R woke up this morning, asking to stay home from school. This never happens. She never wants to leave me, but always wants to go to school. I was going to let her stay home, but she decided she wanted to go (I didn't even tell her I would be at school today, she didn't even know I was going until we left, so I know that's not why she changed her mind). I gave her some allergy medicine and a pain reliever for her headache. I was at school all day until 4, but only got paid for 2 hours. And I almost forgot to clock in. Then I went to put something away in the PTO workroom, got side tracked, and almost forgot to go get my first class. Oops. I hope the beginning of April is not as windy as today was. Updating the calendar bulletin board is not so fun, with the wind blowing as hard as it was this morning. I already hate this job because I am too short, and need to stand on a step stool. Which wouldn't be bad, if I wasn't so darn near afraid I'd fall. I did one time last year. The librarian helped me take pictures of new students and the 11 sets of twins we have at Sunrise for the yearbook. 6 more new kids to go and I can finish up those pages. 3 field trips, one PTO event (tomorrow is Chuck E Cheese Night) and field days and I'm done with the yearbook. Which is a good thing because the last 32 pages are due on the 17th. Then maybe I can work on some personal scrapbooking! S and R had dance classes today. R was supposed to have 2, she wasn't feeling so great near the end of the first one,we left before the next class started. She fell asleep almost as soon as we got home. She must have pushed herself to far today. Maybe tomorrow she'll want to stay home from school.