Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Early Release Day
Today was an early release day. I did not have to stay for meetings, so yeah, I only had work this morning and so a survey today. I also made sure the 5 K kids that ride the bus got on the bus, I'm not how would have done this, if I wasn't on campus subbing for the special ed para pro, I guess I don't need to worry about that for 2 weeks when the next half day is. I'm hoping by then the district will have hired the para pro and I won't be working all day long still. It will be fine every once in awhile to sub, but everyday and as hot has it has been, has been a lot for me. Anyway, since I was "off" this afternoon, I took a lovely hour nap! Now, it's time to go back "on", S has dance and J needs to go to the library to get a book for a book report.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Monday
How did it get to be Monday morning again so fast? The weekend just flew by. Keeping up with the house, errands and kids is not a day off. Holding a 3 hour PTO meeting followed by dinner out (even if it was The Cheesecake Factory) does not count as a day off. I can't wait until next weekend, 3 days worth, maybe I'll be able to relax one of those days. And at the very least talk to my husband. I don't think he gets it how very tired I am.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I am so tired! But I was drinking diet coke late
Which means I might have a hard time falling asleep. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday! And I think I have no where to go tomorrow night. Monday after a long day at school, the girls had dance, followed by my book club. Tuesday night I had a card making class that I singed up for before I knew I'd be working all day. Last night was bible study. And tonight was our first PTO night, we had a great turn out at Great Skate. Sarah had dance till 6:15, and of course Pat was working, so I had to ask Sarah's Grandpa to pick her up and bring her. I feel that so often I am a single parent. Today was payday, but it was for the in service day before school started, 4 hours of pay isn't much. Next pay check will me much better, and I'm hoping we will be able to save part of my pay for Christmas shopping.
Monday, August 20, 2007
This is going to be a very busy week.
Working all day, the girls' dance classes, J's scout's and I have something all week to do. I'm so tired even before this week starts. The weekend sure went by fast.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
What the girls and I did last night
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tonight is open house
I've been on my feet almost all day. Defiantly sweating all day, and now tonight is open house. I can't wait to sweat some more and stand for the next several hours. J and I had to go to Fry's and then back to school already this afternoon, to get water and put it on ice for the PTO. It's really hard to work all day at the school and still keep up with PTO stuff. The principal said they have a few calls in to replace the para pro that I'm subbing for but so far no one has called back for an interview.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
2nd day
J didn't set his alarm, I had to push him out the door in 10 minutes, so he wouldn't miss the bus, UGH! My day was better, I just wished there was some training involved with doing my subbing job in the morning. Basically I was told just to go with my instincts. That's a pretty far margin if you ask me.
Monday, August 13, 2007
part 2, my how you've grown
First Day!
Was so hot! Recess was canceled and the kids had rainy day schedule. My kids did great getting up and getting ready with out too many melt downs ( really only R, her shorts didn't fit right) I had a pretty easy morning, going in between special ed students, making sure they were doing OK. The afternoon was terrible. First off my room's AC did not work on Friday. The facility guy said it was fine, I think he just didn't want to go up on the roof. The other monitor and I decided to combine our classes today, since her room's AC was working. My first class was wild, really beyond wild. The second class was better, but I had to go after 1 of them that left the room without permission! It was tough not knowing their names, and being the first day of school and them not knowing the rules. The girls had a good first day. J must have done OK, he's a little busy with watching all the TV he's been without all day to get any answers from him!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I did it!
I have my scrapbooking caught up, until I take pictures tomorrow that is. After church the kids and I went to Costco to pick up pictures and had lunch. For 5 hours I worked diligently on my goal. I can start to work on my own wedding scrapbook again now. P watched a movie with S before he went to work at 5. R went to a friend's house. J got the use of the computer for hours on end. Everybody was happy doing their own thing. Packed lunches, did nails, fought over what they were wearing for the first day. I still can't decide what I'm going to wear. The girls are goofing around in their room and J is supposed to be showering. I am so ready for bed.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What grade are you in?
I am struggling a little bit remembering what grades my own kids are in. Yesterday someone asked about J and I said he was in 8th grade, opps so not right, didn't I just tour the high school campus he will be going the day before. I can't stand that S is a 5th grader, and R a 2nd grader. I'm sure if asked I would get this wrong too. Don't even ask me how old I am. I just did a survey and put the wrong age. I must have way too much on my mind.
My Monkey
Friday, August 10, 2007
Apple of my Eye
Have you seen that song video? I've seen it at the movie theater several times. Yesterday when S and I were at the movies, I asked her why all the apples were boys. Her reply "the girls must be the pears!" Do you have a pear shape?
8 hours
I was at school for nearly 8 hours today, half of the time I was getting paid! 2 of the special ed para pro quit already. The principal asked if I was interested in the position. I am not, but I will not mind subbing for any classified position. Monday morning I am subbing. My classroom, is the farthest away from the kindergarten classrooms. I will also have to do playground duty for 15 minutes. While the second graders our out there. I worked for several hours today on my room, and I called in support to help me (my kids). We stopped and got dinner, and then I dropped the kids off at home and went to Walmart to get some plastic storage containers. There was nothing in my room, and I'm starting from scratch. Tomorrow was already packed with having to go to the grocery store, doing laundry, and cleaning the house, now I need to add working on my classroom. R didn't want to go sat hi to her teacher, she just wanted me to point her out to her, guess she was too nervous. S made herself at home in her teacher's classroom.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Long and Fun
Today was a long day, because it started so early. I am not looking forward to getting up at 6AM starting next week. Today started at 6 AM because J and S had orthodontist appointments at 7:30 AM, YUCK. Afterwards we went to J's high school to tour the campus, which would have been funner if it wasn't so dang hot already at 8:45 AM. Rested and read for awhile, then S and I went to see Daddy Day Camp, which really wasn't as funny as the first one. After our movie we went shopping, and stopped at In and Out Burger and split a cheeseburger meal and chocolate shake. When we got home P took J to a movie Die Hard. I wanted to get all my scrapbooking caught up for the year before school starts, I don't know if that will happen, (working on my neighbor's stuff slowed that down, but I made good money.) Anyway tonight I worked hard on my goal, I'm closer, but not sure if I'll make it or not. Tomorrow I'll be at Sunrise in the morning to give the teachers their back to school gift from the PTO, then I hope I have enough time for lunch before I start work at 12:30. If I ever get Sarah to go to bed tonight, that's where I'm headed.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Many paper cuts later, 800 student folders have been assembled. What a relief that chore is done. The PTO also served lunch to the staff today, which was supposed to start at 11, but the teachers weren't back from their meeting at the district office, so instead of the eating last, we ate first. I am looking forward with meeting with the principal on Friday to answer the many questions I have about my job. Unfortunately, she probably won't be able to answer them. I don't think someone at the district office has thought is position all the way through. I am so tired, I think I'll try to rest before bible study tonight.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
working hard
I started working this morning at 8:30, calling Starbucks for a donation, then picking it up. At Sunrise, stuffing folders, and such till 2. I was starving when I left. Rode 5 miles on my bike, cooked and cleaned up from dinner. Started laundry, and did it all myself, so 4 loads, just took 3.5 hours, not like the 3 loads in 5 hours last week. Tomorrow I'll be back at school working on folders, cleaning up our workroom for the year, and service lunch to the teachers and staff. Tomorrow I'll get to have lunch before 2, yea. We have our life group/bible study group coming tomorrow night, cleaning the house has to fit in somewhere too. Just trying to take the days one at a time this week. Friday will be good, because it's the first day I get paid for working at school.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Power school
The power school website for DVUSD was up just now, and I got to check who my kids' teachers are. S is very pleased. I already had known who R's teacher was going to be and am not real thrilled with that choice for her. J had her in 2nd grade, and while she's a good teacher, I just don't know if it will be a good fit for R. J will have ROTC 2nd period, he'll be happy with that. I don't know any of his teachers I hope they're good.
Who's your doctor?
Don't ask me, when the GYN office asked me I couldn't answer. Here's why. I went to have my mammogram done today. I've been going to the same office since I was pregnant with J, but a few years ago my doctor retired, so I just switched doctors. Then last year, I had to see on of the other partners for my ablation, and really all the names on the door sounded kinda familiar, since I've been at the office for so long, and another one of the doctor's delivered R, and with another one assisting. I was stumped when they asked me who my doctor was. At first I guessed wrong, I came up with the ablation one, not my one who took over my chart when my doctor retired. The mammogram tech was laughing at me, but she totally understood, and before she was done, we figured out who my doctor really is. Before I had the mammogram done, I had my blood checked next door at the heart doctor's office. It was slightly high again. I have to go back and have it rechecked again in 2 weeks. My blood pressure was a little high too :(
Why I am awake in the middle of the night.
There is some excitement with fire trucks. Rachel heard them and came and got me, I'm not sure what's going on yet...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Friday evening, Rachel was watching a movie in my room, Pat and Joseph were watching one of the Lord of the Rings in the family room, and even though Sarah was so tired she went to a friend's house. The guys had the TV so loud it wasn't even possible to read in the living room. I laid down on Rachel's bed to read, and fell asleep, why is it when you are trying to be awake you fall asleep, and when you are trying to sleep you can't sleep? After my nap, and Sarah got home, I started laundry, because wouldn't you know it, all Sarah's clothes were sinky from camp. Not nearly as bad as Joseph's were, still the hamper is in my room, therefore wanted them washed. It took until 2 AM to do the laundry. It would not have taken me that long if I did it myself, but I had help. First Joseph, then Pat, couldn't seem to handle moving the clothes from the washer to dryer or starting machines. I say lightly that I did the laundry, I really just separated it, and put it away. If it's late at night, or hot, or whatever other excuse I can come up with, I have taught the 2 oldest kids how to use the washer and dryer, to help me so I don't have to go outside. (especially since the house across the street was tore down, you can see the front of the house from Grovers, which though it isn't Bell Road, it's busy enough for me not to be prancing around outside in my little nightie.) If ever we moved into another house, one thing on my lists of many wants would be a house with the laundry room inside the house. Saturday, S went to another friend's house P and J toured the Cardinal's stadium with J's scout troop, while Rachel and I went to Recollection's for their Fall open house. I made the free project, signed up for 2 classes, and spent some of my earnings for the scrapbook and frame I did for my neighbor. We met Pat's parent's at Lone Star for dinner. I had never been there before, the steak was so much better than Bill Johnson's, no flame burned flavor, very yummy. My in-laws were so wonderful, they had gone to Flagstaff for Cardinal's camp weekend, drove back to Phoenix for dinner and drove back up again last night. I didn't know this until it got out accidentally. They didn't want me to know, because I would feel bad, which I did. I had started to get a migraine last night, took some medicine and went to sleep, probably before the kids did. This morning, I was still so very tired, I didn't wake up for church. I was supposed to go to a leadership meeting tonight, but my headache was coming back, and I wasn't driving, and Pat went to work, I didn't want to get stranded with a headache and no way home, if my ride wasn't ready to leave yet, and I didn't think it would be a good idea to drive.
Friday, August 3, 2007
She's Back from Camp

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Once I was there
There I mean as Sunrise Elementary school, where I am co-president of the PTO and kindergarten monitor, do I realize I have much to do to get ready for school. It's like once there you just get sucked into it, or something. Since Pat is on vacation this week, I asked him to help me pick the school t-shirts, and I took in all the stuff I had bought for the school. Then I thought of copies needing to be done, request forms to be filled out, going through mail, and on and on. I was just there 3 hours today. But there is so much more to do to get ready. And I need to look in my classroom and decide what I'm going to do with it, and plan what I'm going to do with the kids the first week of school, help put together welcome 800 packets (but all the stuff isn't in yet)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Another job
I just got back from my neighbor's house, and her and her mom loves the pages I did so much, they asked me to do a frame of various wedding pictures too. I guess I'll be going shopping tomorrow and looking at frames.
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