Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I realized it was Thursday already, and how fast the week seem to have flown by. In comparison to last week anyway. How weird of a thought that seemed at the time since I only worked 3 days last week, it should have seemed longer this week. The difference was when you are sick or not feeling 100%, time seems to stand still. Of course today although the day went by pretty fast, I am stating to get sick again. Not the horrid stomach issues, but cold symptoms. J and I were flopped together on the couch after school comparing symptoms. Dinner was frozen waffles, I didn't feel like cooking and I couldn't convince him to either. I think it's time to teach S how to cook, more than her limited items she can cook.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I forget

It occurred to me today, after S and I stopped and did a little errand after school, when we got home the house was locked, very strange for J to lock the house when he gets home, just ahead of us. Then it dawned on me, he asked me to pick him up today. I don't remember why he needed to stay after school today. P pulled in the driveway right after I figured out why J wasn't here, he went to go get him. Geez, my memory is not what it used to be.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I am finally feeling better! Yesterday it felt like I turned a corner in the whole stomach illness. Saturday was a busy day with much driving around. Yesterday was more relaxing, I met P and the kids at church at 11, because I had to teach the toddlers during the first service, there were 19- 2 and 3 year olds, which is quite a lot for that age frame (I think anyway), I wasn't alone, but I was the main teacher. I tried to take a nap during service, but J kept waking me up! Then later we were watching something together and he kept making sure I was awake. The nerve! I needed a nap! I'm starting to really have fun with Facebook, I have found a few friends I went to High School with, (and one so far I went to elementary school with, and she was one of my girl friends that was part of my slumber party crowd of about 10 of us, that always got together for sleepovers for our birthdays, for 6-7 years.) I've also been in contact with friends from our old church which is way cool too.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

When will the nauseousiness get better?

This is one long lasting bug. I did go to school Thursday and Friday, but felt terrible, and I can't seem to tolerate drinking anything except Sprite. At least I'm not throwing up any more. I haven't eaten a whole lot, however last night P was eating chips and they looked good so I had some, I was encouraged that some food looked good, but again today nothing is looking very good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


After lunch today I started feeling nauseous. We live a half a mile from school. That little ride was just enough to push my stomach over the edge. I threw up in the driveway, on the way out of the car. Not a little, but a lot. Luckily J was home and moved the car and hosed down the driveway for me. I still feel terrible. I hope this doesn't last. I'd really like to go to bed, but R still needs picked up from school and J has scouts tonight, and P is at work wah..........

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a Week

It's been an incredibly long week here in this household. Doctor's appointments for me, extra long after school program days for R and 2 during school Opendance performances for R and one evening performance too, plus I helped back stage during the school performances. J's scout meeting. PTO craft night that I put together with no real help other than the PTO secretary getting the flyer copied and her selling tickets at the door. Wednesday was one long day, with being at school all day, then dance, 30 minutes for dinner before having to be back at school to set up, luckily I took J with me to set up, I would never have been able to set up tables by myself ot been ready before families showed up at 6:30. Last night P and I went out for dinner for Valentine's Day, then we came home and watched The Express with the kids, one long movie, not my favorite football movie. J was supposed to go camping/hiking with his scout troop this weekend, but because of snow up north, they postponed it, so the troop is off bowling this afternoon. I have a pot roast in the crock pot, and R and I made chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate chip cookies for dessert for Valentine's Day. Check out the new pictures on Flickr

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Our whole school made these hats the week before the Super Bowl and worn them on Friday, outside morning announcements was a sea of red bird heads,. S was kind enough to pose for me in her's.

Friday, February 6, 2009

pillow cases

Every birthday the girls have had slumber parties they've gotten a new pillow case decorated by their friends. Here's both girls with their cases from this year.

facial part 2

We just went with the chocolate and honey masks, but I made up a blueberry oatmeal one, that worked out way better. R had to do both.

cupcakes and cake

I attempted the butterfly cupcake cake again this week, it turned out a little better. I made a separate cake for S since we were having family over dinner, before R's friends came to spent the night. There's way too much cake left over, but one cake wouldn't have been quite enough.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

My baby is 9 today! It just seems so remarkable that it was 10 years ago, when we were tying for baby #3, and now she's 9! I love you R!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Changed my mind

Near the end of the football game, when things were still open for either team. I cared who won. Not by which team, but which family member it would harder to live with if his team lost. His team won. Thank goodness.

What side?

I've been pondering this for the past week. What football team should I root for? And really does it really matter to me anyway. I've never followed football. But I have been to both Steeler and Cardinal games in those home towns. Not to watch the football per say, but to be with the people I went with and of course people watch, which is way more interesting than football, any day. The Steelers will always hold warm nostalgic feelings of growing up in Pennsylvania, the same as The Cardinals will have for my daughters. Not caring to chose sides, I borrowed one of P's t-shirts that has both teams on it to wear today, and I have new book to read when I get bored with the game, which will be right after kick-off I'm sure.