Saturday, December 17, 2011


One week away till Christmas Eve or 7 days, which sounds closer? I'm a 7 day person. I can't wait for Christmas. I've always been that way. I was the little girl who spent the night with a clock under her bed counting minutes all night long till 4 AM, when I though for sure was time to get up. Mostly myself and my little brother would go in to our parents room and ask if we could go down stairs yet. They would try to get us to go back to bed for another hour. 15 minutes later we were back in our parents room asking again can we go down stairs yet? Even past 3rd grade when I learned at school there was no Santa, I still couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve. I didn't really care who put the gifts under the tree, only that there were gifts under the tree for me! My Dad was an only child and his Mom was a single mom, times were tough for my Dad growing up. Dad loved to spoiled us at Christmas because of that hardship. My Mom grew up in a big Italian home with lots of siblings and half siblings. They celebrated Christmas the best was the knew how, being together and lots of food! This is Pat and mine 20th Christmas together, the first being when were first started dating. I never would have thought the next year I would be 5 months pregnant with our 1st child. Now that we have 3 children and they are getting older, I wonder what their special memories are of some of the traditions we started, I think this week I will interview Pat and the kids on their favorite traditions and blog about it, and who knows if I get them to cooperate, I may even scrapbook it too. What do you think is this a silly thing to do? What's your favorite tradition as a child or parent?

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