Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am ready for bed!

I tried to watch So You Think You Can Dance, Why I didn't? You might wonder. P did not record it right! :( Oh brother! Well at least I know who one. Still! Thursday afternoon we headed to Scottsdale and played in the pools at the Hyatt Resort. P had pizza delivered and we ate poolside. 4 hours of fun! We made it back to the room to see who won So You Think You Can Dance, I was pretty disappointed in the winner, she's not who I voted for and not my second choice either. I have the whole show taped and will watch it later on in the week. Friday after having a lovely breakfast at the resort, we stopped at home to get a few forgotten things, like I'm the only one who packed a jacked! I did tell the kids more than once to pack one. It turned out P packed one but forgot he had! We drove to Flagstaff in near silence, the girls had a DVD player in the back with headphones, J had his DVD player in the front with headphones and I had a book in the backseat. (J gets car sick so I have to sit in the back on long trips.) We ate a very late lunch, then checked into the hotel, and went swimming! The water was cold for an indoor pool, but it didn't bother the kids at all. We went out for a late dinner, and then went to bed. P, J, and R went to the Cardinals training camp with Grandpa, Uncle and cousin. S and I hung out at the hotel, went out for lunch and played in the pool. R was very tired when they got back, P and J along with Grandpa, Uncle and cousin went out for a late lunch. Then P took J and S to the Observatory, R was tired and she really wanted to swim. I couldn't handle any meltdowns from either R or J. R because she was tired and wanted to swim, and J for missing the Observatory. SO even though I was in the hotel all day, and had to put on a damp bathing suit, eeew. Rachel wanted someone who would play with her in the water, and I knew P would struggle with this because of how cold the water was, even though it bothered me I just didn't let it get to me. They were all happy. We didn't get many pics P's camera only stored 11 pics before the memory card said it was full, and even though I took 2 sets of charged recyclable batteries, they didn't hold there charge. A little disappointing. But wonderful memories were made. We made it home today about 2:30, and by 7, all the laundry was done and all the unpacking, and suitcases put away. Gotta get up early tomorrow S has to see the orthodontist, and then we get to go pick up her 7th grade schedule!


Marlene said...

Sounds like a fun and relaxing time for you!

Marlene said...

and REALLY? You were disappointed in the winner?? She was my FAVORITE all season, followed very closely by Kayla. We were very happy here!

Janet said...

Kayla was my favorite, followed by Brandon.

Marlene said...

HATED Brandon! Hated, hated, hated! Wanted him gone from the very beginning. something about him drove me crazy. Maybe the man panties he always danced in!lol!