Friday, February 29, 2008
Aaaaaaaaaah _updated
Wining. My foot really hurts. It is so painful to walk. I was going to go back to my foot doctor this morning. I had an appointment. But my friend asked me to work for her today. I changed my appointment for next week. I have decided that if she's not going to do anything, more than taping it (that didn't even work, and was very hard to keep dry in the shower) I will have to find a new doctor. Yesterday at school we were supposed to have a fire drill. The principal forgot or something. Much to the aggravation of the teachers afraid to send students to the restroom, or even going themselves. It had to happen today. Once a month. Good thing it was a leap year! I can't believe it that 2 months of 2008 are over already. I had fun working with a student one on one on his state report. I made it a game. He did 4 pages, without one complaint. Which for this student is remarkable. There was a sub for the other kindergarten monitor for most of the week, today included. The man who subbed today is in a wheelchair. He was so much more help to me than the regular gal. (Fridays we work together and take the kids to the multi-purpose building for PE.) I actually had fun today. J is spending the night at my sister's house. Tomorrow he has a scout yard sale, my brother-in-law is the scout master, so yea I won't have to get up early to take him. S wants to spend the night at a friend's house, I'm not sure if that will happen. R is busy working on her mathathon workbook, for the Leukemia Society. Her teacher is giving every student who does it, a $5.00 pledge and a free math homework pass good for a whole week. I'm not sure what the deciding factor was for her, but she has been busy working since we got home from school. S on the other hand hasn't started hers yet. ****UPDATED**** R finished all her problems in 4 hours! Sarah finished hers by Sat. evening. Makes me very glad that the Deer Valley school board approved a new math curriculum for next year. The mathathon packets were fun to do, not the same boring worksheets. I can't wait to see how different change will be.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A little excitement
I start dinner a bit early while helping R with her homework. I left it on the stove but turned off the burner. Or so I though. I left the kitchen to read for a little bit before it was time to eat. I started to really smell bad all through the house. Chicken chow mien does not burn well. It stinks. I had turned to burner on high and not off. What a mess. We had roast beef sandwiches for dinner instead. Which weren't that bad, we had fancy hot dog buns from Costco and I heated the roast beef slices, so it was kinda like a french dip, just no dip. I haven't made chow mien in a really long time, I was so looking forward to it all day.
Nothing really new
J went camping over the weekend with his scout troop. P thought he had to work on Saturday, but it turned out he didn't. Which was a good thing because he was running a temp. all weekend. He is still kinda sick, but went to work yesterday. Sunday I had a PTO meeting, then P and I were supposed to look at our budget, but he didn't even get up until 5, and when I got home at 6,he was watching TV. I don't know if he came to look for me later, because I fell asleep early (not on purpose). S had to go to the orthodontist yesterday morning at 7:30. which made yesterday a long day. I fell asleep before any of the kids, but I did wake up around 9:30 and talked to the girls about going to sleep. I used to not be able to go to sleep until they were all asleep, I'm glad I'm finally over that. Even though I worry about them not getting enough sleep, or getting hurt, or something if I fall asleep first, I think they need to figure out for themselves how much sleep they need. This morning S had chorus before school, and J had a counseling appointment. The past 2 mornings S has set her own alarm and gotten up and been ready on time (she even made my breakfast for me this morning!) I am going to talk to her about her setting her alarm for every morning, it has been really nice making it her responsibilty and not mine to be ready on time. Tomorrow S has to go back to the orthodontist, then P and I have a counseling session, our "homework" was to do a budget and go out on a date once a week. Neither of which has happened. One date in 4 weeks (the lunch we went out to after our last appointment) and no budget. But to be fair P has worked 6-7 days each week for the past month, except for last week, and then him being sick, and I'm still fighting the cold, I think really started in October, but it no sooner gets better one day and the next I'm sick again. Plus all the physical therapy and doctor appointments I've had, hasn't helped much either. Thinking about doctor appointments, I went to see my foot doctor on Thursday. She taped my foot, to see if that would help. Not really. And I had to keep my foot dry, which didn't work so well to shower, even though I taped a plastic bag around my foot. I tried a rubber band 2 mornings and that didn't even work. This morning after my shower I took the tape off, since it wasn't working anyway, I thought there's no use in keeping it on. Walking hurts so freaking bad. I have to go back on Friday, to see the doctor at which point if she isn't going to do something to help me, I'm going to have to find a new doctor.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
For Valentine's dinner I made spaghetti and baked a cake, per S's request for dinner. R was worried that we were only going to have cake. It was too funny. P surprised me by remembering 2 books I want to read and got them for me. And flowers, candy and a very large balloon. We gave the kids their treats, then worked on a couple of mini puzzles I got for R. I thought it would be fun to do together as a family, until we were doing them, and R got mad. Friday morning I worked at the middle school, even though I could barely walk. I tried different shoes, and different combinations of shoes, but nothing seemed to help. By the time I got home I could barely walk. I was thankful for my cane to lean on, and P was off, so he was in charge of dinner. (he ordered pizza, but still I was thankful I didn't have to cook) Sometime after school J fell asleep on my bed reading. I kept poking him to get up, because I knew if he slept then he would never go to bed. He finally got sick of me poking him and he went to his room, and slept all night long. At 8 this morning when I got up he was awake, I was so shocked, but he really had just gotten up to take out his contacts because he had slept with them in. At which point, I thought things seemed a little too clear myself, and releized I also slept in my contacts! I rarely have done this, I guess I was pretty tired last night myself. Sometime before dinner last night S came and told me R just threw up all over the couch. I was very thankful again P was home. I don't do so well with vomit. When I was a kid I couldn't even blow my nose without gagging. P cleaned up the couch, R came and laid on my bed with me. She threw up again. It happened so fast, I'm glad P had given her a bowl and a towel. She knew I can't handle the smell, and offered to leave my room. I agreed that would be a good idea, I didn't think P would want me throwing up too. He soon came down to our room and asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him and the girls. While I did I also knew I wanted to be on the couch and I didn't know if R could handle sharing the couch, plus I was reading (Touching Stars by Emilie Richards). I fell asleep before the movie was over. S had a stomachache, she took a bowl and towel and fell asleep in the hallway before the movie was over too. (I didn't know this until this morning) R is better today, S is still complaining of a stomachache and I still can't walk without pain. All I've done all day is read, take a nap and (not on purpose) and laundry, J helped me do all the walking back and forth to the laundry room and my bedroom, but I was the brains of the operation and folded hung everything up. I'm thankful it's a 3 day weekend, hopefully my foot can heal before I have to walk on it a lot on Tuesday.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
What a fun day so far. S had her first first trip today. To the Halle Heart Center. I was able to work out a little deal with my first kindergarten teacher so I could go on the field trip. This is the 3rd time, I have been there, once with J, and once last year due to not enough chaperones. It was way nicer with a daughter. If my foot felt better I would have loved it more. I decided to call the foot doctor, since it's been a week, and I can barely walk. I can't get seen until next Thursday. I asked S what we should have for dinner, she said cake! Silly girl. You'd think I'd already have this meal planned out, but no I don't. P gets off early today, so he'll be home for dinner, I guess I better figure it out.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My day thus far... It's going to be a long day
This morning before I left for physical therapy, I started some laundry, in addition to all the regular morning stuff. I usually do laundry on Tuesday night, but I really didn't feel so good last night. I fell asleep before J got home from scouts, (his uncle brings him home for me) and I don't even really remember sending R to bed, I'm sure I must have since she was in her bed this morning when I woke her up. As usual my head is swimming with thoughts as I drive to PT, only instead of going to there, I almost drove to DV Middle. Luckily they are close by and not in 2 different directions, so I was only a few minutes late. As I am laying down, while the elec. shock torture is happening to my knee, I remember that the PTO needs to pick up muffins we are having donated by Me Me's Cafe. Thank goodness, someone else volunteered to do this, and I just had to make reminder calls to make sure they were going to get picked up. I drop by home after the knee torture, and start anther load of laundry, before going to the doctor's to have the knee looked at. The doctor does think more therapy would be a good idea. UGH. Stop at Home Depot to get painter's tape, (for school to hang posters) Come home to work on laundry before going to work. It's pretty sad that I started this laundry before 7 am and only have 1 load done at 10:30.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
I had my 5th PT appointment this morning, thinking that Wednesday will be my last. Only at my evaulation today, my therapist wants to do 6 more. UGH. I am tired of getting up early, then leaving the girls to finish getting ready for school, with a timer set to tell them when to leave. (P is home) Over the weekend, I stretched the arch in my right foot (I'm sure to compinstate for my left knee. I can barley walk. While I was in PT torturing my legs and feet, both DV Middle and Sunrise called. To be fair DV Middle called first, so off to work I went, even though walking is painful. I noticed the first day I was at the Middle school, there is this sidewalk is not level, I usually stay far away from it. Well today I forgot and fell. On my right knee. Luckily I bled on the outside this time. Tore my jeans too. What's really weird is that when I got dressed this morning, I remembered it was these jeans I wore 2 weeks ago when I fell, and and not since then. Bad omen, to think of that while getting dressed or what? The principal at DV asked me to work tomorrow. He'll be off campus and he wants to make sure there's enough coverage. Later today back at Sunrise I felt my left calf pull, like a charlie horse that would not go away. I'm sure that must be from PT and walking to compinstate for my knee and foot arch. I want a wheelchair now.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Fast Week
This has been a very fast week, and I didn't even work on Wednesday. But I have done 3 pt appointments,a doctor's appointment, worked 9 extra hours at a middle school, which make me love my kindergardeners more. Celebrated R's birthday. by taking her lunch at school. Then of course there was all the afternoon activities, and J had a very early ortho appointment one day, follow the day of partying the night before with our bible study samll group. I'm hopping the weekend goes by slowly to rest up. Other than tonight, I want to go by fast, because it's R's first birthday sleepover party!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby!
My baby is 8!!!! She of course got the royal treatment of breakfast in bed. Well, we took her, her breakfast, she opened her gifts took a shower, got dressed and is now eating it. It's a funny thing in the mornings, that S can never get to breakfast fast enough in the morning, but R likes to wait and eat last. That was just a little side note to help me remember, this is really a birthday post. R we are so wonderfully blessed by you, and so thankful God gave us you to raise. I love your tender spirit and that you care about others (for the most part)You are beautiful inside and out. I love you!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Cool Thing
I had to drop the girls off at dance this afternoon, then do a few errands, like pick up S's prescription at the doctor's off then go have it filled at Fry's. Banking for Sunrise PTO. I get back to The Dance Shoppe, when I am hit with from S "Mommy look at the dancers of the month board." And lo and behold one of the dancers is S! She was pretty excited to see her name up there for the first time ever. I'm pretty proud too, but I'm biased, because she's my daughter, and I've always loved watching her on stage.
Cold, Cold, Cold,Cold
Oh the weather outside is frightfully cold. Not freezing, but dang cold when are not used to this kind of thing. Makes me feel bad for all the people visiting our valley of the sun for the Super Bowl or FBR Open, and it was chilly. Next weekend it's supposed to be in the 70's again. I don't do well with the constant change in temps. It is not wonder that I've had more colds I can count the past 4 months or so. It's pretty cold out there today, but at least I'm in the muddle of a cold, but then it will warm up, then go down again, and again I'll have another cold. Maybe it would be better living back east were is a constant cold, freezing cold. all. winter. long. R has a cough, that she even suggested taking medicine for (my kids don't take meds. well, it sometimes feel like I have to stand on my head to get them to take them, no not really my head but any tricks I can come up with.) J kinda has been coughing a little all weekend, but this morning he had a bit of a temp. so he got to stay home in his nice warm bed and sleep all day.While I go put up with smart mouthed teens for a few hours, then go deal with paint and kindergardeners in the same room. What was I thinking? Really it wasn't so mad, and it really seemed to calm them down, they seemed to be bouncing off the walls when I went to get them. You just never can tell with paint which way it's going to go, paint flying everywhere or perfict little children happy they get to paint. Speaking of flying everywhere, today I worked at the middle school for a few hours and was in the OCR room, helping a student (I should point out that there were 13 OCR students today)anyway while I as helping pencils, papers and shoes are being thrown around the room. I took away all there throwing objects and kept the shoe, under the desk, and made them all lay their heads down for a nap. If they were going to act like kindergardners, then I was going to treat them like one.
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