Thursday, August 2, 2007

Once I was there

There I mean as Sunrise Elementary school, where I am co-president of the PTO and kindergarten monitor, do I realize I have much to do to get ready for school. It's like once there you just get sucked into it, or something. Since Pat is on vacation this week, I asked him to help me pick the school t-shirts, and I took in all the stuff I had bought for the school. Then I thought of copies needing to be done, request forms to be filled out, going through mail, and on and on. I was just there 3 hours today. But there is so much more to do to get ready. And I need to look in my classroom and decide what I'm going to do with it, and plan what I'm going to do with the kids the first week of school, help put together welcome 800 packets (but all the stuff isn't in yet)

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Busy, busy! Have fun!!