Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So, today is my BIL's birthday. I hadn't gotten him anything for his birthday yet and to save money I wasn't going to get a new dress for Easter this year, and just wear the skirt and top I wore last year, but I've tore apart my closet and can't find the top. I want either a new dress or top now. So, Rachel and I go to Khol's they had nothing for BIL, NO dresses, a few skirts, but really nothing I liked and no tops I thought would go with the skirt I have. So we go to Meryvan's they had about 5 dresses, but nothing that would look good on my short self. But I did get a pair of shorts for BIL, but I wanted to get a T-shirt too, and they didn't have anything right for him. We stopped for lunch before heading to Target, they had a few more dresses than Meryvan's, but nothing caught my eye. I did find a white blouse I liked, so I got that. Went to the men's department and got a plain black t-shirt for BIL. Not really what I had in mind, but got it anyway. So where are all the dresses hiding?

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