Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm still awake

It must be the excitement of only 6.5 hours left to work in my current contract. But I am working a few days in June which is a workshop on co-teaching. And maybe I'll get some calls to sub during summer school. Tomorrow 4th thru 6 grade will have their award assemblies, and Kindergarten will have their celebration party, which is a little bigger than parties grades 1-3 will have. But first grade has a really fun theme, the kids are going to have so much fun. Unfortunately I don't know what 3rd grade plans are, and because the 2 students I work with are in Kindergarten I will miss S getting her Honor Roll ribbon for the year. I believe her teacher did really well in preparing S for Middle School. S should also get an Art award and possibly a PE one. I hate that I'm going to miss seeing it all for myself. P has to work too :( I think I'll write her a letter and tell her how proud I am of her. I am also proud of R who was on Honor Roll all year, and J almost getting there. He just struggles so with writing, he has from the beginning of his education so that's nothing new. He'll end up with all A's and B's for the year and a lonely C in Language Arts(baring he doesn't totally bomb is final tomorrow)


Marlene said...

I'm sorry you had to miss the parties and awards. What a bummer!
But good for the kids!! And I'm glad J is doing well!

Janet said...

S got 2 PE awards- one fore most laps at Sunrise and for 3rd place in running a mile. The music teacher told me today that she earned an award in music too, but decided not to give it to her, because she was already getting the PEs and Art ones. I think that's just mean. If a child deserves an award I think they should get it.