Monday, June 11, 2007

I am so tired, and it's only Monday

I have no idea why I am so tired. I slept a long time last night. I did wake up several times but went right back to sleep. I had a headache earlier, it's mostly gone now, maybe the pain medicine is making me tired. It was a busy weekend. Friday night I worked on Pat's Father's Day gifts. (a t-shirt and tic tac toe game with pictures and sayings scrapbooked on the blocks.) I am not nearly done with the game. But I knew I needed to work on it as long as I could on Friday night, since he's on vacation this week. I have no idea when I'll be able to finish it. Saturday was chores and errand day. then Pat and I went to see the Pirates movie. Sunday church and my nephew's graduation party. It was great to see some cousins I haven't seen in awhile. We got home late, at 10 PM, I was curling the girls' hair for today's dress rehearsal at dance. I sold a bunch of books on E-bay, so off to the post office I went today, and went to the Deer Valley publishing office to order the student planners for next school year. I could never work there, the smell of the ink and printing stuff was so strong I thought I was going to throw up. I don't remember it being so bad a few months ago when I started this process of ordering the planners. Maybe it was the fact I already had a headache, and/or now is their busy season with printing all the handbooks, and stuff for the coming year. I best get a move on getting the girls beautiful for dance.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

So is Pat on vacation this week AND next week? I'm so confused!lol!

Hope you get some rest!