Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have a penny pick it up...

all day long you'll have good luck. Remember that as a kid? and if it's heads up is better? Today I found a penny (heads up) on the gym locker room floor. I wasn't sure what to pray for. OK, that in itself convicted me that I should be praying more. The list of concerns is great. The first thought I had was I hope the creepy old man (he's 85 years old and thinks he is in love with me) is not there. I knew his truck was in the parking lot, but I was hoping he was just in the locker room changing and I wouldn't see him today. He drives me a little crazy with his "love". God did answer that prayer and I didn't have to deal with him today. Lots of other things went though my head after I got that first one out of the way. I spent my workout time in prayer today. Thankful for that penny. I didn't take it when I left but moved it into a locker hopefully it will bless someone else today in some way.

1 comment:

brl said...

Hello dear, great blog and im following hope you follow me back on