Saturday, June 30, 2007
He's Home!
He just walked in the door. The girls ran up to hug him, I'll wait until he showers! He's very task oriented right now, asked if he should just take his trunk to the laundry room, and separate the clothes and start washing them. He seems a lot more tired now, then he did last weekend. Must have been a harder week, attending camp than working at camp.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Still feeling Bleh
Sprite, has been my favorite food, the last few days. Of which must really mean, I've had stomach problems. I can not tolerate it when I am well. Even though I haven't felt great the last few days, I pushed myself to do things with the girls. How fun could it be for them, when I say I'm sick all the time? Yesterday we went to PV pool, and today a long list of errands, including going to the library because they couldn't wait any longer to get all their "prizes". (They really had finished reading right away, but Rachel lost her log sheet and found it on Monday.) Now where are all those prized treasures. Still in there bags on counter. Guess that's better than leaving them in the car!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My stomach hurts
I think my ulcers have been acting up for a few days now. Today is the worst, I haven't done much of anything. I did eat some frosted mini wheats for breakfast without milk, and just the thought of eating makes me sick to my stomach. It's going to be a long night. Pat went off to work and we are holding out bible study/ life group tonight. I just want to crawl back in bed, with a pillow smashed to my tummy. UGH
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Home again, home again
Thus we are home again. All but Joseph that is, who will be at camp for one more week. He looked good, and even better after a good night's sleep in the hotel even though he slept on the floor in his sleeping bag! He slept in past 5 AM, which I'm sure did the trick, and was a good idea that he stayed with us at the hotel. The hotel was not one to write home about, it kinda smelled weird to me, but it was available and cheap. We went to a few antique stores after we checked out of the hotel this morning, I didn't find anything, but I loved looking around, although my ulcers were bothering me quite a bit, it could have been funner. Took Joseph back to camp, where he met up with his scout troop, we hung around for a little while before making the long 6 mile dirt rode bumpy exit from camp. One the way home we stopped at a friend's house (near Roosevelt lake), they are building and have been for many years, they are almost ready to move in, the house is wonderful, the pictures they've shown us doesn't do it justice at all.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Boy am I off in departure time
I thought we'd be leaving around 1ish. Well, now it's almost 3, and we haven't left yet. The girls and I are ready, (we have been for hours) we are just waiting for Pat. He left to go get gas a few minutes ago, hopefully when he gets back we can leave already. I can't wait to see Joseph!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
half way through our bumpy, dusty ride through the red rocks
It was pretty fun, and not at all bad on my tail bone. Although, even with a seatbelt on I felt like I was going to fly out of the jeep on some of the bumps. Pat held on tight to my hand, and I felt a lot safer.
Back again
Sedona was beautiful. The B & B was lovely. A relaxing time we had just to two of us. Although I am pretty tired right now. We did a jeep tour, saw a few movies, had a very nice dinner last night, used the hot tub and pool, and just relaxed. The girls are not home yet, I was really worried about Rachel but we talked to her both nights we were gone and she did really well.
Rest up, do a little laundry, and pack for tomorrow's adventure to Payson. We don't have to be there until 5, so we won't leave until about 1ish.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Off we go, almost!
Pat and I are driving up to Sedona for a few days for our 15th anniversary! I haven't packed yet, either has Pat and he had to go to Petmart to get something for the fish while we're gone. I am so excited, it will be good for us to get away just the 2 of us. We'll be back Thursday sometime, and then we're going to Payson on Friday to spend the night to see Joseph, before his last week of camp. Busy traveling week ahead!
Monday, June 18, 2007
I can breath again
Well not really because my nose has been stuffed up for weeks, and I fell asleep last night before turning on the humidifier beside my bed. But figuratively I can. Yesterday was the girls' dance recital. They are both perfectionist and wanted to do the best they could. They have been practicing for what seems like forever at home. (the music started getting on my nerves, just about the minute they brought it home) They both danced wonderfully, Rachel had this part in her jazz dance that she always seemed to forget, but she got it tonight and boy was she happy about it. Being the perfectionist she told me about the few mistakes she did make, I reassured her she hid it well, and look wonderful on stage. Sarah's hardest class this year has been tap, she just shinned on stage and was awesome! I often watched her in tap and wondered why she was struggling so much, but maybe she wasn't really struggling, but her teacher saw more in her and made her repeat steps she'd miss, until she got them right, but this same teacher would let other girls go with making mistakes. Sarah is a natural ballerina, like how she holds her hands is soft/expressive like a dancer, and man is the girl flexible, her kicks and leaps prove it. My nieces also dance with the same studio, so we got to enjoy their performances also. Some fun dances this year, that showed off their dancing abilities.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I talked to my son!
He left a message on our home phone a little earlier, but we had just missed it. I TM him, and he called us right back! Rachel was to cute she didn't want to stop talking with him, she was trying to think of something more to say, she asked him about the soap at camp and what color it is and what it smells like. LOL He sounded very mature to me tonight. He has a list of things he wants us to bring him up on Friday for his last week. Contacts, belt, new hiking boots (his are falling apart), his travel alarm clock and money.
Friday, June 15, 2007
My sister's baby who just gradated from High School, is leaving for boot camp on June 29th. He was to go in January, but the Navy called today and they have a place for him on the 29th. I am just in shock, I thought we would have 6 months with him before he left for training. I will miss him, but I do know this is what he wants to do.
My Long Lost Son Called Tonight
But we weren't home, and missed his calls. He called twice he ran out of room on the tape the first time. He says he's loving the work, other than having to get up early to fed the horses. He said he's missing us and is hoping we are missing him also. I called his cell phone, he might be able to get the message and I also TM'd him, I know he gets those he just doesn't have enough reception to text back. It's sad I couldn't talk to him, but it was wonderful to hear his voice.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Beautiful Girls!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Today, the Sunrise PTO board met with the principal to set our dates for the coming school year. It was just amazing to me how much stuff is already on the calendar. We came up with dates, then had to call 3 places we will hold events this year. Really we are doing 4 off campus. We have all our dates. It's going to be a busy school year. Because of adding 2 kindergarten classrooms from 2 to 4, and 2 monitor rooms, the campus does not have any extra rooms, we thought we were going to have to cancel our holiday store. Which would have been terrible since we've been buying stuff already like after last years. We have a lot of money tied up in it and the kids would be really disappointed in not being able to shop for their families themselves. Luckily we were able to brainstorm and come up with using the stage area in our new multipurpose building. Than the PE coaches can use the building if the weather is bad, and we have somewhere to set up. Geez. I am very happy we have a blueprint of the school year already, last year running around trying to get it all done at the last minute was crazy.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I am so tired, and it's only Monday
I have no idea why I am so tired. I slept a long time last night. I did wake up several times but went right back to sleep. I had a headache earlier, it's mostly gone now, maybe the pain medicine is making me tired. It was a busy weekend. Friday night I worked on Pat's Father's Day gifts. (a t-shirt and tic tac toe game with pictures and sayings scrapbooked on the blocks.) I am not nearly done with the game. But I knew I needed to work on it as long as I could on Friday night, since he's on vacation this week. I have no idea when I'll be able to finish it. Saturday was chores and errand day. then Pat and I went to see the Pirates movie. Sunday church and my nephew's graduation party. It was great to see some cousins I haven't seen in awhile. We got home late, at 10 PM, I was curling the girls' hair for today's dress rehearsal at dance. I sold a bunch of books on E-bay, so off to the post office I went today, and went to the Deer Valley publishing office to order the student planners for next school year. I could never work there, the smell of the ink and printing stuff was so strong I thought I was going to throw up. I don't remember it being so bad a few months ago when I started this process of ordering the planners. Maybe it was the fact I already had a headache, and/or now is their busy season with printing all the handbooks, and stuff for the coming year. I best get a move on getting the girls beautiful for dance.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Fun Field Trip Friday
Great Skate!
Sarah of course was very sure of herself, out there roller blading. Rachel wasn't so sure, on her roller skates. I was safe on the side lines watching!
Rachel did surprise me by not giving up right away.
We were there for about 3 and a half hours. If they didn't have friends there they wouldn't have made it that long, me either if my friend wasn't there! My friend is a great skater, she went out with our youngest daughters, while our oldest ones just skated away.
Sarah of course was very sure of herself, out there roller blading. Rachel wasn't so sure, on her roller skates. I was safe on the side lines watching!
Rachel did surprise me by not giving up right away.
We were there for about 3 and a half hours. If they didn't have friends there they wouldn't have made it that long, me either if my friend wasn't there! My friend is a great skater, she went out with our youngest daughters, while our oldest ones just skated away.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
It's a Small World
Dress rehearsal at the studio for Sarah's jazz class today. Her ballet and tap are on Monday, along with Rachel's 2 classes. The studio will have a dress rehearsal at the school next Thursday, with the recital on Father's Day.
So, how many more times to I have to curl hair? 3, ugh. Sarah's hair is getting too long, and Rachel's is not long enough. It took me an hour last night to do their heads in curlers. I took them to JC Penny's and had pictures taken this morning in their costumes. The studio has a photographer at dress rehearsal, I just like to know what I'm buying, instead of waiting until they come in, and be disappointed with what I bought. So controlling I am.
So, how many more times to I have to curl hair? 3, ugh. Sarah's hair is getting too long, and Rachel's is not long enough. It took me an hour last night to do their heads in curlers. I took them to JC Penny's and had pictures taken this morning in their costumes. The studio has a photographer at dress rehearsal, I just like to know what I'm buying, instead of waiting until they come in, and be disappointed with what I bought. So controlling I am.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Oh my aching neck!
I was planning on taking the girls to the pool today, but Mother Nature threw us for a loop today, and gave us cool and windy weather, (I'm sure growing up I swam in much worse conditions, but I am no longer young) I decided to work on the Sunrise scrapbook, instead. I over did it a little, my neck hurts :( I was on a roll and didn't want to stop, until it was too late. opps. The girls are now at friend's houses, I am enjoying the quite, reading won't be a good thing. Maybe I can find something to watch on TV.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Yesterday afternoon, while I was sitting watching Rachel in her dance class, all I could think of is wanted a fountain diet coke, not from a can or bottle but from a fountain. Pretty silly. While Sarah danced I took care of that craving. I knew I would be up late because of the caffeine, but I also had a headache, so I justified the caffeine. (caffeine helps my headaches, along with a few Tylenol) Tonight a little after dinner, all I could think of was soft serve ice cream. I surprised the girls by asking if they wanted to go to McDonald's for an ice cream cone. They of course didn't have a problem with going along with me. I don't know what is causing these weird cravings, but I've felt good after my diet coke and ice cream. Wonder what I'll crave tomorrow? I hope not lobster! This could get expensive. (not that I would mind eating lobster it's been a long time, LOL)
Monday, June 4, 2007
Up early
Rachel had a friend spend the night last night, I guess they didn't know they could sleep in, past 7 AM. Pat was up very late last night, hooking up the computer we had in Joseph's room, in the living room on my scrapbook desk. So, I'm trying to keep them quite. Which will get a little more tricky soon, Sarah who spend the night at a friend's house last night will be home soon (with her friend). Joseph called last night! The first time in 8 days I've talked with him. He sounded a little tired. He said he was having a great time, and looking forward to having troops at camp this week, (they've been cleaning this week) Yesterday, we went to church, but I managed not to attend service. At the 9 AM service, I was in a meeting, and at 11 AM worked in the toddler room. We had 16- 2 year olds (2 adults and our 4 kids combined helping). That is an amazingly high number for our church and in the summer. Since I usually work in the toddler room during the 9 AM service, I didn't know many of the kids, which made the whole thing even more challenging.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Sun and Scrapbooking
I can't believe I was able to be creative after spending the day in the sun (and Paradise Valley pool). My friend and I took our girls for the afternoon, and even though I reapplied a few times sunscreen I still got burned. They girls had a blast jumping off the diving boards, so it is worth it. Tonight was my monthly scrapbook night, I've been working on a scrapbook of the school year with my friend, I was able to get several pages done, but we still have a long way to go. I'm glad it doesn't have a deadline to get done by. I'm not sure how (if we can have one anyway) get a school yearbook done next year. This year we had too many parents not want their child's picture published that we couldn't do one. Who knows what will happen next school year.
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