Friday, August 18, 2006

Open House

Last night was the girls' open house. I was able to talk to Sarah's teacher about her needing to go to use the bathroom, every 2 hours, and that she can't find her glasses, (he moved her closer to the board). I'm just not ready to give up on finding them yet, that's why I haven't ordered new ones yet. I know she had them last weekend, I have no idea where she put them. Rachel's teacher is a sweety, I've loved her for a long time. The PTO had a table and I worked for a while at the table, we had a raffle and gave kids otter pops, for turning in their raffle ticket. (we drew the winners this morning during morning announcements.) We sold our new Sunrise T-shirts and did very well. I made a nice deposit today of the money we made. Joseph's open house isn't until Set. 14th, it would be good to put faces the his teachers names.

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