Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wholesome Sweeter. I hope I win. Should be good for diabetics.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Happy Birthday 1st born!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3rd quarter grades. Of course I've known what the kids' grades were thanks to the school districts online grading program. S struggled a little this past quarter. She was not on her meds the entire quarter. She pulled up all her grades at the end and made honor roll. R had a great quarter and her teacher only had wonderful things to say about her yesterday at her parent/teacher conference. Her writing especially has really improved. Which I had noticed myself, she's came a long way from her writing from a year ago. J who doesn't get a report card at the end of quarter only at the end of each semester has straight A's right now! I'm a proud Mommy x 3!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Almost 2 years ago I got sick from a roast beef I had made in the crock pot. I haven't been able to eat any beef except ground for 2 years. (steaks, beef ribs, etc.) No one else got sick from it. I bought a roast last week at the store because it was really cheap, I thought I'd try eating it. Yesterday afternoon I put it in the oven. No way was I going to cook it the same way or smell it all day cooking. I had to gag it down to show the kids it wasn't so bad, the whole time though I thought I was going to throw up. Thank goodness for the puppy who helped me finish. I don't feel so great today, and actually threw up the water I drank this morning with my meds. I haven't eaten anything, I don't really feel like eating and I'm scared. It will be a long while before I eat beef again.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spring Break-relaxing!
Monday afternoon to J to his recurter for hie health evaluation Tuesday. More on that later. The girls had dance, then S spent the night at her BFF's house. Tuesday R an I had the house to ourselves. We went crazy!!!!! Reading!!!!! Sarah comes home to get ready for dance and spent the night again at her BFF's friends house. Wednesday I went to my woman's bible study group, them did a few errands, picked R up so I could help her pick out $100 worth of shorts for the summer she only have a few pair that fit correctly. Thursday I spend the day scapbooking the girls watched National Treasure over and over again. Then S went to her 3rd dance class of the week. Normally she would have had her tap class on Tuesday, but she's going to be dancing with the preforming group class that meets on Thursday's. Once again S was at her friend's house today and she got her ears pierced. She'll be home soon. It really seems like she hasn't been home much at all. Today the other 2 children had to help me with laundry and grocery shopping. I'm falling asleep as I am typing this. And I too a good 30 minute nap today, what's the deal?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
busiest week I've had in awhile
Sunday, P took me and the kids and the puppy to a park for the afternoon. The weather was lovely to sit and watch them all play. Monday I did have my blood work done, then P took me out for breakfast. In the evening he took me to my book club. I had read the book and recommended it, but it's been a long while since I read it, so I didn't talk much, but I got out of the house and got to be with 3 dear older women. Tuesday P took me to Sunset Ridge and I got to visit with my favorite classroom ever. I read a few stories, answered questions and helped with a writing assignment. It was so fun! P helped out a little too. Wednesday morning I went to the ladies bible study at our church office. I think I'm going to start going every week, while I'm not working. The are just finishing up a teaching of Ester, and will start Ruth in 3 weeks. Thursday I didn't do anything/go anywhere. P who was on vacation actually worked an 8 hour shift. Friday P took me back to the doctor's. My cholesterol is very high, and she put me on a medication for that. My blood sugar is borderline high, she gave me a meter to track my glucose levels and scheduled an appointment with the nurse practitioner to go over a diet plan. My labs from a few weeks ago I was low on vitiiam D, and my thyroid, but they were fine this time. I'll have to have the blood work repeated in 3 months. This morning P took us to a St. Patrick's Day parade. It was fun doing something all together as a family, after the parade we went out for lunch and to the library. Tomorrow at church we are having a church celebration and baptism. S is going to be baptized. She is really excited.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Blood Work tomorrow
Since I'm not having surgery, I scheduled my fasting blood work for tomorrow (the follow up from a few weeks ago). P is on vacation this week, it seemed like a good day to get it over with and then I can probably get into see the doctor before the end of the week for the results and he can drive me around.
Back Update
P and I spent the day on Thursday at The Laser Spine Institute on Thursday. I had a physical and a lot of testing, including, blood work, a pregnancy test (just to make sure I wasn't, even though I told them I wasn't), back x-rays, EKG, chest x-rays, etc. Met with the surgeon who said that surgery would not help my back pain at this time, but I could come back in 6 months for a consultation. I was very frustrated to hear this. I so wanted to have surgery, because then I thought I would be better sooner. 6-8 months healing is a long time. I'd like freedom from pain with out having to take high doses of pain pills. I'm not 100 pain free on them, but it's mostly tolerable on them, unless there's standing or walking involved. Sleeping is OK, unless I have to move in bed. Sitting is OK, but with a pillow behind my back, and then I have to move around often so I'm not sitting on my tail bone. I can't drive on the pain meds. I'm going a little stir crazy at home, not being able to just jump in the car and go. I think I'm going to have to not take the pills so I can leave the house by myself sometime.
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