Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's been awhile

Last weekend was busy with dance recitals and getting R off to camp on Sunday. We even managed to take P to one of his favorite restaurants for Father's Day lunch. Someday soon we'll get to celebrate our 18th anniversary which was also last Sunday. The girls did wonderfully on stage, I am so very proud of them. Fast forward to Thursday, I got a call from the church children's director that R is sick and I need to come pick her up. P was out hiking, I tried to call him to go with me, after 20 minutes of no return call I sent J to get gas in the car. When J got back and P still hadn't called or come home J and I drove to Prescott to get R. She looked OK, but she hadn't eaten all day, on the way home she laid down in the back seat the whole way. Friday she complained of a headache, she was head stuffy, and dragging quite a bit. But she was eating! This morning I took J to the drop off point for scout camp, he'll be home next Saturday. S had friends over, and R and I hung out in my room watching movies. Tomorrow S leaves for church camp. She is very excited. R will be the only kid all week, she's worried that she's going to be so bored. I'm worried I'm going to be exhausted keeping her from being bored! Monday we have plans to hang out with her cousin, which will be fun and she has to go to her Aunt Jul's house a couple of mornings when P and I both have to be at work at 8. It's been a long time since I've had to ask someone to watch one of my kids, that seemed weird.

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