Thursday, May 1, 2008


Last night S was in so much pain, she couldn't get up off of the floor in my room to go to bed. P was off early last night(9). He carried her in bed. She was still complaining this morning that her bladder hurt. I was able to get her in to the doctor this morning. We won't know for 48 hours for sure, but the initial testing came back suspicious, and she was running a temperature. Off to Fry's we went to fill the prescription. I had 3 that needed filled too,(I called mine in already, so there shouldn't be a wait on mine). The tech tells me it will be over an hour. UGH. I asked them to please hurry since S can barely stand. I leave her sitting in the pharmacy while I get a few groceries (I figured since I had time and I was there). I was still done before they were, by at least 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Oh my gosh! I hope the meds help and she feels better soon!