Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Yesterday both girls were tired and I let them stay home from their summer programs. I'm not sure what the heck R's problem is today other than she can't seem to do anything with her hair or get over it. She has gotten mad at me and ran out the door. Do I chase her, and make her more mad? Or let her cool down and she'll come back in the house when she's ready to talk to me rationally? I've done both and the second option works better. I've got to figure this out when she's older will she really come back once she cools down?.... She was in the front yard today, I knew she wouldn't go far because she didn't have shoes on. It wasn't pretty but I got her to fix her hair and get her to school, only 30 minutes late. There's only a few more days left and I want to teach her she has to finish what she's started.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


The weekend was lovely. Friday was a relaxing kind of day, with some little cleaning and 4 loads of laundry getting done. Saturday morning it seemed weird to not get up and get busy getting ready for dance classes, only no classes this day only a recital starting at 5:30, we seemed to have plenty of down time before having to get ready. So just more relaxing. Saturday was also the anniversary of P and me. 17 years. it seems so remarkable all that God had given us, and graced us with, and healed us physically and working on our hearts. We have so much yet to learn, in a personal way with HIM, and together as Godly parents to raise our children up in the ways of the LORD. This morning we were honored to serve in the 2's and 3's classroom, then after church we grabbed a quick lunch, and I took a little nap. The recitals both last night and tonight were beautiful. I fell sorta let down that it was aver already. S was sad it was over until August, she would dance all the time, she loves it so.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dress rehearsal done!

The dress rehearsal is always long. This year didn't seem so bad, we had to be there at 4:30, but then had an hour break for dinner, which was good because I forgot the pink tights at home for R's ballet costume. Luckily we live close by, and we had an hour to eat and go home to get them, and get back to the school were the recital is in plenty of time for the girls to change into their next costumes. 4 more dances for the girls and we were done by 9:40, and home by 10, with everything put away and set up for Saturday and the first recital :) Rest day and laundry tomorrow for sure.

Meet the Teacher

So R will get to met her 4th grade teacher before school starts this year, as we are having a meet the teacher night in August, for the first time ever in all the years we've been there. I found out for sure who her teacher was today. I am pleased with the choice for her as it is in the SAGE (gifted) cluster classroom, and I really did not want her to have one of the 4th grade teachers, and the other one has not taught 4th grade before. The only thing that worries me is last year this teacher was fighting cancer, and only taught for about 3 weeks the entire school year. He is doing well now. Please pray he stays in remission.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I am a LOON

My high school 25th class reunion is August 1st. I was really hoping to go. I even convinced P to let me and take the girls. Who could hang out and get to know my brother and family. It would be a stretch on our finances, but it was important to me. Only I am such a dunce that I didn't even realize until today, that the date of my reunion is the same date as a church outreach event, helping families from my school. And I mailed the save the date cards to the families last week. I wished I had connect the dates last Monday and not today, so that I could change the date of the event.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


J warned us on Sunday that he was having a disagreement with the camp director on something new the director was making the staff do and he might be calling to let us know he might need to leave. All went well on Monday, but last night at the staff campfire not so good, he called to say he had been fired, P had to drive up to get him. They got home at 2 AM, J will be at home for the next week and a half, and leave again on the 20th to go back to camp with his scout troop for the week.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm tired

Up way too late last night with P. S woke up way to early, to met a friend before catching her bus. Why she can get up on her own on some days and not others, I'll never understand. I have a planning meeting in a little bit at the church offices, so no rest for me this morning. P is off today, the plan for us today is to take the girls to the movies this afternoon, what will it be Night at the Museum 2 or Up, only time will tell...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

sleepovers, over sleep, movies

Thursday night S begged to spend the night at her friend's house, followed by a all day pool party on Friday, when she got home and P was off we watched Bedtime Stories together. A cute family movie. Saturday I set my alarm for 8:50, instead of 7:50. S missed her ballet class. What a dunce I am. I have been working on getting everything they need for the dance recital coming up soon for the past 2 weeks, I was stuck not finding hair nets for buns. Thankfully my sister-in-law Marlene found them for me, yeah no more running around. R had a friend spend the night last night, so S had to have one too. They had fun, and we watched Enchanted I took all 4 girls to church with me (P had to work). Then I took the girls to lunch and then dropped them off at home. R and S couldn't understand why I had to take them home. They were all getting along well, and that's really the time to break up the togetherness, before they start getting on each others nerves, and it had been about 22 hours already. I was wiped out so this afternoon, I vegged in front of the TV and watched some older movies My Best Friend's Wedding, and Just Married. The girls vegged in front of the computer and watch Hannah Montana shoes. Week 2 of summer camp starts. I'm glad they only go in the mornings with Fridays off.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Home Alone

I've been home alone all morning, and I must saw it's been weird. The girls at their summer school programs, and P had to work at 7. I've gotten the laundry done, cleaned out the refrigerator, and started the dishwasher, and fell asleep for a half hour watching the Today show. It's so strange being home alone, and even watching the clock to make sure I remember to pick R up at school on time, during the school year since I'm on campus we just come home together. I best be off now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mumbo Jumbo

When I was a child my Dad you to say things like"If you hear the fire alarm feel the walls to see if they are hot", "Are you born in a barn?" (When we left a door open.) He said something clever when we left lights on too. I which I could come up with that one. I'm sure it had something to do with not wasting electricity. Why am I thinking about these things, you might be asking yourself? P and the kids are terrible when it come to turning off lights, and it makes me crazy. I guess it must be being home this past week and all the lights I've had to turn off, is really starting to get to me, and J has been at camp for that week. J has called almost everyday, he is a little homesick, this week should be easier on that since he will be busier, the first week is pre-week (before scouts show up to get camp ready, but less to do) Summer programs started today. Of course I didn't sleep well last night and didn't want to wake up at 6:45 this morning, but I did anyway. My workshop on co-teaching started today too and will conclude tomorrow. Today's been a long day, I pray I'll sleep better tonight.