Monday, March 31, 2008
My great nephew!
8 LBS 4 oz cuteness, and 21 and 1/2 inches long. (I didn't take these pictures, but stole them from my other niece's MySpace, that's J's hand in the one picture, you can tell because of the Steeler's watch!)
I totally had this vision earlier today that I posted a blog "introducing". I didn't even know then my niece was in labor! My sister didn't call until 1. At 4:14 PM this afternoon I became a Great Aunt. J wanted to be at the hospital when the baby was born, and he was but just barely. I dropped him off, took the girls to dance, afterward the girls and I met him at the hospital, the girls were not allowed up on the floor, so they couldn't go see the baby. J came down to the waiting room and stayed with them, while I went up to see him. (he was born at the same hospital all my kids were born at). I got to hold him, but J didn't! Not for long since the nurse was waiting to give him his first bath. The birth was a little scary, but he is just fine now and just just so cute!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
As it turns out
J was not mad at me when he left yesterday morning. He was only tired. P came up with taking him out for dinner. J wanted pizza. We went to Peter Piper. I could barely walk from the car by dinner. I stayed at the table while the kids and P played. I did have P take pictures for me, that hopefully someday soon I'll be able to see. The battery in my camera died, and I have no idea where the charger is :(
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mom -
I never thought about immunizations.
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make
sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the
wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.
Is 15 today! I totally blew it and forgot breakfast in bed this morning, but to be fair only he remembered, not one of the other 4 of us. I'm not even sure where his present is, P was in charge of it. We'll have to try to make it up to him later, I know when he left he was a little upset, which makes me feel even worse. I had to take a pain pill last night for my foot, it totally wiped me out, and I had a hard time getting up this morning. All I could think of was S had to be at chorus at 7:30, and I have PT at 8:30, J's birthday didn't hit me until I stepped out into the hallway. Grrr, I am so mad at myself.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Not the best picture, for some reason I took pictures into the sun, which left shadows on everything. This is one of the better ones, the kids moved in front of the door. It was wonderful not to have to be at church for 2 services on Easter morning. Getting to church at 8:30 is tough enough on regular Sundays. I think it's been a long time that we haven't had to be there for both services on Easter. But I did volunteer to serve at the children's sign in table between services. Because I missed all of worship, I couldn't find P and J i the auditorium, I didn't want to create a scene I sat outside the auditorium and listened and watched the message on the TV we have set up in the lobby. Bummer, I couldn't find my guys. The elementary kids had an Easter eggs hunt and games, outside, the girls had fun. P just left for work, I'll do my exercises for my foot, then we'll head over to my brother and sister-in-laws for a egg hunt and play.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Week and The Eggs
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
S & R
Went for check-ups today. S is only 4 inches shorter than me, and R is 3 and 1/2 shorter than S. S finally weighs over 80 lbs. 81. R weighs 63. Nothing really exciting at a 8 and 11 year old well check. Not near as much fun as taking a baby in, other than when S got her 2 shots, she didn't cry, or even flinch. They are both healthy.
New Shoes
I need new shoes again. I should never be bare footed. I totally think my physical therapist did a much better job of looking at mt foot problem than the podiatrist has ever. The new sneakers I got in December that I don't even wear often are in terrible shape. Which I wouldn't have even known until she pointed out how they are stretched. It seems like the doctor should have noticed this, because I have worn them to her office. Basically I need shoes that are going to hold my foot in place. I can't wait to go shopping and spend lots of money. NOT. I really need a pair of good sneakers and a pair of other shoes that are good that I can wear without socks, it's going to be 120 before we know it and I do not like wears socks, when it's hot.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Robot Boot
That's what one of my kindergartens calls the big heavy thing I have to wear for at least 3 weeks. I am, going to start physical therapy on Tuesday. I had a long break for lunch yesterday so I drove over to see the doctor. She taped my foot also. Back at work I really noticed how much higher the boot is then the shoe I wore, I felt very lopsided and scared of falling. I stayed off of it the rest of the night except to pick up Sarah from dance and running to Walgreen's twice for pictures for the yearbook. Today I worked all day. My foot felt like it was in a vise. I took the taping off and lo and behold the foot was so swollen I couldn't see my ankle and even my toes are big. I'm glad we are on Spring break next week. To rest my foot and my mind. The one thing I that has been really on my mind was the school yearbook, It's done!!!!!! That's what I've been working on while I was icing my foot. I feel so free now that I don't need to worry about it anymore. Hooray~
Where did P and R go?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
S had her field day today
Braces are coming off...finally
Much to J's delight, he got the good news today that his braces can finally come off! It's been 2 years and 8 months. 8 months longer than what was projected, when they were put on, but he had some problems with a tooth not growing in, it finally has, so on April 3rd we'll see his pearly whites again :)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Plantar Fasciitis
Which I already knew is what's wrong with my left foot. The doctor wants to have me try some boot thing next, which I'll get on Monday. I'd like to try physical therapy too. I can't stand (pun intended) the pain. It could be I injured my foot more when I fell, 2 months ago and that's why it's worse than it was. Between now and then stay off it as much as possible and ice when when ever I can. UGH. That's what I was doing already.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Busy few days...
But fun too. Tuesday morning I went to the foot doctor. She thinks I should have an MRI. Ya think? Then I did a bunch of errands. R stayed home from school. (P was home) She slept for nearly 24 hours. J came home from school and went to bed. Just S and I went to Chuck E Cheese for a school fundraiser. The bummer part of this, it was going to be all of us doing something all together. Wednesday was R's field day. And although she wasn't 100% well, she didn't want to miss it. I was outside selling water for the coaches, I talked to her teacher about her, and said she could come sit with me, if she didn't feel like she could participate. Yesterday was also an early release day. I worked on the yearbook and getting the house ready for bible study. P had to work, but the rest of our group was here plus a new family. 13 adults and 6 children total. Today R stayed home from school. I hope she kicks this bug she has. I got to go on the kindergarten field trip, and got paid to go. (I was in charge of a autistic boy) We went to see a play, at the Temple Arts Center. Very cool theater. Very fun show. Goodnight Moon. All the kids really seemed to love it. Tomorrow after my MRI at 7, I have to work all day. The laundry is really piling up. I like to do it twice a week. That's so not going to happen this week. J is going to work at boy scout camp again this year. He has to go to a meeting on Saturday (I hope he has a ride, so I can spend my day off working) and Sunday is my nieces baby shower.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Unusual and Usual
R woke up this morning, asking to stay home from school. This never happens. She never wants to leave me, but always wants to go to school. I was going to let her stay home, but she decided she wanted to go (I didn't even tell her I would be at school today, she didn't even know I was going until we left, so I know that's not why she changed her mind). I gave her some allergy medicine and a pain reliever for her headache. I was at school all day until 4, but only got paid for 2 hours. And I almost forgot to clock in. Then I went to put something away in the PTO workroom, got side tracked, and almost forgot to go get my first class. Oops. I hope the beginning of April is not as windy as today was. Updating the calendar bulletin board is not so fun, with the wind blowing as hard as it was this morning. I already hate this job because I am too short, and need to stand on a step stool. Which wouldn't be bad, if I wasn't so darn near afraid I'd fall. I did one time last year. The librarian helped me take pictures of new students and the 11 sets of twins we have at Sunrise for the yearbook. 6 more new kids to go and I can finish up those pages. 3 field trips, one PTO event (tomorrow is Chuck E Cheese Night) and field days and I'm done with the yearbook. Which is a good thing because the last 32 pages are due on the 17th. Then maybe I can work on some personal scrapbooking! S and R had dance classes today. R was supposed to have 2, she wasn't feeling so great near the end of the first one,we left before the next class started. She fell asleep almost as soon as we got home. She must have pushed herself to far today. Maybe tomorrow she'll want to stay home from school.
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