Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is it depression or illness? and I hate Saturdays

The last 2 nights I have gone to bed by 8 PM if not earlier. I sleep though the nights with just the normal wakings during the nights. Thursday all the Para professionals met with the school principal. The bottom 2 paras will not have a job next year, I would really like a part time position at the campus, that's what I will be looking for, right now, please pray for me that the job God has in store fore me I will be ready to do it. I am working 3 days in June as the school secretary.That is a nice blessing. Can't what to see what God has in store for us,


Marlene said...

So, you will still have a job? But not full time? I am confused. And why do you hate Saturday? It's my favorite day!!

Janet said...

Right now, I DO NOT have a job for next school year. I would like a part-time job, maybe I'll stay healthier. be less tired all the time and therefore be a better wife and mother.

I spend my Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, errands and driving the kids around. Not much of a day off. I know I need to get over it, and i am providing care for my family, but right now I just hate it. In a few weeks it won't be so bad, I will like Saturdays again.

Marlene said...

Are you just looking for a job on your campus, or any part time at any school?

Janet said...

I would prefer to work at Sunrise at least for the next 2 years, while R is still there, but it may come down to any school.