had lots of fun, and I probably had the most exersise I've had in a long time.
Pat was off! We went to the park. We had lots of fun, and I probably had the most exersise I've had in a long time.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Scrapbook Night
I am so tired. I didn't really feel all that creative, but once I got going, I came up with a few cute designed pages. 2 Women from church came. I am hoping meeting just the first Friday of each month will help thi group grow. I need the fellowship, and I'm even willing to clean my house for it.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I thought I'd try something new today, and not complain about being sick. Even though I could.
I love socks, I like "fun" socks. I don't have that many because, 1 they more expensive than plain white socks and 2. wearing socks in Phoenix, is a very short season.
My girls can not seem to keep their socks in their drawer, on their feet, or in the hamper. They usually are in dance bags, on floors, ect. I do not usually buy them "fun" socks, because they do not take care of their socks. For a few months now whenever they can't find a pair for school, they just help themselves to my socks. My "fun" socks! So, now I "lose" at least one pair of socks a week. :(
Last night, I found a package of socks I had hidden for emergencies, and decided if they are going to get in my sock drawer for socks, I'm putting them in my drawer. I put a pair on this morning and they fit me fine. We have 6 new pairs to fight over, now.
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