Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's so strange to only have 1 kid at home

Sunday night was so quite. Yesterday afternoon we picked up my youngest niece and spent the afternoon at a public pool, after lunch at Subway that is. We came home and did some crafts. The girls started on the shrinky dinkys first. I suggested they read the directions first. They were so funny, they freaked out when they curled up, not knowing that happens first then they strink, but had they read the directions, they would have :) Then they moved on to a wind chime craft, and wouldn't you know it, I leaned over the table and got paint all over my dress. UGH. We had dinner and watched "Because of Winn-Dixie". One of R's favorite movies. I think she wishes she was Opal and could rescue a dog to come live with us. This afternoon I took R bowling just the 2 of us, it was fun, without competing brother, sister, or friend. When we got home she let me have an hour to myself, and I used it wisely, I took a nap! She kept coming down to my room "checking" on me. Yes, I'm still here, no, I haven't left you, yes, I am still trying to fall asleep. I didn't have to check on her at all, since she was checking in on me! Tomorrow afternoon P and I are going to take her to see "The Karate Kid". I just need to plan something for Thursday, because S will be home on Friday and we'll have lots of laundry to do, before J gets home on Saturday, and he'll need the washer to do his stinky boy clothes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's been awhile

Last weekend was busy with dance recitals and getting R off to camp on Sunday. We even managed to take P to one of his favorite restaurants for Father's Day lunch. Someday soon we'll get to celebrate our 18th anniversary which was also last Sunday. The girls did wonderfully on stage, I am so very proud of them. Fast forward to Thursday, I got a call from the church children's director that R is sick and I need to come pick her up. P was out hiking, I tried to call him to go with me, after 20 minutes of no return call I sent J to get gas in the car. When J got back and P still hadn't called or come home J and I drove to Prescott to get R. She looked OK, but she hadn't eaten all day, on the way home she laid down in the back seat the whole way. Friday she complained of a headache, she was head stuffy, and dragging quite a bit. But she was eating! This morning I took J to the drop off point for scout camp, he'll be home next Saturday. S had friends over, and R and I hung out in my room watching movies. Tomorrow S leaves for church camp. She is very excited. R will be the only kid all week, she's worried that she's going to be so bored. I'm worried I'm going to be exhausted keeping her from being bored! Monday we have plans to hang out with her cousin, which will be fun and she has to go to her Aunt Jul's house a couple of mornings when P and I both have to be at work at 8. It's been a long time since I've had to ask someone to watch one of my kids, that seemed weird.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dance Rehearsal part 2

The battery in the video camera lasted halfway through R's jazz dance (her class was first this afternoon). I called P and asked him to bring me his camera. Then as I am taking pictures my camera batteries die, not problem I brought spares. Only they must have lost their charge because they didn't work. I had S call P, who brought me some new batteries. What a nightmare. I'm glad he was home to help me. The girls dance beautifully. Tomorrow night is the dress rehearsal at the high school they will be preforming at on Saturday and Sunday. It's so sad the dance year is almost over till August.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

This week went by fast

Monday I took the girls to get their dance costume pictures done. We went to Costco to get a few things and ate lunch. Not sure what happened the rest of the day, but before I knew it was Tuesday, morning and I was helping 4 girls make homemade cinnamon rolls, which turned out amazing! The girls and I went to McDonald's for lunch and then swimming at our friend's house. J did not want to go swimming with 2 moms and 4 girls. His loss. Wednesday morning S and I did child care for the woman's bible study. Those little ones whipped me out, I had to take a nap before taking the girls to their dance classes. Thursday morning I worked at Sunrise for 4 hours, came home collect J to go to Arrowhead to meet his Air Force recruiter. J needs to decide what he wants to do soon, so there's no waiting period for basic training after he graduates. He spend a lot of time online when we got home looking at the Air Force and Military websites. Now that the girls are older they don't need as much help with their hair and make up for dance. Part of me is sad that they don't need me, but another part says yea! They had dress rehearsal at the studio for R's tap and ballet and S's jazz. The Wednesday coming up it will be S's ballet and tap and R's jazz. Then on Thursday the BIG dress rehearsal at the high school they are preforming at over the weekend. Yesterday I took J to get a physical he needed for camp, and did a little grocery shopping, and took J to Kohl's to get a dress shirt and jeans for his senior pictures (those will be taken next Friday). I was feeling so tired I took a long nap, and still went to bed at 9. I had had a sinus headache all day and the meds must have really knocked me out. I found out earlier in the week R's camp date is wrong she really leaves for camp on the 20th and will be home on the 25th. I'm pretty disappointment in this change, but I really believe she needs to go and stretch her wings so to speak, going to camp without S or me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Clean! Well Almost

Yesterday afternoon I decided I wanted to start helping my girls clean their room. I had 3 large totes and they pulled stuff in them that was on the floor, closets, in corners, etc. Several times over, as I would go through the totes as they were filled and separated the trash from the possessions. I sat on my bed and did this while watching a movie, with the fan on me. First time ever I cleaned their room and didn't sweat. We weren't done last night, it all carried over to today. There's still more to do, but from were it began, the room looks amazing! They did the closet themselves and when I saw how organized the clothes were I wanted to cry because I am so impressed. P cleaned up the back patio some, so that looks good. Unfortunately the vacuum is not working and the carpets really need vacuumed. P thinks it is just the bag and after he gets a new one (why is it, when ever you really need the carpet vacuumed you don't have any bags for it?)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lazy Week

We haven't done much of anything all week. It's been grand! R went to a birthday party at Foothills Aquatics on Monday, she loved it. I went to Bath and Body Works and Jo Ann's and saved 50% at both places. Great holiday savings! And we have lots of yummy smelling stuff, and I have a few projects to work on. Other than dance classes and S went to a movie with a friend we haven't left the house. Even though there's lots of things I want to do around the house, I found playing on the computer and reading way more appealing. J and I are off to met a Marine Sergent in a few minutes. He's not really looking into joining the Marine's but wants to get information on all branches of the military. We got the results from the knee doctor and is ACL is completely closed! No surgery!