Sunday, September 30, 2007
Depressed update on my friend
I've been feeling depressed all weekend with P and J away hiking. I miss them. J got home about 2:30. I missed talking with P last night, due to a little issue I was having with the girls and the phone. Today, I talked to him for a few minutes, but I had to see about picking J up so I didn't have a lot of time to chat, and the phone he was using was messing up and loosing it's signal. :( One of my best friends, C from church has breast cancer, her mother told me, her mom said that C is not ready to talk about it yet. Surgery could be as soon as this week.I saw C at church before her mom found me and C was at my house on Wednesday night, she seemed OK, more worried about her husband going hiking with friends this weekend. P is not sure when he'll get home tomorrow, I have my book club at C's mom's house at 7, I was going to stay home to met/greet/stay with P, but my heart says I need to go and be there for my friends. When I talked to P about it, he was in total agreement that I need to go. When C's mom asked me if I heard about C, I wanted it to be that she was pregnant, I just sat in shock after she told me, breast cancer. Big Prayers for C and her family. C went to see a surgeon yesterday (Tuesday). He didn't even examine her, took one look at her films and said we need to do a biobsey ASAP. Probably on Monday, the hospital needs 5 days for the radiologist to read the films. C has 2 lumps in her right breast and 3 of her lymph nods are effected too. She's really pretty scared, as is her husband and 9 year old daughter. C's mom is holding everyone together, right now.
Friday, September 28, 2007
One guy off, one to go
The girls and I will be alone this weekend. P is off to hike the Grand Canyon with his dad and brother. J is leaving later to hike the lava tubes with his scout troop. Keep us all in your prayers, please! Speaking of J, he is really getting into this high school thing, he wants to join the rocket club, and he he trying out for color guard for ROTC on Monday, which means he'll be pretty busy. I'm so glad he wants to finally do/be in something. I am a little nervous with how I'll be able to handle all the extra stuff, I'll have to do, for him (like rides and money) I need to remember to take it one day at a time. Which is easier said than done, LOL.
Many of you know I don't watch a lot of T.V. but I do have 3 favorites that I try to watch regularly. It works out that they are all on Thursday night, which helps me to remember to watch them. Last night was the premiere's of all 3, and all I can say is boring, boring, boring. I'm very disappointed in all three of them.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I hate being hung up on
It hasn't been that great of a day. Being hung up on twice is not what I call great fun. The issue has been worked through as of this moment, but I have a lot of doubts. I am so frustrated and upset.
Monday, September 24, 2007
What lovely weather!
The weekend was lovely. Temperatures down lower than 100 even if it's 99 is still wonderful. Pat and I met up with 2 other couples for Happy Hour, I can't drink, Pat had a beer. We had a fun time, then went over to one of the couples house hung out for awhile. We even got a little rain on Saturday, seemed like a do nothing kinda day to me, so we watched movies and read. Sarah had her Snow Queen audition on Sunday, she would really like to be cast as a rosebud, we'll find out by Friday if that's the part she gets. We had to hurry right off, to get home and Sarah changed to go to her friend's house. I had a PTO board meeting at 3. I'm having a very difficult time with a person on the board, and I almost walked out on the meeting, that's how far I felt pushed. I have already decided not to be om the board next year. It breaks my heart, I love being in charge, I just can't do feeling so frustrated any more. Pat's on vacation this week. I didn't feel so good after school today, I asked him to take the girls to dance. R was upset that I didn't go, I had to promise to rest and feel better while she was at dance, so we could do something together to make it up to her because I didn't go to dance. I did feel a little better, so we chalk painted. At first she thought it was dumb, but them really got into it and loved it. Silly girl.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
volunteer hours
I'm clocking in a lot of volunteer hours this week at school. Tuesday was the hearing screening all morning. Today and tomorrow morning working on the fundraiser packets that were due today. I'm sure even next week, I'll be working on the ones that come in really late. Tonight is McTeacher Night at McDonald's. PTO did not plan that very well :( oops, oh yeah that was me!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Oh my achy feet
My feet are mostly fine while I'm walking around at school, but after I get home and sit to make sure homework gets done, my feet are pretty much done too. The whole rest of the evening is not much fun for me hobbling around. I've been wearing off brand Crocs for awhile now, at first they were wonderful for me. But now not so good. I've ordered 2 pairs of real Crocs that I hope come in soon. And they bring my feet some happiness or I may chop my feet off. I just can't stand the radiating pain every night. Tomorrow night is a school event, McTeacher night at McDonald's. I'll be on my feet a lot and I'll have to put on my best acting abilities, so know one knows how bad it really is.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wild Goose Chase kind of day
R had a friend spend the night and they girls had a great time and fell asleep by 12. I had a meeting at church this morning, afterwards J and I started out looking for jungle boots. We had looked up the address for Allied Surplus before we left, which lead us up to 43th Ave. and Dunlap. The sign was on the marquee but the shop was no longer there. We try Sportman's Wherehouse, they had lots of boots but not the ones J said he needed. The employee looked up where we might find these boots, and we are off to 35 Ave. and Osborn. I made J call first to make sure they had them and in a size 13. Me not knowing if Osborn is north or south of Thomas gets off the freeway at Indian School, but there is no 35th Ave. on Indian school, backtracking in neighborhoods I don't know make me feel really uncomfortable. Somehow I did manage to get us to the right spot and J got his $81 boots. Left there and had to drive back to the Target near Sportman's Wherehouse because J also needed play dough for a school project, and a lint roller for his ROTC uniform. I had called Pat and asked if he and the girls could start the laundry because I was already getting really tired and would be crying if I came home to find nothing done. Laundry was started and the house was cleaned up. Yeah! I was so pleased. As, I am waiting for more laundry to dry I check my email kind of a big mistake. I now have 2 pains in my side that are making things very difficult at school. Really makes me wonder how they handled authority as a child, did they always argue with their parents and teachers then too? Unless some changes are made I can not be part of the PTO board next school year, if they are in it I am out. It's only been a month and they are making me more nuts that I already am. It's frustrating because I really enjoy being part of the board, I just can't stand my authority being over ruled, without talking to me about it first. Here's a little example- I ask someone to call and remind the parents who have volunteered for our vision screenings this coming week and to tell them where to met at 8:30 or before. Someone else said that calls were not needed, and we could tell them when they get there. I'm like, WHAT! I don't even know some of the people who signed up. The nurse needs 9 people. We have 7 or 8, what if something comes up and a few don't show up? We're in big trouble. UGH! I guess it was just easier last year because I was the one make all the calls and doing the schuduling. In other news, I went to the luncheon yesterday with Ms Principal and asked about what happen on Thursday and me taking 2 classes. The secretary was wrong in not finding a way to cover the shift. It would have been way better for me to come in earlier and take the kids one class at a time for teacher's prep. Hopefully she'll remember this, but she's kind of a scatter brain so I won't hold my breath with that. I also asked about special ed para pros shifts not being covered, and they should be, and again the secretary doesn't understand that either. Title 1 para pros who work with the reading specialist do not get subs. It doesn't seem that hard to me to remember this stuff, but I guess i's just me. Is it really any wonder they is so much frustration on campus?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day Off! Heat Vent
Today was the 2nd early release day of the school year. Because I cover afternoon preps, I had the day off today! So far, I haven't had to sit through any boring meetings either. I feel better today. I bought some lavender and peppermint oils for my sinuses. What relief! R had a bloody nose yesterday morning and again last night, I think I should be oiling her up too. Anyway back to my day off, I think I worked (volunteered) harder today, because I didn't have to work. I am so sick of this heat, and sweating. When oh, when is it going to cool down?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Today was so weird. But it was nice having the morning all to myself and not working. I could have done something really productive, but really, I didn't feel like it. I did have another sinus headache, (I had several last week and working was way hard)Today I just took some medicine and relaxed. After my lovely 2 hour shift, and taking the girls to dance, it's back again. UGH.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Crafty Day!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Chorus, PTO and stuff
Sarah joined chorus again this year. Tue. and Thurs. mornings from 7:30-8:15. Today was the first day, and if I had Rachel ready, we all could have gone to school. I have several things I'm behind on. I went in early on Tuesday, and stayed late, and last night was our first school wide PTO meeting. Today was the kick off of the school's major fund raiser. We had 2 assemblies this afternoon, and almost perfect times of my kindergarten classes. I got it to work out that way, so I would be at both assemblies, as co-president of the PTO, I thought I should be there, and because I was working, I got paid too! Speaking of pay, today I got my second paycheck. The first one was for only 4 hours, this one was much larger, and they got the pay rate adjustments done right. I get paid more as a para pro, even though really that doesn't make sense to me. The para pros are in a classroom with a teacher, but as the monitor I take the kids to my classroom, and have to plan activities to do with them. Tomorrow should be my last day working all day for awhile, at least until I'm called in that is. The new gal is supposed to start on Monday. I think I have a doctor's appointment next week, maybe even Monday, that I won't need to reschedule now.
Monday, September 3, 2007
I can't even sleep in
Not that I didn't want to, but I guess my interal clock said it was time to get up. But I am still very tired. I tried to go back to sleep, after breakfast (no one else was awake yet, anyway). But I had read an email this morning that had my mind reeling. It's still reeling, this person is like a pain in my side that won't go away. I'm not sure what to do any more, I'm leaning heavily on just not responding to her, but I'm not really sure that's the best option. Will she then think she's "won", then? I just really don't have the energy to go round and round with her again.
Pat and I went out yesterday afternoon and talked, really it seemed like I did the talking and he did the listening. I'm praying he heard me, and there are some changes.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I'm a little sick of the heat
I know I'm not the only one in and around Phoenix that is sick of the temperature breaking records for number of days over 110. The heat is making me sick, physically and mentally. I hope that today being the first of September there will be a turning point and the temp. will start to drop. I still don't have an end date insight of when I can stop subbing, the school has hired someone, but it takes awhile to get references and paperwork done. I really like for the most part the special ed kids I work with, and will miss being with them everyday, but I am looking forward to having some mornings off too. Working with these special ed kids, make me so thankful that my kids are normal learners. Even with J not doing any work all through middle school and barely passing, it wasn't the case he couldn't do the work, he just chose not to. High school has been good for him, he is doing awesome! I really never thought I would see 100 percents in his grades again. But, not only do I see them after 3 weeks of school, I see 5 of them! S and her ADHD is under control with medication and even though she's had a little problem with a water bottle goofing off in class and changing her answers on a worksheet, (her teacher talked to her about by changing the answer she's really cheating herself, by not marking it wrong and learning her mistake) she is doing really well. R is doing really well and making some new friends, and since I've been on campus she's loved hugging me throughout the day, so she doesn't miss me. I love that because I'm on campus my girls can't get away with anything, because I'm right there and their teachers can tell me things right away. Now the other member of our house is driving me crazy. Enough that I took over J's counseling session yesterday, and made my own for later in the month. I was so glad that after hearing what I said, the counselor said to me, it sounds to me like you are a single parent and don't have a partnership in your marriage. That's exactly how I feel. She gave me an assignment to schedule a time with him so we can talk. Last night he thought we should talk, but I asked if we could wait until Sunday afternoon, when I am not trying to sleep (it was well after 11 PM last night)When I'm tired and already emotionally drained is not a good time to talk to me. Please pray for us and some how I will be able to share all my hurts, and frustrations with him.
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