Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Hopefully just misplaced. I had our tickets for the Steven Curtis Chapman/ Mercy Me Christmas concert, in my hand yesterday afternoon. I had had them on top of the refrigerator, I was changing my all the time mugs , to Christmas ones. I remember saying to myself, I need to put these in a safe place. Only now I don't know where I put them. :( I looked for a long time last night, in all the places I thought I might have set them, but they weren't there. I am so depressed and angry with myself for not being able to remember. WAH


Marlene said...

OH NO!!!! I hope you find them!!

Karin said...

I hope you find them! Did you check your purse?

Janet said...

No, but I don't think I would have put them in there. But I guess it's worth a shot. Pat is looking for them now.