Tuesday, June 20, 2006

14 years ago...

Pat and I were married. Like all married couples we have our share of ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade our life together for anything. When I first met Pat in November 1990, I was hurting from my brother's death, and all I saw in him was this guy who appeared to be all all arms and legs, and I couldn't stand it that he worked at Smitty's (my brother had worked at Smitty's when he died, but not the same one). I thought I'd never get to know him. Well we did, and over the next few months we started to get to know each other very well, and became good friends. A year later, we were on a group hay ride, when I touched his leg (I don't remember this, but he does) and he said he knew for sure then we belonged together. Earlier in the same week, he had the same thought while he was showering before coming to my apartment to loan me some money. He only told me this stuff after we were married. On the night of the hay ride November 9th he first kissed me. A month later on December 9th he first told me he loved me, and then a month later on January 9th he asked me to marry him. Since he has a terrible memory it was important to him to use the same date to remember this stuff. He was hoping we could have been married on the 9th of June, but that date didn't work out. LOL ! Our life together has been blessed with our three children. I love you Heman! Happy Anniversary! Love, Muffin

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Happy anniversary!