Monday, April 7, 2008

Losing my mind

I almost always hang my lanyard with my name badge and school keys on the rear view mirror in my car. Yesterday after church I noticed it was not hanging there. I had already bribed the kids into cleaning all the junk in my car, I thought for sure one of them would find it. Nope. I was panicking just a little. A few hours later I remembered I gave J my keys on Friday was we were leaving, because R left her backpack in the PTO workroom. I met them in the office, where I was talking to the secretary about a new design for a school t-shirt for next year. (Sunrise will be 30 years old). On my way to therapy this morning I called my friend M and asked her to look in the workroom for me, to see if they were in there. They weren't, darn it. I had an email from the attendance clerk, when answering her questions I asked if anyone turned in my keys. They were on the secretary's desk! J must have set them down when I was talking to her, thinking I knew he gave them to me. I slept terrible last night, not knowing were in the world they were. I'm so glad that mystery is solved!


Marlene said...

I'm glad you found them!

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