Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's late Sunday afternoon already...

The past week went by fast. Last Monday I went to work with sandals on, on Tuesday and the rest of the week I wore my slippers, my feet felt much better Tuesday on. I see my doctor tomorrow, I'll be able to see what type of shoe I should be wearing. I was so tired all week after working all day. I was thankful for a school fundraiser on Tuesday night at McDonald's and I didn't have to cook dinner. J and his ROTC class helped at a local elementary school Friday night. I said half jokingly picking him up at 9:30 would be past my bedtime. Luckily I got an hour nap and was able to pick him up. LOL Yesterday J had his orientation for working at scout camp this summer. P took him, I felt kinda bad having him, because he had to close both Friday and Saturday night, but I knew the walk from the parking lot to the place were the boys met the leaders would have been hard on me, and the girls would have needed someone to take them to dance so it's not like he would have been able to sleep in anyway. I decided to take yesterday off as a Sabbath day and do all my things I would normally do on a Saturday today. Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning meal planning, etc. I did really well shopping and have enough dinners and lunches and stuff for breakfasts (for less than $200) planned for at least 3 and a half week. P will have to keep us up to date on milk and stuff I forgot or we run out of, but that's the best part of him working at a grocery store, it keeps me form running to the store and buying things we don't need and saves us money. I am getting another cold or something. It just started yesterday, I just finished the last antibiotics on Thursday, crazy. but so far I've only had a little mucus and it's been clear, sorry TMI hopefully it will stay that way.

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