Friday, May 30, 2008
July 7th and 8th
J will have his wisdom tooth removed on the 7th, and on July 8th I will have my first foot surgery. That ought to be a fun week, who, will care for us. I had to take the appointment, it was the first one available and with waiting to have the second one done it's going to get hairy getting ready for back to school. Please join with us in agreeing for God's peace over this, and He's in control.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Plantar Fasciosis
Or chronic planter fasciitis, is what doctors are now calling my foot problem. I should say feet problem, because although my right foot hurts more, and swells more, my left from an x-ray view is worse. Since I have exhausted all conservative treatments, the last thing to try is an out patient minimally invasive surgery. I will have the right foot done first, then about 4 weeks later, I will have the left foot done. It's been a long morning, I spent an hour driving to Mesa to get a second opinion, then 2 hours in the doctor's office followed by an hour drive home.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Blew it
I missed place my allergy medicine for 3 days. I thought I'd be OK, until either I replaced it, or found them. I was wrong. I have had a sinus headache for 3 days now. I found the allergy pills last night, and still today I have a headache. And I feel light headed, from all the Tylenol I have taken on my not so bright days. I will look harder when they go missing again.
Friday, May 23, 2008
J and his uncle braved nature last night. But had to get up in the middle of the night to dust snow off of the tent roof. This morning they woke to a foot and a half of the white stuff. Crazy. It's been in the 60's today and raining in Phoenix, which is very abnormal. Especially since it was 110 at the beginning of the week. Tonight, the fishermen are staying at a hotel. Guess they'll have a "natural" reason for not catching any fish this time!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
School's Out!!!
Not a moment to soon for teachers and staff I'm sure, the students at Sunrise were so wound up today. J is leaving in a few minutes for camp. His uncle is taking him fishing for a few days before checking in on Saturday. This afternoon/early evening is the very last event I'll be in charge of for the PTO. End of year party at Great Skate. The girls are really looking forward to it. S will have a week off, then has 4 weeks of a day summer leadership camp she will be attending, by the time that's over J should be back.
All Star!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
talent show 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Is it the last day yet?
I am so ready for the last day of school. The last several days have been so hot, today we had to have indoor recess, how ridiculous. My classroom is all cleaned up and packed up. Pat helped me last Thursday when he was off, because I wanted his help getting all my things that I took in, all year long home. I will be in a different classroom next year, the principal said to box it up and store it in the corner of the room, I am not comfortable with that idea. Stolen, or misused stuff would not make me happy. Tonight, S has a talent show, she is doing her hip hop dance with 3 friends who dance with her. We're off.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Long Day
I was up late last night helping S find a school library book she needed to turn in today, or pay $12 for the book. She was very relieved to have found it. Today, I worked 5 hours at Deer Valley Middle before going to Sunrise to work another 2 hours, then 2 hours of volunteering work too. S and R had choir practice tonight, I dropped them off, got dinner for me and J. Cleaned up the house a bit. Picked the girls up. Then a friend came over to scrapbook with me. I wasn't sure I really could be creative since my eyes were getting a little blurry. Some how I managed to put together 5 cute pages in 3 hours. I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm also glad there's nothing to do early tomorrow morning I'm thinking sleeping in sounds wonderful, and then when I do get up stay off of my feet to get the swelling and pain from today to go away.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Who is that kid?
Took J to see the oral surgeon today. Only 1 of 2 of his wisdom teeth needs to be extracted now. (he only has 2, and 1 is not developed much at all now, it just looks like a faint shadow) He was so mature talking with the doctor, I wasn't sure who I was with. He asked all the right questions, in a very grown up way. Pretty cool. I love it when it appears you are doing something right as a parent. We can wait until he gets back from scout camp, before he has the tooth removed. Which is a very good thing. Next week is already way to packed, plus he needs to pack.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pondering and Wisdom
A quote from yesterday's message at church. "The biggest battlefield is in your mind." Really challenge yourself and ponder/pray about if that is a true statement for you. The Christian life is not a life that is morally restrained from the outside but supernaturally changed from the inside. The message was on Goodness and Faithfulness. John 14:6, 18:37 Living a life of goodness and faithfulness is the result of living a truth centered life. To live a truth centered life is to live a life in fellowship with Jesus Christ, who is the truth. Wisdom is J needed 2 of his wisdom teeth removed, but the tricky part will be to get it done before he leaves for camp on May 24th. The consultation is on Thursday. Finals are next Wednesday and Thursday, so he can't miss those school days, it's going to make it even more challenging to get it done. Can't wait to try.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
S at her Spring chorus concert
Her first school dance

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
In honor of teaches
One of the treats the PTO is planning on doing this week, is leaving candy for our teachers. I hope I can keep my children away from it until I take it to school tomorrow!
The Candy Poem
Thank you teachers!
You are all Sweet Tarts for everything you teach our children.
You deserve every Pay Day.
We know sometimes our kids act like Air Heads and Nerds or like they’re from somewhere beyond the Milky Way.
You bring such Almond Joy when you teach and ignore their Whoppers.
Is must be hard to contain your Snickers when those little Sugar Babies tell you Mounds of stories.
Most days you probably want to make like a Baby Ruth and just run home.
You are the Riesen our kids are Smarties instead of Dum Dums.
You are Life Savers.
With Hugs and Kisses,
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I am so not into sharing my computer with the children. The girls love Webkins and could play all day if I let them, but there's 2 of them, so that means I'm fighting with 2 girls. Then there's J who is into playing this Generals game, and wants to computer all day too. I became unglued with P this morning because he managed to get to computer before me. By the time I finally did, (P had to still shower for church and I had to kick off a child) I see an email from a friend from church who needed my help this morning, and forgot to call me until late last night, I made sure to tell her to call, even if it's really late, because of have 3 children who don't like to go to sleep at night, someone will be awake if she calls. It's going to be a long summer. Hopefully by then we will have enough saved for a second computer, and J will be gone for 5-6 weeks at the beginning of summer vacation so maybe then I'll be able to do things on the computer too.
Booboos at church
S today thought it would be great fun to fall into a wall. Well, really not so much as she planned on it. But she was playing/goofing around and fell jumping onto the stage. P and I had drove separately,so that was good and it worked out that I just happened to be at the children sign in table this morning when the accident happened. I knew right away when I saw the cut, it was going to need stitches. We tried putting a butterfly bandage on, and had a paramedic look at it. (he attends our church) One of her lens in her glasses fell out, luckily a dear young man, (that we've known for years) whose wife just had a baby girl 6 days ago was right there too and jumped right into fixing them. Which is something I never would have been able to do. No patience for that kind of fix it. I found P in the auditorium to let him know S and I were going to the ER. Right before we left another child thought it would be great fun to stick a bead way down in his ear. S was very brave and only cried on the way to the hospital (because she didn't want to go) It didn't take long to go back to a room, but 2 hours in the room before anyone came in to look at it. It only took 5 stitches to sew her back up, and they are dissoluble.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Last night S was in so much pain, she couldn't get up off of the floor in my room to go to bed. P was off early last night(9). He carried her in bed. She was still complaining this morning that her bladder hurt. I was able to get her in to the doctor this morning. We won't know for 48 hours for sure, but the initial testing came back suspicious, and she was running a temperature. Off to Fry's we went to fill the prescription. I had 3 that needed filled too,(I called mine in already, so there shouldn't be a wait on mine). The tech tells me it will be over an hour. UGH. I asked them to please hurry since S can barely stand. I leave her sitting in the pharmacy while I get a few groceries (I figured since I had time and I was there). I was still done before they were, by at least 15 minutes.
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