Sunday, December 13, 2009

Productive weekend

I got a lot of my Christmas wrapping done on Friday afternoon. I even talked P into helping me after dinner. It feels good to have that mostly done. Saturday I had to get up early, but not as early as the Saturday before J needed to be dropped off at 8, to gather mistletoe with his scout troop. When I got home I laid back down for a little bit, not that I fell back to sleep, but resting felt good, my cold seems to be getting worse not better. I had to wake both girls up at 12, in order to be downtown by 2, so we could watch their cousins dance in The Snow Queen. When we got home I reluctantly did 4 loads of laundry. After church today I started my Christmas baking. 4 loaves of Amish Friendship bread, and pizzels. I think I'll only be baking a few different kinds of cookies, peanut blossoms, M and M's, chocolate chip, and sugar cut outs. Since I really suck at making fudge, I'm not even planning on trying this year, the only candy I plan on making is Christmas bark. Only 4 and a half more days of school,(until winter break) Although I am working till 3 on Friday, I don't want to use my personal time to leave at 12 when students leave, we have to option of working, not getting paid for 3 hours or using personal time, teachers get to leave when students do though, so not fair! I am so ready for the break.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I think we are all ready for the break, for sure!!