Sunday, October 26, 2008
My girls have this obsession with these toys and playing the games online. S more so than R, but between them they have lots. We have no diet soda in the house that is not expired (for the last 2 weeks). Expired soda tastes way to horrible to drink, not that I haven't repeatedly tried to. But after a sip, I dump out the rest. I guess I keep thinking it's not so bad and keep trying until that first sip, then I think, what was I thinking? I drink water all day long when I'm at school, I just want something with a little flavor and bubbles every once in awhile. Today I was desperate for a diet coke, that the girls and I stopped at 7 Eleven for a 44 ouncer. Who knew they sell Webkinz at 7 Eleven? I didn't have to buy any, but I did anyway, only one for each girl. 2 reasons, first I forgot to have S take her ADHD medicine today and I know it will keep her out of my hair so to speak, playing with a new character, and the ones they had were all retired ones and not easy to come by (so the girls tell me).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Busy week

Friday, October 17, 2008
S got sick in the middle of the night. Therefore she missed chorus and school. When I told the music teacher why she missed chorus, she says we need to pray for her weak stomach. I think OK, so she threw up last year on stage during a chorus thing, and was sick last night, it's not like she's sick every week, or even all the time. But praying is a good thing. It just seemed weird when she said it. I left her home while I took J to the DVM for his permit test. She napped the whole time, so she was OK, by herself. I felt fine about J getting his permit until they called his name, after he took the test. Then I sat there and thought with a clenched stomach what if he passes? He'll be on his way to driving, YIKES! He did pass, and wanted to drive home, LOL, but I think maybe a few outtings in an empty parking lot, and use of the driver's ed simulator needs to happen first.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
run around...slow day
J decides to ask me this morning for a ride to school. He says he can't take projects on the bus. He had his model volcano to get to school today. It wouldn't have been that bad to take him, but S also had chorus at 7:30, and I had R's conference at 8. P's car was in the shop. R had a dentist appointment at 9. P took her. But there was lots of running around way to early this morning. But then my day slowed way down, as in almost stopped. The student I work with most of my day was not at school today. I did silly begging for work jobs all day. Then at the end of my day, the student I have for the last 45 minutes, has a temperature and is waiting for his mom to come pick him up. Back to begging. After school there's much running around again getting P's car from the shop, getting girls to dance, trying to get homework done. No time to cook dinner, pizza carryout to the rescue, bible study starts in an hour. What a crazy mixed up day.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New trick in bed!
No not what you may think. Somehow I've been scooting down my bed as I am sleeping (taking my pillow with me), when I wake up I can't seem to locate the alarm to turn it off. The first time it happened it just seemed strange. But now that it's happening almost every morning, it's just plain weird. It was a nice long weekend. Friday night out to dinner with my in-laws for my brother-in-laws birthday. After 2 hours R was getting a little bored, so she said she was sick. We left, I wasn't really ready to deal with a melt down. Sat. J had to be at John C Lincoln for a ROTC project, at 9, at the same time S's first dance class start. J got to get dropped off early. I had a meeting at church at 10, left both girls at the dance studio. J called around 11 saying he was done. Since I wasn't he walked over to Jack in the Box to wait for me. Picked J up around 11:30, then S, dropped them both off at home, went back to the dance studio to wait for R to get done. J went to spend the day at my sister's. The girls and I went shopping. Justice to get boots, they had to have, and they were on sale 25% off, and I had fun bucks to save another $30. I'm having this trend eating fresh fruits right now, so we went to Sprouts too, and loaded up on some treats for the week. Read and played outside the rest of the afternoon. Then we made fajita pitas for dinner. P got home and we started to watch a movie, only I didn't last long. (I feel asleep) oops.
Sunday was kinda another long day with church at 9 and then the girls and I came home and started laundry before taking S to her Snow Queen rehearsal. Got back for that then finished up the laundry, J got home from my sister's and we started to work on his volcano project that's do on Wednesday. Didn't get to bed until after 12. I was thankful for no school on Monday and we could sleep in. 9:30 wake up time was awesome. Reading was a big part of the day. S had to make a model of a plant or animal cell, and label the parts she spend hours working on it, I thought it looked pretty good. Can't wait until she's graded on it. I did have to drive out to Mesa yesterday afternoon to see my foot doctor. Because I am not completely pain free in the foot I had done, he gave me a shot of cortisone in it. I asked him to do the other one too. I did notice today and improvement in my right foot. This work week is crazy. I had a class after school tonight, that was supposed to get out at 8, but we were done a little after 6. The class concludes next week, and they said we would get out early next week too as long as we pass the test. Thursday and Friday are half days, but I still have to work full days. We decided to work late on Thursday till 6, then leave at 12 on Friday. Then I hope I remember to take J to the DMV for him to take the permit test. J is going camping with his scout troop leaving at 4, P will have left at 10 with his Dad and brother hiking trip across the Grand Canyon. It will be just me and the girls holding done the fort.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It was such a long week, with something to do every afternoon/evening this past week. P worked every night too (other than Friday) By then I was so tired. P was off all weekend, we were able talk about my frustrations, and his needing to help me. It's been a nice weekend, he's been off and helpful. I hope it keeps up. We went out to dinner just the two of us last night for the first time in what seems like forever. The weather has cooled down this weekend too, it's been lovely all around.
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