Sunday, June 29, 2008
One of my favorite pastimes. Tonight a was finishing a really good book. Beyond the Clouds, by Karen Kingsburg, when R wanted to do something. I was 6 pages away from the end, and even though I could have waited to read it, I thought it might be a good way to get R reading a little bit. I finished my book, before she could cross off a 20 minute mark on her library reading sheet. I decided to put away the Narnia books, and pull out The American Girls -Kit series to read with her. I love reading the AG books with my daughters, and we have loved the 3 made for TV movies of Samantha, Felicity, and Molly. Kit is coming to the big screen this week! I'm so excited! While I take the books in to my room (that's where I left R reading)to ask if she was ready to start reading them together. She was asleep :( Now if I wanted her to go to sleep she would be bouncing around, goofing off. Guess we'll start reading tomorrow.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
He's Home!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Save the Planet

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Dance recital marathon is over for another year. I just love everything leading up to recital, and then watching my girls and my nieces beaming on stage, but it takes it's toll on me. Thursday night was dress rehearsal at the high school, which was about 5 hours of sitting, helping girls change costumes, and some how I managed to loss my camera :( Friday night Pat and I went to The Melting Pot, for dinner, which is a fondue place, it was fun and so yummy. Then we decided instead of going out to a movie, because that would be a typical date night, since it was our anniversary we wanted to do something else. We went to As You Wish, which is a pottery place and painted coffee mugs for each other. Saturday, S did 3 of her dances, and R her 2. This morning, the girls and I went to church for the 9 O'clock service, because I've been helping nursery/toddler coordinator set up at curriculum for the little ones, I needed to be there to teach the first lesson. We came home ate some lunch, then off we went to watch more dancing. S had her 4th dance, and my nieces danced. P's work let him off to come watch. He was supposed to be off, then they scheduled him 12-8:30. S was very happy her Daddy got to see her jazz dance. He called when he got to work to tell her, her face was beaming, with happiness that he was going to be able to come. Hopefully I'll be able to get the girls to bed now, they are still a little wired from the last few days. S has her last week of leadership camp this week, she really needs to get to bed, or she's so not going to want to wake up tomorrow. This is J's last week at camp too. He'll be home on Saturday.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Was I just hungry
or is the McDonald's Southern Chicken biscuit I ate, really good? I had to have some blood work done this morning, and I needed to update my driver's license picture. (who knew every 12 years you had to do that?, I can't believe it's even been 12 years since I got my last license, in Arizona licenses don't expire until you turn 60, my new license expires when I'm 65) I stopped at Micky D's because I had a free coupon to try the chicken biscuit. (and I was hungry). I just finished it, it was pretty tasty, maybe I should have tried it when I wasn't hungry though, to really know if it was good or not, ya know?
Monday, June 16, 2008
My new favorite author
Nancy Rue. My book club summer book is "Healing Stones". Which was good, about a female professor of a Christian college, who is caught in an affair. Made me want to check out some of her other works. Every parent with a daughter needs to read "Tristan's Gap" Well, I take that back every parent should read it, the message is so overwhelming. It reads like a mystery. I had to read the last 2 chapters after I started it, so I could go to sleep to make sure it all ended well, it gripped me so.
studio dress rehearsal recital part 3
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Driving home from church we were involved in a bumper, to bumper, to bumper accident. The 3rd vehicle caught on fire. We were the first car to stop for a woman who crossed lanes to turn left, she was in the opposite direction than we were going. Our car and the car behind us were completely stopped, not so luckily the van in last place did not stop fast enough. We are all OK, and surprisingly there was no damage to our car. My head and neck are hurting now, but I'm not sure it was do to the impact or not. I had a headache this morning before church, and we haven't eaten lunch yet. P went to get us something, but R was scared and just wanted to come home.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
dress rehearsal recital part 1
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
First Person
A few weeks ago, friends of ours listed their house for sale. I would love to buy it, it has everything I dream of, if we could afford a bigger house. 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, pool, indoor laundry, fireplace, dinning room, new carpet, new tile, I could just go on and on. The first person to look at it, wants to buy. If everything goes through, the sale will close on July 10th. I am glad they were able to sell it right away, but it makes me sad, they will be retiring to their newly finished house near Payson, that much faster. The new house is lovely, (last summer on our way home from visiting J at camp, we stopped by for a tour.) They have been working on it for years on weekends.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Castles and Coasters

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
102 whiny
That's how old I feel today. Well, on most days. Today was just tough because I took the girls swimming and my feet did not do well, treading water quickly made my feet feel like they were cramping, and standing didn't feel so good either. Then there's this issue I've been having with my knee paining me too.(since Saturday) It must be left over pain from the fall in January. Well, thank goodness I didn't have another sinus headache today too. I guess I won't actually be in the water when I take the girls to the pool this summer, or maybe just not for long, it will be way to hot to just sit outside for hours, while they get to cool off. ugh.
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