Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Much more of an expensive day
On the way to church on Sunday the car made a horrible rumbling sound, then staled, we were at a traffic light, J was driving. First attempt did not start the car, I suggest he give it a little gas, knowing it will either start the car or flood the engine, but figured it wouldn't hurt to try since we were not going anywhere anyway. He started, but it was rumbling a little bit still, I was to nervous to go to church, and then it not start afterward. He turned us around for home. When P got home from work we dropped it off at the car shop. I can't even tell you what was wrong and I talked to the mechanic. The one thing I did understand him telling me was the back brakes were 90% shot. Grand total of this adventure went on my credit card because it was more than my take home pay for a month. The worst thing is I think the car is still rumbling, well maybe the engine is just loud. I think I'll just turn up the radio so I don't hear it.
Friday, April 23, 2010
expensive day
On Wednesday P's car was towed from where he had it parked while he was at work. P has been parking in the bank that is in the same parking lot as his work location, for months. When he got off work he went into the bank to find out what happened. They resurfaced their parking lot, and had the cars that were parked in the lot were towed. He was given the information to where he could pick the car up. When he called the guy who owns the towing place says he has to leave for a doctor's appointment, so P can not pick up the car until Thursday. What? P calls him on Thursday and says it will be after 3 when we can come to get the car, since I work till 3. He agrees to come back between 5-6 PM to get let us have the car and only charge us an extra $20. The grand total of the towing was $170. The whole thing was just so ridiculous. I had a hard time sleeping on Wednesday night. I took my sleeping pill, then 4 Tylenol, and at midnight when I still was not asleep, I took some night time cough medicine. I finally fell asleep around 1 AM on the couch. Not great sleep I had, and thank goodness J turned on the radio at 6:45, which woke me completely up. (P had woke me up, with his noise and lights when he was getting ready to go to work, but after he left at 6, I fell back to sleep, hard enough not to hear J getting ready for school.) I did fine all day yesterday at work, but as soon as I got home I was exhausted. Driving home after picking up P's car, I fell asleep for a second and my car swerved and when up a curb. Thank goodness it was a curb and not worse and I am fine, but there's a big chunk out of the metal thingy that covers the wheel and the tire needed to be replaced. I drove the rest of the way home with a flat tire. I was very close to home when it happened. I asked J to start to put the spare tire on, I thought it would be a good idea for him to do that and I figured he would only get as far as getting the spare out of the trunk before P got home anyway. He and S were moving the car father in the driveway, when I hear a loud crash. Everybody and everything is fine, the cabinet in family room fell over. Just use you imagination to what happened. S was in the drivers seat. P dropped off my car to Firestone last night, I fell asleep on the couch before 8, and at 8:30 I woke up to banging and went to bed. I sleep completely through the night until I woke up for the first time briefly at 5 AM. I really was tired.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
That's what I would call the professional in service I attended this afternoon. I hate that Arizona does not value our children's education. Education budget cuts, there's got to be a better way to reduce the state budget. Yes, working for a school district I see a lot of waste, but teachers being RIDed, which seems to me like will only increase classroom sizes and stress out remaining teachers, classified employees that will loss their jobs, leaving no office and a few supporting staff members to assist stressed out teachers. It's going to be tough to make it though the last 5 remaining weeks of school not knowing if you will be working come August, and if your children are going to be in classrooms with more than 35 students and one stressed out teacher. Home schooling would not be an option at this point.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Almost Friday!!!
It has been a long work week. AIMS testing week. R will test tomorrow and have 4th grade science on Monday, I'm ready for the days to go back to normal. Also steroids make you so thirsty, I feel like I could swim in my own body. And I have been needing to eat lots, too, my metabolism is way up, if I don't eat enough I'm shaky, it's a very weird feeling. I'm praying that not only am I having reactions to the medications, they are helping my body heal. Last night was the first night I remember dreaming in a long time, so I must be getting better, a sign right?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Happy Birthday to my Man!!!
P spent his day at work :( When he got home he wanted to open his presents from us before we met his parents for dinner. Dinner out was nice, but it's very hard to hear well in loud restaurants. He and J are waiting to play on the computers, I'll post some or a picture or two later. Also news worthy the antibiotics, steroids and inhaler are doing there jobs, I have felt better today. Not 100% yet, but a big improvement. YEAH!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yeah it's Saturday!
I made it through the week, but everyday was a major battle. I was tired all day, everyday. Last night I started a coughing fit that lasted forever. The cough medicine I got for my doctor didn't work all that well, I first thought of just calling on Monday for another appointment. This morning after I didn't sleep well again (due to coughing), I went to The Little Clinic inside the Fry's P works, after dropping J off at school. (His ROTC unit is working at PIR today.) I was very impressed with the nurse practitioner, she called the doctor who is on call to make sure she didn't miss anything and was giving me the correct prescriptions. Slowly I am getting some laundry done, and I have dinner in the oven. The girls are wasting this perfectly beautiful day inside watching TV. I'd like to waste it taking a nap! I'll have to be up late tonight, it might be 11 or later before J is back and needs a ride home, UGH.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Doctor and Memorial
Yesterday when I still wasn't feeling very well, I made a doctor's appointment, and amazingly enough I got an appointment for yesterday afternoon. She gave me a prescription for the cough I can't seem to shake and something for what she thinks is wrong with my stomach (she thinks it's my ulcer, but we'll see), I had to have blood drawn and do a stool sample. Yuck was that gross this morning. My insurance wouldn't cover the medicine for my ulcer, the pharmacy and doctor's office are trying to work that out, while I wait for the results of the tests. My Uncle Penner died in January, he moved to Oregon 7 years ago, his memorial was today, he was cremated and his ashes are being buried at the Veteran's Cemetery in Phoenix, he was the last living sibling of my Mom's, there were 8 siblings/half-siblings spanning 21 years, my Mom was the baby of the family. His daughter Judy and his granddaughter Dina flew out from PA and I got to see a lot of cousins today. It was a lovely day, high of about 75, a little windy. I some how still manged to get a little sunburn.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!

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