Tuesday, October 23, 2007

4 times

Today I drove to Sunrise 4 times. Good thing it's close by. Once to take S to chorus, once to take R and neighbor girl to school, I came home and laid down, with the phone because I knew the school was going to call me in. I was almost asleep and I was right. Hopped in the shower, got dressed and went to work. Came home after school to get J for his counseling session, but had to pick R up from her reading group she's in 3 days after school before taking him. None stop kind of day. We had fast food for dinner, before starting laundry and taking J to scouts. I am so tired. The cold I was fighting last week, is winning this week. UGH......

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Well, since I drive to school 3 times a day every day and twice a week 4 times, I can't feel sorry for you about that!lol! But, I do hope your cold gets better!!