Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
First Birthday party of the season! LOL!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Girls and their birthday parties
Both girls have their birthdays coming up. They both want fabulous parties instead of presents. S wants to go to Castles and Coasters with some friends, and they want to go by themselves. I'm not ready for that. It's a big place and she's only gonna be 14. I suggested going to a movie and having a sleepover. I'm not sure I convinced her of that. R wants to go to Amazing Jakes with some friends. There is no school on Feb. 2nd which would be a great day to have the party during the day/during the week it's much cheaper. I'm worried about the fact it's a long drive to get there, and will parents really drive that far to drop off their kids? If they stay we would have to pay for them to hang out, play, and eat? We could take some kids in our car, and do I go not to be able to have any fun and how painful it would be walking around there? So, do I let P be in charge of the party? We've never done that before. He sometimes isn't even home when the kids have their parties. I just feel awful about not going, but if I stay home then one more friend could ride in the car. I want them to be happy, but I want them safe and darn it I really don't want to miss their birthdays.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2 weeks
2 weeks ago today is when I fell. Seems like I've been living like this forever. Yet it's only been 2 weeks. The pain medicine MS Cotin is helping a lot. I haven't had bad spasms since Saturday night. But the medicine makes me tired. I just started walking short distances (in the house) with out the walker. I had J pull out my scrapbooking stuffyesterday so I have something to do. Today I organized pictures and did a few pages. Nothing fabulous but cute pages. Was able to sit for a few hours. Yesterday I began contacting the Lazer Spine Institute, today P faxed them a large packet of information. Hopefully they will hear back from Worker Comp, fast and I can get in for an evaluation right away. If they can fix my back like their website claims I could be pain free 5 days after treatment. Is this to good to be true? I hope not, and I'm praying they get in me soon. I also need to contact a surgeon that my neurologist recommended. They want copies of my latest MRI films, which P picked up on Friday, their office in by St. Joe's hospital and they want to films before scheduling an appointment. P will have to take them the films when he's off on Thursday. It's very hard not being able to do much of anything. I feel like a lump of coal.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Still in tons of pain
Not a whole lot of relief, I am on a much stronger pain med. now and I have 2 referrals to see 2 surgeons about maybe some surgery that will help, I'll start calling on Monday. I had to have the MRI films to schedule the appointments. I did get out of the house today, J had some pictures taken for his graduation announcements. Since we've been home from the hospital I've haven't been able sitting at the kitchen table for long. Today I have sat here for over an hour. I'm just starting to feel uncomfortable. Tonight we are going out for dinner with P's family to celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday, I hope I do as well or better at dinner.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Rough Night
Since I've been home I've really only have had one good night of sleep. Last night was the worst. I slept for 1 1/2 hours then woke up, my back started having horrible spasms. Took some pain meds. They got worse. Played on my laptop for hours. Had some ice cream at 4, when I could finally take more pain meds. I slept on the couch from 4:30 to 6:15. I see a long nap in my future today. I have a doctor's appointment at 9:30 hopefully he can get me better pain relief. I have to add that I am so in love with R's puppy. She's been watching over me, and snuggling when I'm alone during the day. She really is the cutest little one.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I've fallen and can't get up
Tuesday I was on the playground with the 1st graders. I went to walk behind the swing when I tripped on a boy's leg. I knew right away I was in some serious pain. 911 was called and I was transported to the hospital. X-rays and CT scan showed a compressed fracture in the L1 spot of my vertebrae. Wednesday I had a MRI to see if there was any other damage. Yesterday I had the fracture fussed with cement, that was one very painful procedure. Hammering on my back to drill holes to squirt the cement in. Today I walked with a walker to the nurses station and back to my room. I am sitting up right now as I type on my laptop. First time I've been able to sit up. It's not pain free but not as bad as I would have imagined. It's going to be a long road of physical therapy.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
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