Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not trying to stress

But I'm having a hard time keeping myself in check. Not getting enough sleep, and a cold on top of that isn't helping my stress level. I did cross off 2 major things on my to do list. Christmas cards, and the invitations for our church Angel Tree party. I just need to stamp everything to mail. I called P at work to bring me the stamps. I tried cutting down on the amount of cards send this year, by only sending cards to just my first cousins and not second cousins. Since I only send cards to P's Aunts and Uncles, I already send way more cards for my family. The tree is still not decorated yet. Well, that's not completely true, someone started to, but then got bored or something. I have 4 boxes sitting on my living room couch, and on the love seat there's a large broken down box for S to use in her project that's due soon, I hope. The only place to sit in my living room is on 1 of 2 computer chairs. The boxes are making me feel claustrophobic. P is off tomorrow I have hope that the outside lights go up and the tree gets finished. Well, maybe not the tree the girls have dance and J has to work 6 hours. I haven't baked one cookie or wrapped one present yet. Maybe this weekend, I can fit something in, in between all the other activities. I will not stress, and enjoy December, and get a couple of good nights sleep to kick this cold...

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Feel better!!