Thursday, October 22, 2009

Geez, it's been 10 days since my last post

And I only have 5 minutes before Grey's Anatomy starts. I guess even with P being on vacation for almost 2 weeks, hasn't left me with any more time. He has helped me by taking the kids to their activities, that has been nice. Today was a long day at work, for parent/teacher conferences. But it will be worth it leaving tomorrow for the day at 12! S did well first quarter in Middle School, earning honor roll. R did well, with everything except writing, which sadly kept her of honor roll. She was positive and said she has 3 more quarters to earn it. That's my girl! Not to leave J out he has semester grades in high school on quarterly grades. But he is doing well, even with junior year being tough.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Have a great half day! Glad the kids did so well. We'll find out our kids grades next week (except SB, we already got hers) but I am anticipating that we'll have straight A's for all three!