Monday, February 4, 2008

Cold, Cold, Cold,Cold

Oh the weather outside is frightfully cold. Not freezing, but dang cold when are not used to this kind of thing. Makes me feel bad for all the people visiting our valley of the sun for the Super Bowl or FBR Open, and it was chilly. Next weekend it's supposed to be in the 70's again. I don't do well with the constant change in temps. It is not wonder that I've had more colds I can count the past 4 months or so. It's pretty cold out there today, but at least I'm in the muddle of a cold, but then it will warm up, then go down again, and again I'll have another cold. Maybe it would be better living back east were is a constant cold, freezing cold. all. winter. long. R has a cough, that she even suggested taking medicine for (my kids don't take meds. well, it sometimes feel like I have to stand on my head to get them to take them, no not really my head but any tricks I can come up with.) J kinda has been coughing a little all weekend, but this morning he had a bit of a temp. so he got to stay home in his nice warm bed and sleep all day.While I go put up with smart mouthed teens for a few hours, then go deal with paint and kindergardeners in the same room. What was I thinking? Really it wasn't so mad, and it really seemed to calm them down, they seemed to be bouncing off the walls when I went to get them. You just never can tell with paint which way it's going to go, paint flying everywhere or perfict little children happy they get to paint. Speaking of flying everywhere, today I worked at the middle school for a few hours and was in the OCR room, helping a student (I should point out that there were 13 OCR students today)anyway while I as helping pencils, papers and shoes are being thrown around the room. I took away all there throwing objects and kept the shoe, under the desk, and made them all lay their heads down for a nap. If they were going to act like kindergardners, then I was going to treat them like one.

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