Monday, October 11, 2010


Today, since we didn't have school I made doctors appointments. So, at 9:15 I saw my neurologist, well that was after I got off the wrong floor to see him. After we talked and he poked me with his little needle and even though I kinda knew and he confirmed that both my knees are now numb on the inside, it's another rare weird thing I have wrong with me. Anyway because of the numbness and the spasms I have been having in my lower back he ordered an MRI and I get to go back to see him. After leaving that office I had a little break and went to Michael's to exchange the cord S got yesterday, but she wanted the stretchy kind and got the non stretchy kind. Then I went to the building were my cardiologist moved to, and in that building has a radiology department too, so I could schedule the MRI, did that but really they only schedule by phone so I got to do that on their phone, kinda weird. It's not like I even had their number just the order from the doctor. Then I headed to the floor I thought the cardiologist was on, but I had the wrong floor, so I tried the nest floor, only as it turned out I had the wrong building. As I was on hold with the office to find out where the freaking office was I went into one of the other offices in the wrong building and asked and the girl at the front desk who actually knew where I was supposed to be,(the building across the parking lot) which was good, because the person who came on the phone after being on hold for 10 minutes could only give me an address not directions since it was a service. My cardiologist moved in with a new group of doctors, so although I have seen him for many years, I've never seen him at this office before. I saw the doctor and had an EKG done, then he comes back to tell me that I have an irregular heartbeat, which doesn't look good. What. I've had my share of heart issues but not an irregular heartbeat before. He asked if I felt it. No, I don't think so. He orders a stress test and echo, which won't be until the 27th, and it's supposed to last 4 hours, I knew I was in trouble with how long it was going to take when the girl scheduling it says bring a snack. I called P as soon as I made it to the car because I was really quite upset. He left this morning with his Dad and brother to hike the Grand Canyon. I came home for a little bit to check on the kids both girls had friends spend the night last night. I would not have let S or R spent the night at a friends house when neither parent was going to be home all day, and the 17 year old brother was in charge. OK S is 13 and responsible, but I don't think I would like that. Both moms were OK with it. Not that J would do anything, to them but I would not be comfortable with it at all. I left the house at 1 to get some lunch and shoe shopping. It was loud at my house and I was stressed, I had to get out of here. I then went to see the Gynecologist for my yearly visit and mammogram. I thought my appointments were at 2:30 and 3, but as it turned out I was off by 30 minutes they really were @ 2 and 2:30, I still got poked and squashed, and have the results in a few weeks. The GYN gave be samples of an estrogen pill I'm going to try to see if that helps one area of me feel better.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

What a day! Praying for you!!