Monday, January 25, 2010

Freaking out

J had his appointment with the knee doctor today. He has to see him again in one month, during that time we can discuss the ACL surgery. I know J really wants to have it and the sooner the better. I think it would be best to wait until the beginning of July after scout camp and 6 weeks before school starts. This will be J's last year as a "boy" at camp, I think he would miss not going. I also think it would be easier for me to take him to PT 3 days a week, when I'm not working, and he's not in school. For the first 4 weeks after surgery he has to wear a knee brace that will make it hard to climb the bus steps followed by 2 weeks of crutches. The doctor thinks he could just wait and see if anything happens before surgery, but because J is planning on an Air Force career that is not an option. J will have to quit his job at Fry's, the doctor would not give a no restriction release, which Fry's wants. The doctor wants J to wear a brace all the time to stabilize his knee now too. This visit took 2 hours and $61 plus $11 for pizza for dinner. I left the girls home alone. As J and I were headed down the street in our neighborhood, we see a large puff of smoke, we couldn't tell were it was coming from fast enough for me. It was not our house and the girls are safe. Not sure how the fire started, the police department was 2 houses down dealing with an 18 year old threatening his parents with a knife, when one of the officers looked over and noticed the attic was on fire. Good timing? I hope so, the fire department had the fire out pretty fast.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

That would have totally freaked me out too!

Too bad J has to quit his job. That really stinks.