Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Day Of Summer

As I sat here sweating typing that title, it seems a rather a crazy thought. Yet today is my last day of summer break. Which hasn't seemed long enough, maybe it would have if I didn't work 5 of the weeks. If only it was below 100 degreesit would be better. I'm still looking for a part-time job, but in the mean time I'll start the school year off at Sunset Ridge. Tomorrow I won't have to drive all the way there as the all day meeting is close by. Thursday I start out close by at a high school, but finish at the campus. Friday all day at the campus. I am so nervous about this whole thing. Working at a school where I don't know anyone. No students, no parents, no staff, where anything on the campus is located. I haven't even met the principal in person. I do know where the school is since I took a test drive, but I can't get there without my Mapquest directions. I should be cleaning or washing but really I am just too hot and don't feel like it. I know I'll regret not doing anything today, but I just don't want too. Partly that has to do I was up late last night reading. In the book the main character's Mom is dying and I had to get through that part and end on something happier before going to sleep. I was crying so bad there for awhile. Yesterday I took S to get her schedule, then did the dreaded taking the girls to Justice, so they could pick out their first day of school tops. They could be there all day. J still needs some binders, but then we are done ready for school until it starts and they tell me the things I've forgotten. Right now J only has 4 classes, TA in JROTC, JROTC, L.A., and economics. He met with his counselor at the end of last year and they did his schedule. Not sure what happened. I have a call in to the counseling office and hopefully they can get him a full schedule with classes he will be happy with. He just won't have a ride home everyday if they don't give him more classes. R had an orthrodontist at a dreaded 4:20 appointment time. Traffic was horrible. I didn't make this appointment P did, but lucky him he was at work so I had to drive. I made J cook dinner, or there would not have been time to eat before dance classes started yesterday at 6.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Hope you have a great day today!