Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Today was a dreaded PTO board meeting. It was at my house, so I couldn't walk out today like I wanted to last month. But I did ask someone to leave. Feathers were straighted, so she didn't really leave, but I think I got my point across very well. I told them all I will not be part of this board next year. Maybe it was good to tell them and they'll straighten up their acts and do what they say they are going to do. That would be nice. I could go on and on, but I need to let this go. For now anyway!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I am so tired
I did not sleep well last night, which is not a good thing when you need extra sleep because you don't feel good and you have a way to busy of a day planned the next day. Just for fun I added in working all day too (we really need money and I could have worked at 2 different campus'). The PTO fundraiser orders came in today, not without it's share of headaches. But the last one of the day really stressed me out. At least 2 orders went to the wrong classroom, and haven't been found yet. One is the PTO vice president's, who has not been much of a help to me at all with this fundraiser, so to say it made me a little nuts it's putting it mildly. Tomorrow I will be working all day again, and I'm sure the headaches with the fundraiser have just begun.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
4 times
Today I drove to Sunrise 4 times. Good thing it's close by. Once to take S to chorus, once to take R and neighbor girl to school, I came home and laid down, with the phone because I knew the school was going to call me in. I was almost asleep and I was right.
Hopped in the shower, got dressed and went to work. Came home after school to get J for his counseling session, but had to pick R up from her reading group she's in 3 days after school before taking him. None stop kind of day. We had fast food for dinner, before starting laundry and taking J to scouts. I am so tired. The cold I was fighting last week, is winning this week. UGH......
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Not me, thank goodness. I think I've had my share of surgeries. My FIL is having his hernia repaired tomorrow. It is out patient surgery. But still it's surgery. My friend C is having a double masestomy on Tuesday. She had a bone scan done last week, good news is the cancer is not in her bones. She'll be in the hospital for 2-3 days. To me that doesn't seem long enough.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The week is over all ready?
This past week has certainly gone by fast. I'm not even sure what made it go by so fast other than, subbing 2 days, working at the book fair at school another 2 days, conferences for both girls, feed the teacher night, holding yearbook meetings, plus all the regular stuff all week, dance, scout, work, ect. I have been fighting a cold all week too, and I'm about sick of that. Not much rest this weekend though, J has a scout thing in the morning, we are doing family pictures after that, I need to return something to Bed, Bath and Beyond, ect. ect. Sunday I work in the nursery followed by 2 hours of Snow Queen rehearsals for S on Sunday. R might also be dancing in the Snow Queen this year too. They didn't have very many Little Villagers and only 2 for the 3rd week (the week S is dancing). I contacted the director and asked if R could try out. They have a requirement of having to be 8 by performance weekend, R won't be 8 for 7 or 8 weeks later. I just thought since S and I were there anyway and they needed more little girls there would be no harm in asking. So, if R does well on Sunday she will be dancing this year too. Going back to conferences, no surprise S had all A's ans R A's and B's, and since I see their teachers everyday I know how citizenship wise they are doing well.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Can't Win
Today after school a student had a bad bloody nose. While I am helping him in the nurses office, R falls and cuts her toe and rips her toe nail. Back to the nurse's office we go. I feel bad that she got hurt while I was helping another student.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Adopt a family outreach
My church adopted 30 families from the girls' school for the holidays. This year they will be doing it again but with some changes. The first one is the contact person who the church worked with is not at our school this year. It is a cool thing that I am a district employee so I can be the church-school connector. The families will get a Thanksgiving food box donated by the youth groups and delivered to the families. Then in December the life groups will provide gifts for the children and another food box. The only "catch" so to speak is we want the families to come to a Christmas party at our church offices for a meal, presentation of the birth of Jesus, games, face painting and such, then at the end of the party the children take home their gifts and stockings. I'm nervous about coming up with 30 families that need help and will attend the meal/program. Last year everything was delivered to the family homes. But it will be way cool, to see what God does.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Keep praying
My friend C had her biopsy this afternoon. Her mom called me and told me that the doctor didn't leave a mark. Not knowing what that meant, I had to ask. The lump was too large. She will met with her doctor on Thursday to discuss treatment, which will probably include a mastectomy, followed by chemo and radiation. I didn't talk C tonight, she was trying to sleep, the drugs were helping her. Other than my cousin who died of ovarian cancer 9 years ago, I have not had anyone close to me with cancer. C's mom told me tonight that when we're sick we have to trust God with our lives. Which I totally believe, but I also know that's not the easiest thing to do. A prayer group that I attended at the time of my Mom's stroke/heart surgery/heart failure/death,I remained in the group then just 8 months after my Mom's death I learn that my heart aneurysm was at a delicate growth increase. I knew I needed surgery right away.I felt like a time bomb, it wasn't so easy to trust God at this point. The prior 14 months were very stressful, didn't help much with that trust either. Through the prayers of this group, and so many other people, I was able to let go and trust God. Not that I didn't flounder because it would be a lie to say I hadn't. I was very blessed in having a wonderful and supportive friends. I pray that I will be a supportive and prayerful friend to C.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Snow Queen
S was cast as a Village Sister, today was the first rehearsal. The Village Sister part is a new part, and will require S to rehearse with the Little Villagers and Middle Villagers. There are only 2 Village Sisters in each show. It was hot in the studio today, it was a long 2 hours for me.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
This week was spirit week at school, for some silly reason I didn't take any pictures. But that's not the point right now. One day was career day. On that day, I walk in to one of the Kindergarten classrooms, and one student asked me if I was feeling OK? I have been trying a new allergy medicine, on this day it started not working very well. So, I tell him, well actually my nose is runny today. He says "wait right here". He goes to his desk and pretends to pour me some medicine, and brings it back to me. I then notice he is dressed like an ER doctor. Later he even asked me if I was feeling better yet. He already was one of my favorite students (even though I really can't have favorites), he's just so cute. I was thinking later, do my kids do "cute" things like this any more? Not nearly as often as when they were younger. How very sad is that?
laundry tips
I had a terrible dream last night that I barely can remember now, but couldn't get away from it in my sleep. Finally I looked at my clock to see what time it was at it was 7 AM, if you know me, Saturday is my favorite day because I get to sleep in (on most of them anyway). I tried going back to sleep, but my back was hurting, finally at 8:30 I got up and started the laundry for today. I was pulling the jeans/dark clothes out of the dyer and out fell a dollar bill. But not a one dollar bill, but a twenty. Do I wait until someone asks about missing money or mention it? I think I should keep it, as my tip. Tip number 2 if you do laundry before everyone is awake there's less laundry. Why? Because the children think their bedroom floors make good hampers. I have the 4th and final load I am doing in the dryer now, and they just woke up, so I think they'll be doing their own laundry, or waiting till Tuesday when it's laundry day again.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My freshman

Oh Where, Oh Where... update
Have my little girls gone, oh where, oh where can they be? P went to look for them. Today is an early release day. I did not go to school at all. I didn't tell them to come right home. I just thought they knew. I guess I was wrong. I'm sure they are in the office or waiting on the map area for me. oops, I did not think this through very well. They were waiting for me on the map. They were not mad at me when they saw the mac and cheese for lunch. I defiantly need to remember to tell them what to do when I know I'm not going to be at school.
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