Wednesday, December 12, 2007

sinus headache

I'm about done in with sinus headaches that will not go away. Yesterday was a long day with one. I worked all day, then goofed around school for another hour waiting for R to finish in her after school reading class. Dropped the girls off at home, went to our church offices for the last planning session before Saturday's outreach party. I am there until 6, pick dinner up on the way home. Fed the kids, take J to scouts, start laundry and tonight's dinner, because it's our bible study night and we are having a dinner Christmas party. Made corn bread, baked a cake, fought with the children to clean their rooms and go to bed. Went to bed with a headache, woke up with a worse one. Laid down this morning to try to get rid of it, that didn't work. Now I have to go to work, clean the house, host a party. Did I mention that P has to work and will not be here tonight?

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I hope it all went okay and you feel better!