Friday, May 13, 2011

Ladies Bible study

For a few months now I have been attending a ladies bible study, we just finished a 6 week study on Ruth. I have known I needed these ladies to prayerfully pray for me and our provisions, but I haven't had the courage. Here's what's going on-In February we were notified that my social security would stop, and we owe them a whole bunch of money because apparently I was making too much money working (not the whole time I was working just 9 months too much). Which really sucks, because we seemed to be struggling with social security and my income. I wrote a letter stating how I was injured at work in January and would not be be able to pay them back now. I haven't gotten a response back yet. When I was first taken to the hospital after the fall at school the hospital used my private insurance instead of having me fill out a workers comp form. Valley schools which is the school district's insurance provider, still has not paid any bills including the ambulance, hospital, doctors, etc. I can't seem to get them to pay. I filled for short and long term disability and even though I have finally gotten through to my case worker, which was no small feat, my claim is still pending. They say due to my employers not sending them a job description. Deer Valley says it has sent it twice once with the original paperwork they submitted on my behave and then faxed later. 5 1/2 months after the fall I have not had any income. Pat has worked 6 day weeks for a few months now, unless he's off on Sunday then he only work's a 5 day week. (If he works Sunday that's already time and a half, so if he works 6 days that week, he doesn't get paid over-time, but he gets paid for 6 days) Anyway back to the bible study. On Wednesday we were talking about what we learned most or got out of the study of Ruth. I was the last one to comment, I knew I was supposed to. I can see myself as all the main characters. Naomi- bitter and angry at God in the beginning of the story. Ruth not understanding who this God of Naomi's is but trusts him just the same. As I told the group some of my story I started to cry. They prayed for me right then and one of the ladies gave me a lawyer's number she used for an issue she was having with a school district (not mine) and her special needs son, and another woman who offered to pay the fir t$100 to the lawyer. Talk about touching my heart. I haven't been able to contact the lawyer yet, I put the number in my cell phone on Wednesday then had some problems with it so I haven''t been able to call, hopefully I'll be able to call on Monday and if she can't help me know so someone who can. I need my bills paid and it would be really great to get my long term disability paid so I had a little income.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I hope it all works out for you. I'll be praying. What great friends you have!!