Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I have my neighbor's scrapbook done. 19 pages of people I don't know. I left room for her to add journaling if wants. I'll take her the pages tomorrow and find out if she wants me to add anything. I'm not sure if she wants me to put them in an album or not, they are just the pages. I'm not sure how much I should charge her either, I used stuff I already had, since I had started my own wedding scrapbook last summer, but haven't worked on it since then. I just kinda got stuck on my own, and have been working on other things. Someday I'll go back to it, and will need more stuff. But I think mostly I want to charge her for my time, 6+ hours. It feels good to finish something.
Monday, July 30, 2007
One of my neighbor's asked me to do a scrapbook of her brother's wedding, which was last October. I said I would, since I thought it would be no big deal, except it is really hard to put expression into the pages, when you don't know any one in the pictures. OK, I know the flower girl and the sister of groom. (I don't know my neighbor very well at all, though) There's not that many pictures, and a lot of them are basically the same. I've worked for hours on it this afternoon, and put together 7 pages so far. I'm done for today. I hope she likes them. Since it's been almost a year since the wedding I know she's in not much of a hurry to have it done, I would like to get it done before school starts, so I don't have it hanging over my head to finish for her. I have know idea why I would say I would do this other than, I was flattered that she asked me.
recap of my birthday
Woke up early with breakfast in bed, and my presents from my hubby and children. Went to church and served in the toddler room, there was 2 extra adults, and we only had 7 2 year olds. Pretty boring. Went to service on the way in I was handed my card and muffin from the church office staff. After service, we hurried home to get Sarah's stuff for camp. they were going to met at the church office, which is within walking of our house. Instead they change to meting back at SDOHS, (which had we known we would have put her things in the car when we left in the morning.) Then the rest of us went out for lunch for my birthday. Rachel was complaining of a stomachache, she fell right to sleep as soon as we walked in the door. Pat and I left Joseph in charge and went to a movie, using my birthday coupon from Cold Stone. My sister and BIL came over to bring me my birthday present. After they left, I was reading and feel asleep before I finished probably 10 pages. I'll have to figure that out when I pick the book again. opps.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
Last year I was OK turning 40, but this year I am really struggling with being 41. Plus I had a nice party last year and a day having spa treatments. For some reason 41 just sounds so much older to me, and I've noticed a few more wrinkles this year. I've had a migraine most of the week, I hope I wake up without it today. We are scheduled to work in the nursery in the morning at church, and Sarah leaves for church camp for the week at 2. Pat is on vacation this week, I asked him what we were going to do, he said he'd let me know. I'm hoping this means he has planned stuff for us to do. I hate it when there's nothing planned and he's on vacation.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Arrowhead Staples Rocks
Yesterday, I wanted to check out Recollections big sale. I found some things,and a cute idea to do for my BIL's birthday. I had already stopped at the Staples at 7ave, and Bell to pick up some folders for our school. They let me get 135 for 1 cent each, because I talked to the manager and told him they were for a school. (The PTO puts together welcome folders for all the kids, so need 800) After we left Recollections I said to myself isn't there a Staples near Arrowhead? Yes, I remembered correctly, and asked how many folders I could get and they said I could do as many as I want, but they have to ring them up in transactions of 25 each. So, wonderful. I got 600! Which was only 24 transactions. Which was great for the school, but not so wonderful for the customers in line behind me. They were able to call some help up, which I'm glad for because I was feeling terrible about taking all the cashier's time, but I was also was so grateful that I wasn't going to be having to go out all week to get folders. I already had 75 folders from the last time they were on sale for a penny. So, yeah, I'm done buying folders.
Three times as much
Joseph had counseling sessions this afternoon, we stopped for dinner and Wildflower Bread Company afterwards, and since Payless is in the same strip mall the kids wanted to look for shoes for school. The girls and I got shoes for less than Joseph's size 13 sneakers on sale. I'm sure I could have looked around for other shoes for him that were cheaper, but since he liked them, and they fit well, I just bought them. At Christmas I got him, what I thought were totally cool sneakers, but he hated them and we were at Kohl's for hours (I am not kidding, it was so not fun for me) while he tried on shoes to exchange them. I liked it when the kids were little and they didn't get much or any say in what shoes they wore.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The doctor's office just called, my labs came already and back normal. It feels slightly better today, but I can tell when I look in the mirror I can tell my throat is swollen. I think I'll wait until next week and see how it is before I go see a ear, nose, and throat doctor. This morning I went to have my finger poked for my blood level check, and it was way off, so I'll be adjusting that med dose, and having that rechecked in 2 weeks. Not the kind of out come I wanted today. I hate not knowing what's wrong with me.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Human pin cushion
That's what I feel like every time I have to get blood drawn, or an IV started. For some reason, no one can every get a vain on the first or second try. It usually is 3 or in some cases more tries. Last night I couldn't sleep. For some weird reason, below my chin on my neck felt very sore and I felt a bump. I asked Pat if he felt it and he couldn't. Talking and swallowing has been an issue today. I called and got an appointment at my doctor's. I didn't think I had step throat, but I know something is wrong. This is not a "normal" pain for me. Of course, they did a throat culture, which was negative. She sent me to the lab to check my thyroid, again. I say again because that's what they always do when they don't know what's wrong with me. I'll know hopefully by Friday what the blood work shows. In the mean time I'm to continue with warm salt gargles. If its not one thing it's another with me, jeez to I hate it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
What a Day
Last night, I woke up at 12:47 AM, but I had been so wiped out I thought it was 12:47 PM, and I had slept that long, which also meant I would have missed taken Joseph to the orthodontist, which would have been really bad because they emailed reminded me and called (if you miss the appointment they charge $25. Anyway, back to last night, I stubble out to the family room and find Pat who is busy feeding the fish and stuff, notice that it is dark outside. I had to ask, "so it's like almost 1 in the morning?" Man, was I confused. I went back to sleep, and got up at 9:30 AM to go to the orthodontist. When we got home, I spent the rest of the day, cleaning and getting ready for a BBQ tonight, with our life group. And I invited new people, and another life group, so the house was packed 15 adults and 9 kids. I am tired and sore. But it was a fun night, and I think everyone had a great time.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Gift of What?
Rachel wanted to watch a movie with me today. She found one of her all time favorites to watch, Sleeping Beauty. She used to watch this daily. So, I was really surprised when she said, the second fairy's gift was of SALT. I'm like, what? She said song! Rachel was so relieved it was song and not salt, silly girl!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Scrapbooking Night
I host with the ladies group scrapbook night at my house once a month.(on the 1st Friday)I kinda forgot about it today, as I made plans to take the kids to the movies, and we stopped for fast food for dinner. When we get home at 6:30, I'm like holy cow it's scrapbook night. Luckily the house was pretty OK. I am so behind on lots of scrapbooking projects I want to get done. So the night helped me get a project done for someone. That felt good to have one thing scratched off the to scrap list, but I really need some more motivation to do KEEP IT UP!. I guess it sounds like a need a cheerleader. Anyone else need a cheerleader in their life to do or finish a project? Maybe we could cheer each other on.
It only took 4 days, the girls' room is clean. Yes it was that bad, but there was plenty of goofing off too. I only went in there once and lost control with them, I just kept sending them back in if they came out to whine or complain. This afternoon, I am taking them to see a movie as a reward. Last night Pat and I went out as my reward for putting up with the nonsense for 4 days.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
I've been goofing off of the internet for to long this morning, waiting. I woke up early this morning, so I've had plenty of time to spare and getting frustrated that no one else is ready to go to church. I can hardly wait until the girls are teenagers, and they even take longer to get ready. I have a feeling we'll either be really late, or they will not be going with clothes on. Joseph feel asleep at 3 yesterday afternoon, got up on his own for dinner, then went back to bed, and slept all night. He didn't want to get up this morning. I think he's finally in the shower, but if he doesn't hurry he will not be eating breakfast.
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