Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doctor and Memorial

Yesterday when I still wasn't feeling very well, I made a doctor's appointment, and amazingly enough I got an appointment for yesterday afternoon. She gave me a prescription for the cough I can't seem to shake and something for what she thinks is wrong with my stomach (she thinks it's my ulcer, but we'll see), I had to have blood drawn and do a stool sample. Yuck was that gross this morning. My insurance wouldn't cover the medicine for my ulcer, the pharmacy and doctor's office are trying to work that out, while I wait for the results of the tests. My Uncle Penner died in January, he moved to Oregon 7 years ago, his memorial was today, he was cremated and his ashes are being buried at the Veteran's Cemetery in Phoenix, he was the last living sibling of my Mom's, there were 8 siblings/half-siblings spanning 21 years, my Mom was the baby of the family. His daughter Judy and his granddaughter Dina flew out from PA and I got to see a lot of cousins today. It was a lovely day, high of about 75, a little windy. I some how still manged to get a little sunburn.


Marlene said...

That's where my grandpa is buried:(
I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I don't think i knew he had died. Glad you got to spend time with cousins though.
I hope you feel better!

Janet said...

I didn't know he died until last week. One of my cousins called Jul, who was supposed to call me, but in her drug induced fog forgot! One of the other cousins posted it on Facebook, but I didn't see it either, it seems like I don't get all my notifications everyday.

迴轉壽司Mika said...
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