Saturday, November 8, 2008

Scary, doctors, and movies

Monday morning J missed the school bus again. Up until this year he has never missed the bus. It's really frustrating when he does, since I am in the middle of getting myself and the girls ready for school. I don't talk to him much on the way, for two reasons I'm usually taking my medicine (at the red lights) and eating an energy bar, and I want to talk to him logically instead of out of anger. When we got home from school that afternoon he was not home. Very unusual. I tried calling his cell phone but had to leave a message. I call P at work to see if he knew anything, he doesn't. I had a doctor's appointment and had to leave. I left S in charge of R and told her to call me if he came home. Surprisingly enough my blood pressure was almost normal and the appointment was fast. I tried calling J again 3-4 more times during this time and checked in with S twice. I had tried calling the school before I left home but couldn't get anyone but I could have left voice mails on all the office numbers! I started driving to J's school after my appointment, because now it's 4:40 and I'm really starting to get a little freaked out. I have my cell phone in my hand, and just before I reach the school he calls. He had asked me about doing wrestling this year, and I had filled out the paperwork, but he had failed to tell me when practice was/started. Yep, that's where he was. I was way more relived that he was OK than angry, but we did talk about both missing the bus and this when we got home, and he had to do extra chores for missing the bus. Not that that helped on Tuesday when he missed the bus again, grrr. Tuesday afternoon, I had to see my heart doctor, and had my blood levels checked. It was very high. I guess I know why I've been feeling off lately, and bruising easier. He was pretty concerned, and wants to me come back in 2 weeks to retest, and then see him 2 weeks after that. He doesn't want it to get too high and that it lands me in the hospital. Nor do I want that to happen. Finally on Thursday some fun happened. P and I went out for dinner then saw Changeling, it was very good. I was out of my prescription sleeping pill and so I thought taking 2 over the counter ones would help me sleep. They did not work at all. I wasn't the least bit groggy, and not getting any sleep does not help the body fight a cold. Yesterday P and I took the girls to see Madagascar 2, other than the mean old lady it was good. (J was spending the night at my sister's so he could get up early today to go fishing with his uncle) I gage that on not falling asleep during the movie, even with no sleep the night before. After the movie we went to Fry's and picked up my prescription. I had no trouble sleeping last night. I have no idea why I can't sleep without them, no matter how tired I am. R had to sit though S's dance classes this morning, since J wasn't home and P had to work at 9 today (now that's unusual too!)S got invited to help grandpa today, he picked her up from the dance studio and so she didn't have to sit through R's classes. But I got to sit thought all 4, and now I get to do laundry.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I really wanted to see The Changeling, but ti looks too intense...