Thursday, January 22, 2009

sick again, whiny- update 3 PM

I am so tired of there being something wrong with me, it is making me nuts. Last night before I went to bed, I noticed my cheeks getting very red. I woke up this morning at 4 and couldn't fall back to sleep. By 8, my cheeks felt like they were on fire and my stomach starting hurting. I had the school nurse check my temp. because of course no thermometer could be found at home. I didn't have a temp. but she noticed I was breathing really hard, and my legs and feet seemed swollen. She is awesome, she knows my history and really thinks I should go in and see my doctor today. The first appointment I could get is at 1:15, but I left school at 10:15 so I could rest of a little bit before going. My cheeks are less red, but my stomach still hurts, and now my throat hurts, but maybe that's because I didn't get enough sleep. I guess it was a good day to leave early because the little one I am with most of my day wasn't at school today, and I have sick days hours I can use so I won't be short on hours, but still I'm am so frustrated that I am sick once again. At the very least it seems like I have a sinus infection, but my throat didn't look to good either so the doctor did a throat culture. Antibiotics no matter what. She ordered an ultrasound of both my legs just to be sure there isn't a blood clot, which I'm sure there isn't since I'm on blood thinners, but she wants to be sure. She thinks I should wear support sticking for the viscous vein that is getting worse on my left leg. Since I was there and she was doing such a through job I asked her to look at my belly button that still hurts and it sticking out some, the first thing she asks me is "am I pregnant?" I would love to have been a few years ago, but really, unlikely with a husband that had a vasectomy 8 and a half years ago, I had a ablation over 2 years ago (which wouldn't stop a pregnancy but make it more complicated), and being 42 would make it highly improbable. Who knows what caused this hernia to develop, I had one on the right side of my belly button when I was pregnant with S, which was fixed when I had the tumor removed when S was 18 months. I've decided to wait and see if it gets bigger or feels worse before I do anything about it.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Wow. Lot of stuff going on! Hope you feel better!!