Monday, January 25, 2010

Freaking out

J had his appointment with the knee doctor today. He has to see him again in one month, during that time we can discuss the ACL surgery. I know J really wants to have it and the sooner the better. I think it would be best to wait until the beginning of July after scout camp and 6 weeks before school starts. This will be J's last year as a "boy" at camp, I think he would miss not going. I also think it would be easier for me to take him to PT 3 days a week, when I'm not working, and he's not in school. For the first 4 weeks after surgery he has to wear a knee brace that will make it hard to climb the bus steps followed by 2 weeks of crutches. The doctor thinks he could just wait and see if anything happens before surgery, but because J is planning on an Air Force career that is not an option. J will have to quit his job at Fry's, the doctor would not give a no restriction release, which Fry's wants. The doctor wants J to wear a brace all the time to stabilize his knee now too. This visit took 2 hours and $61 plus $11 for pizza for dinner. I left the girls home alone. As J and I were headed down the street in our neighborhood, we see a large puff of smoke, we couldn't tell were it was coming from fast enough for me. It was not our house and the girls are safe. Not sure how the fire started, the police department was 2 houses down dealing with an 18 year old threatening his parents with a knife, when one of the officers looked over and noticed the attic was on fire. Good timing? I hope so, the fire department had the fire out pretty fast.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I drove my husband's car all day, which is amazing thing because he doesn't let me drive his car. As in I could count on one hand how many times I've driven it in all the years we've had it. But today he had no choice but let me use it, as 2 kids had dentist appointments, 2 kids had doctor appointments and J had physical therapy. The dentist was fast, we were out of there in less than an hour. The doctor's office took over an hour and we didn't have much waiting. It was great how through the visit was for both girls. PT took over 2 hours. I hate first visits. I was supposed to go to my book club tonight, but I'll need to go pick P up from work, then we'll have to go pick up the battery for my car. What a long day this has been.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now I've lost a week!

No not really, but I haven't blogged anything in over a week. Last Saturday I spent the day cooking and cleaning and washing yuck, but then we went out for dinner for my sister-in-laws birthday, that was fun. Sunday we served in the toddler room, the kids and I stayed for service and P went to watch the Cardinal game with his Dad. Monday after school I had to take J to his pre-surgery appointments. (doctor, crutches, blood work)Tuesday I thought I was taking J to scouts and rushed about doing things after school, only to be told there was no scouts. sigh. J's knee surgery went well on Wednesday morning, the doctor removed a 2cm by 1.5 cm piece of cartilage.. He will need to have his ACL fixed it as it is torn, the doctor also released the tendon in his knee cap so it floats into the correct place, J will have to have that done to his right knee too. J wanted me to stay home with him on Thursday. We played games and hung out. Friday morning I was felling pretty yucky and stayed home again. I didn't feel like eating until about 2:30 PM on Saturday, just the thought of food make me feel yucky. Today we all over slept and missed church. I thought P had set the alarm and he thought I had. I took R this afternoon to see The Princess and the Frog, finally. S went to a concert with her grandpa, P took me to see It's Complicated. When we were leaving the theater the car would not start. A fellow movie watcher group helped jump it. P took it to Checker who said the battery was fine it just needs to be charged. P will have to take it back tomorrow for them to do that. I'll have to take P's car tomorrow as the kids and I have a day full of appointments. Dentist, doctors and physical therapy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Losing my brain

Thursday night I put together our grocery list. I keep having to go back and add things because of things I didn't remember to put on it. On Friday morning just as I was heading out the door for school I thought of 2 more things. I didn't have time to find a pencil (which sometimes takes awhile at this house, and forget about finding a pen) and to write the items on my list. So I left remembering that one item started with 3 letters and the other with 4. By lunch yesterday I could only remember what the 4 letter item was. It bothered me the rest of the day, and the hour I'm walking around the store. I had to make a pit stop to the bathroom before checking out. While in there I over hear a little boy saying to his Mommy he is done with his gum. The light bulb in my brain goes off! GUM! That's my 3 letter item! I like to keep gum at school for after lunch because I hate being in student's faces with blah breath. After lunch yesterday I grabbed my last piece, and one would think that would have triggered my brain that, that was my missing 3 letter item, but sadly it did not. I thanked the little boy in the bathroom, his Mom thought I was funny. I just think I'm losing my brain. What reminded of this story is that I just thought to myself, there's something else I want to do online right, but I can't remember what it is :( I'm sure it wasn't any big deal and I can do it later, but it still bothers me that I can't remember what it was.

Friday, January 8, 2010

8 weeks to Spring Break

OK, I'm not totally counting down the days, but a co-worker had mentioned it on Monday morning that we have 9 weeks and days off in those weeks until Spring Break. Thus since we managed to survive one week, 8 more to go! I thought the week went by pretty fast, and that's always a good thing. After having a 2 week break from dance, the girls resumed classes this week. R who sometimes fights with me about taking classes, was jumping around all over the place, well I guess dancing, she was to excited to go to her classes. I guess the 2 week break was good for her. S on the other hand said "I hated we had 2 weeks off!"

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Working Order

Well my stomach issues are in working order, kind of, I'm not having nausea anymore, but my colons are working overtime anytime I eat anything. But I'm not having the terrible pains I was having, so I'll venture on. Only one nostril at a time let me breath out of my nose, but I'm going to look positive at at least one side is working. The inside Christmas decorations are put away, and the everyday stuff is back up. The living room still needs a little work, P was having a hard time vacuuming, the breaker kept tripping, so he gave up. P is off on Wednesday so hopefully the outside lights will be put away then. Tomorrow we go back to school. No one here is all that excited about it. It's going to be tough getting back into the swing of things after 2 lovely weeks off.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

I'm going to bed now!