Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Relaxing week...

Not much happening in this household during the past week. A great start of summer vacation. Friday Joseph met with his counselor we did a few errands and went to the library. Then I took a little nap, while the kids had lunch then I took them to see Over the Hedge. (cute movie) Met Pat at Fry's and we went to see MI3. Didn't do anything on Saturday, or Sunday (just enjoyed the cool weather) Monday I took the kids to the pool for a little bit, after they read for an hour (that water was freezing!) Yesterday and today were the same. (the water is getting a little bit warmer, thank goodness) Tonight Pat and I went to dinner with our life group from church that was way fun. Monday night Pat moved my desk from the girls' room to the living room, I'm slowly setting up all my scrapbooking stuff in and on it. Hopefully it will all come together soon. I was thinking this week has been great sleeping in, reading, going swimming and that's really it, it's been almost like a vacation :)

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm glad you're having a good week!