Thursday, December 29, 2005
Christmas recap
It's been a busy kind of Christmas season. Today is relaxing with Joseph watching T.V. Sarah watching a movie and Rachel at a friend's house, which leaves me time to myself.
Christmas Eve, we cleaned the house, delivered cookies and treats to some neighbors, watched White Christmas, and went to church. The service was a little different, Pastor Ray had elem. kids dressed up as the naivity scene. The message was like reality T.V. Sarah was the star. After reading Twas the night before Christmas, the girls went right to bed. Joseph had already gone to bed, he was fighting a temp. for a couple of days and wasn't feeling so great.
Christmas morning I was the first one awake at 8:20. Rachel soon woke up and got her brother and sister awake. We have a tradition that before we open gifts we read the Christmas story and pray. We use a children's book, so the kids can have something to look at and easily understood. It was Sarah's turn to read this year. The big gifts this year was a guitar for Sarah, a Jedi robe for Joseph, and a Bitty Baby for Rachel. We cleaned up a little before my sister and family came over for brunch and to exchange gifts, We did something different this year and exchanged names. It worked out well for my sister since all her kids are old enough to have jobs, they bought there own gifts. I of course did all the shopping and wrapping for us. The kids played and watched movies until it was time to go to Mark and Marlene's to exchange gifts with the Mettes families, and dinner. Sarah had a hard time even though I warned her that there wouldn't be many gifts for her (the gift from her grandparents was a session of gymnastic classes she really wanted), so unlike everyone else she just had a few gifts to open. After a yummy dinner, the social butterfly did my hair for me! Blue and reddish streaks. It was fun, I think she really loved doing it. We stayed and visited for a little while (watched a candle burn completely down too.)
The next morning we slept in, I watched the Barbie movie with the girls then took a nap, I think I'm getting a cold too. I got up and pushed myself to get out of the house. I wanted to look for a few things, and go to the grocery store. While at the store I decided I did not feel like cooking dinner so I got a sub and some chips. (I've given up on the South Beach diet until January 2nd) After dinner we all sat down as a family and watched Star Wars 3.
Tuesday was laundry day, and I had to have my blood checked which of course was off again. At 1 o'clock it felt like it should be bed time already. I took the kids and Rachel's friend to the drive in where we saw Narnia and Chicken Little. Rachel was kinda bored with Narnia. We got home about midnight. Rachel's friend spent the night, the girls were up till after 2 in the morning. UGH!
Yesterday, I took Rachel's friend to her grandmother's, then laid down for an hour, then we went to the movies. We met Mark and Marlene and their 3 youngest kiddos and saw Cheaper by the Dozen 2. We had seen the first one 2 years ago together too. It was cute, everyone liked it. We got home and I started to make dinner and Pat wanted the phone book to call his aunt, I wasn't sure where it was, so I had him take over cooking while I looked. He burned the meat, I was mad, I tossed it out, and we didn't eat. Sarah was complaining of an earache and went to bed. We hosted the annual game night, Sarah got up and was fine, even though my sister babied her. We played Imagine iff and Taboo, It turned out the be a fun night.
Friday, December 23, 2005
What a difference
Sarah's teacher loved that I went in for the holiday party today, and she had me help with a game they played. She was thankful I was there.
Rachel's teacher's door was locked when I got there, I knocked but had to go next door and have the enrichment teacher call her, since no one answered the door. (the TV was on.) So the teacher answered the door and asked if she could help me, I'm like hello I'm here for the party. No other parent was there either. The teacher acted all put out that I was there, too bad, I'm going to be there for my daughter whether or not the teacher can handle it.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Are driving me nuts. Rachel's teacher has told the class that she talks to Santa every night, and tells him if the children are well behaved in school. I think that is just so wrong. Rachel also told this teacher to tell Santa she wants a train for Christmas, which to news to me, and she will not be getting one. This teacher told Rachel, Santa will bring it for her. I think this is just so very wrong. Unless the teacher is planning on buying the train, she should not have said anything. Who knows what else she's said Santa would bring other kids.
Joseph's social studies teacher makes me mad to, the missing journal is going to keep him off of honor roll, by ONE point. Joseph was able to bring even his science grade up to a B. This is so very disappointing.
I have no problem with Sarah's teacher now. She got extra points by her wonderful thank you note.However, Sarah's friend Mom is making me nuts. It was said friend's coat she wrote on, weeks ago, we had Sarah offer her $20 to replace the coat then, (Sarah called and talked to the Dad) which was rejected at the time, now I get a letter that says, they would like it replaced. This family has my phone number (they called me when it first happened) and I see either the Mom or Dad when we pick up our kindergarteners everyday. It just bothers me that now, 3 days before Christmas, when we have no extra money they want the coat replaced.
Monday, December 19, 2005
I'm so tired
I'm so very tired, think the kids would just go to bed when there suppose to, so I can go now?
I doubt it. so I better stay awake. Pat works till 7, so he probably won't be home before 8.
I had to push myself to get anything done today, I slept on the couch after taking the girls to school. When I picked up Rachel at 11, we went to Jo-Ann's and the grocery store, that pretty much took all my energy, but I still had to cook dinner and clean up the house a little, the floors looked like a cyclone hit them, since it seems like I haven't been home for days.
It was a long weekend, first on Friday night, Sarah had rehearsal, then I took her and the neighbor girl out to eat. Saturday was spent downtown, watching Sarah and her cousin dancing in The Snow Queen twice. Sunday was the same, except we got home earlier because the second show started earlier on Sunday. Both girls did a great job, in all shows, and I think they both enjoyed to experience. I fell asleep, last night before 10, which for me is very unusual.
I'm glad I am ready for Christmas, other than delivering Angel Tree gifts, and going to school holiday parties later in the week. I'll be resting up all week for the fun of next weekend~
Friday, December 16, 2005
I took Sarah to the urogist this morning. The doctor wants us to send Sarah to the bathroom, every two hours, and make a log for about a week, on how often she poops, and to look at the poop to. After the log, I'll call and the doctor will decide what to do next. It could be that she's learned to hold everything and needs to retrain her brain, and work out her bladder to work correctly, and this might even eliminate night time wetting too. I am hopeful.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
What not to do
Do not add an extra cup of powdered sugar when you make sugar cookies.
How do I know. You might wonder. I accidentally miss read the recipe this afternoon. The cookies spread out all over the cookie sheet. They don't taste bad, there just a little on the crunchy side.
The best part was the dough was a lot easier to roll out and cut into shapes.
I think I'm done now with cookie baking now for the hoilidays.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I hate myself
Not me, but both girls have written I hate myself on their pillows.
Sarah was upset with herself for writing on a friend's jacket at school. When she wrote it on her pillow. Rachel wrote it today when she was mad at me.
Part of me is upset that they think they hate themselves, but the other part of me hopes that they have learned something about themselves and bad choices them made.
Note-I don't get mad about them writing on stuff in their room, Pat has issues with it though. I wrote in nail polish on stuff in my room when I was younger. Maybe it's an heritary trait.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Long weekend. Pat and I went out on Friday night, we were celebrating 14 years ago on Friday he first told me he loved me :)
Saturday I sent the day selling misetoe with my son's, scout troupe, took Rachel to a birthday party. Then went to a woman's Christmas party at our church offices. Sunday, I wasn't home for long all day, first church, then Sarah had rehearsal, then I get this call that I'm suppose to be the parent in charge of misetoe, so I drive from 40th St and Indian School to 7th Ave. and Bell, in 20 minutes. Got home about 5, grabbed some ham slices and Pat and I went to Mark and Marlene's, were we left to go together to a very funny, beautiful Christmas concert (Steven Curtis Chapman and MercyMe.
This morning was busy running here and there, dropped the girls off at school, Fry's, doctor's, gym, Target, Khol's before having to pick Rachel up from school. Now I'm baking banana, pumpkin, cranberry, and blueberry breads, plus a gingerbread cake for my book club tonight.
Now planning the rest of the week, it's just a busy if not more the rest of the week. I have something every night until next Monday, I think I feel more tired now!
Thursday, December 8, 2005
What we did today
Check out my pictures to see what we did this afternoon. It was a half-day today so I thought I should use the time to get the kids to help me. Man, was it hard not to try a little dough or broken piece.
The kids did pretty well hanging in there till they were almost done. Usually they get bored pretty fast, and I'm let to finish and clean up, by myself.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Strong willed
That's how I might describe my children. I just wished they didn't have to be so much so. Seems like daily I'm in it with them about something or another, usually more than once too.
No amount of whining is going to work to get their own way, it just makes me mad at them, when do you suppose they'll learn that?
My latest battle was with Rachel at Costco this afternoon. We had gone to Michael's first and even got the things at Costco I needed, and she did wonderful. She even started to ask me to buy something at Michael's then knew she shouldn't (that's the first time ever!) But of course I wanted to reward her with a hot dog since she did so well. Well, first I sat at the wrong table, then I got her the wrong drink, but how should I know what she wants to drink if she's already not talking to me because she's mad that we can't sit at a table with an umbrella. So I ate my lunch, which by the way the polish sausage doesn't taste nearly as good without the bun. I tried to talk to her about her day at school and she tells me she wasn't going to talk to me. So half way through my lunch, I mentioned to her that I'm half way done and we'll be leaving when I am, and she'll have to take her food home to eat. Nothing happened, then I said the same thing a few minutes later and she ate and drank the drink she didn't want, even though I sat at the wrong table.(she even talked to me too!) There was a man watching us the whole time, he winked at me once for encouragement, and when I got up to get more to drink, told me, he was impressed that I didn't let her get her own way. But geez it was so very hard not to loose it with her.
What were they thinking?
This morning taking Rachel to school, there was a boy about 8, walking to school in shorts, a short sleeved t-shirt and sneakers with no socks. It's December right? Not July! How did this little guy get out of the house dressed like that? It just breaks my heart to really think hard on it though.
Monday, December 5, 2005
Holiday Shop
Today was the first day of the girls' holiday shop at school, of course I was reminded often all weekend for money. I sent Rachel to school with money, she was so excited this is her first time shopping on her own to buy gifts. She had to show me mine on the way home, because she knew I would just love it. It's cute, but I especially love that she really thought about it, and bought something that she knew would please me.
Wonder how Sarah will do?
I'm glad I got the little guitar for Sarah for Christmas, yesterday she was looking at the Toys R Us ad and saw
one, and asked me if I remembered her telling me in the
summer that she wanted one.
I got that right!
Sunday, December 4, 2005
Oh! Christmas Tree
The tree is up, and decorated, they did well, in the forest picking out a nice tree.
It does seem amazing to me, how much more the house looks like Christmas now that the tree is up, even though everything else was done last week.
I'll put some pictures up on flicker to show off the kids decorating and out outside lights.
Friday, December 2, 2005
has been found
The tickets were safely put on the highest shelf in my kitchen, that I can not even reach without getting a step stool or chair, which I don't remember doing at all!
My address book, was blocked by something in my room, so when I looked for it yesterday I couldn't find it.
Now, it just feels like I've been losing my mind all week, wonder were I put that!
Thursday, December 1, 2005
C or Better!
The tween has a C or better in all subjects, right now!
He is very happy. Pat told him he couldn't go up north on Saturday unless he had C's or better to get our Christmas tree. He just made it in the nick of time, science has been keeping him from going until tonight.
I'm only a little worried now that incentive is made, will he stop doing homework again?
Ok, now I lost.....
Our address book. I can't stand it, hopefully Pat will know where it is. Since I haven't needed it for awhile, I'm hoping it got put away somewhere when Pat set up the turtle tank on the counter. I already called my MIL to see if she could write down all family addresses for me, and I'll borrow and hopefully not lose my sister's address book.
On Thanksgiving I messed up too, I accidentally gave my in-laws, all of the girls' school pictures and not the envelope of pictures I had ready for them of family pictures. I feel like I'm losing it.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
So happy!
Marlene, will be able to have the concert tickets reprinted! Hopefully now I'll be able to sleep and my stomach ache will go away!
Thank you so much Marlene!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hopefully just misplaced. I had our tickets for the Steven Curtis Chapman/ Mercy Me Christmas concert, in my hand yesterday afternoon. I had had them on top of the refrigerator, I was changing my all the time mugs , to Christmas ones. I remember saying to myself, I need to put these in a safe place. Only now I don't know where I put them. :(
I looked for a long time last night, in all the places I thought I might have set them, but they weren't there. I am so depressed and angry with myself for not being able to remember. WAH
Monday, November 28, 2005
The insurance company, will not pay for the ablation. WAH, they said I didn't met the criteria.
I'm sure there's no way we can pay for it, $3500.00, I am so sad, I just can't stand, having my stupid period every three weeks, and bleeding for a week. UGH
Sunday, November 27, 2005
What a Mess!
Hubby and the tween got all the Christmas decorations out of the attic today, they are scattered all over my living room. I need boxes to put away the stuff that's out, the rest of year, before I go about setting out all the Christmas stuff. Hopefully hubby will remember to bring me the boxes, from work tomorrow. He worked on the outside lights today too, they're about half way done, he's building my new snowman now, and he finished putting together a new lighted tree for outside, so the family room and kitchen are a mess too! Everything will look great once we get it all done. Just right now the house doesn't look so good.
I'm so excited, for Christmas, I can't believe it's only 4 weeks away!
Day one
Today is day one of the South Beach diet, I'm going to need lots of support. No fruit, milk, carbs. Breakfast this morning I'm trying to choke down a glass of tomato juice before I start on the eggs.
Hubby wants to go to Burger King for lunch, how am I going to be able to not eat french fries?
It's going to be hard to change my eating habits.
Friday, November 25, 2005
The Dancer deleted the Thanksgiving pictures from my camera, before I had a chance to any anything with them.
She did this on accident, while she was doing videos, with my camera, but she didn't even ask me to use the camera. UGH!
I need pictures of me and my hubby, I'm scrapbooking a special album for him for Christmas, I've done 11 pages, but I have 9 more to go.
Marlene, took a cute one of us together last night, but it's gone. WAH!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgivng!
So far, so good today, the kids are not driving me that nuts. So, I guess that's my first thing to be thankful for.Just kidding, but it's a great bonus to all the blessings in my life.
A God who loves me know matter what.
A savior who died just for me.
My wonderful husband.
My children.
My country.
My husband's job.
My home.
All our families.
A great church to worship with other believers and discipleship those who have not made the commitmet yet.And so much more.....
Dear Lord,Help me to count my blessings daily, and to appreciate all that you have done for me. Thank you for loving me even when I whine and complain.I love you.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Teacher driving me nuts
Cutie Cutie's teacher drives me crazy. Maybe, I really should say she makes me so angry. I have been helping out in the classroom once a week, but rarely do I spend much time in the classroom. I'm usually doing the teacher's prep work. Well, last Thursday I was at school, Friday Cutie Cutie brought home a note, (printed from her computer, not even hand written), thanking me for helping, and that she's all caught up until after the holidays. I am so angry I can't even talk to her, she had made me upset the week before that Rachel doesn't pay attention when I'm in the classroom, which is totally not true at all.
So, what's her deal anyway? There are 24 students in the classroom, hardly a small class for one teacher for Kindergarten. There should be a parent in to help everyday, not just someone doing her prep work for her.
Today, was the Thanksgiving feast for Cutie Cutie. I couldn't even talk to her teacher, and she didn't say anything to me either, even though I helped set the stupid thing up. I did noticed that because there were parents there today, she wasn't sitting down, while the kids were on the playground, like she usually is.
I have such bad feeling about the teacher, and I don't like the other K teacher either (her tone drives me crazy, even though or maybe especially since she's a Christian) I'm not sure either teacher really even likes children.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
They don't fit!
This morning the dancer was getting dressed for school, and came out with jeans on that were really too small, she says to me, I really can't wear these. I'm thinking she got them out of the closet, but as it turns out, she grabbed Cutie Cutie's jeans, that I had laid out for her.) Jeez no wonder they didn't fit. LOL I always lay out, Cutie Cutie clothes, the night before school, I've been kinda slacking on laying out the dancer's lately, since she will rarely wear what I pick out anyway. But today she was going too. Oh, brother, I just can't seem to get it right.
Monday, November 21, 2005
I was so scared, a neighbor rang our doorbell and asked me if I was Cutie Cutie's mom. (she had rode her bike to her friend's house) My worst fear is something happening to one of my kids. I really don't like Cutie Cutie riding her bike out front without me, but she does know that she is suppose to wear her helmet and stay on the sidewalk, so I've been letting her ride to her friends.
Well, today I guess they thought it would be OK to ride in the street, in front of the friend's house. They are both only 5 and have no business in the rode. The neighbor had wanted to let me know, that they were in the street. I went to the friend's house and brought Cutie Cutie home. She said her friend kept asking her to go in the street, and that's why she was. I know I've told her before not to do things that she knows is wrong, even if a friend is telling you it's OK. I'll be working on this for a long time, with her and the other two now, for a long time.
I'm so thankful she is OK, and for the neighbor to come and tell me.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
There are driving me nuts today
First of all bright and early, well still dark out, I had to get up at 6 AM to pack a cooler for my son's camping trip. He did not set his alarm, well I guess he did he set it for 6:30, thinking he could tranport to the school were the scout troop was meeting, I guess. OK we leave the house finally at 6:50, he was suppose to be there at 6:30, on the way driving down Bell Road I asked him do you have your permission slip, NO. Now I had already reminded him to get it, this morning. So we go back home to get it, I feel pretty safe that they won't leave without him, since he has the food. Well we get there and there's only 2 other scouts there, and the asst. scout master. I hung around until aomeone else showed up, like the scout master, and senior patrol officer. They get there at 7:15, so I leave without even saying hello, and go home and go back to bed. Only sleep didn't come very easily since hubby was taking a shower getting ready for work. Luckily the girls slept in till 9 AM, but I still didn't nod off for long because I woke up with a horrible cramp in my left thigh, why because I did water aerobics from hell yesterday, my thigh is still aches even now. Now the girls are making a mess everywhere, I asked them to clean out the trash from the car, so they get trash bags from the cabinet and knocked over a bunch of stuff, you would think they would pick it up and clean up their mess, but no. They ate pudding just before going out to the car, and left their trash in the family room, why they were eating in there I don't know since their not suppose too, but I was detracted typing the tween's report for social studies. Oh, and there room is all torn apart, and they have stuff all over the hallway.
Now, I can't decide if I really want to talk to them any more today.
Friday, November 18, 2005
I hate dreams that seem so real. It wasn't a bad or scary dream, I had last night just one that woke me up checking if I really lost my Mom's wedding ring, which I wear on my right hand. In my dream I had lost it, man it really felt like it really happened.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
OK, first off we have never really made a big deal about believing in Santa. At what age, these days, do children stop believing. Since we never really made a big deal about the big guy, my tween really only really started to believe in 4th grade, by 5th grade was suspious but didn't want to let on that he knew the truth. (He was afraid if he was wrong he won't have any gifts! LOL)
Anyway why I ask is because, the neighbor girl I take home from dance class (she's in the dancer's classes) asked my girls on the way home if they still belief in Santa. Cutie Cutie was pretty firm in her believing, and was getting mad at this girl. The dancer wasn't as firm, but still didn't want to say she doesn't believe. I know I was in 3rd grade when I had it all figured out, because I remember vividly talking about it. I was shocked that there was no Tooth Fairy though! :(
But I thought I was smart stuff because I knew all about Santa and the Easter Bunny. LOL~!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Cutie Cutie was awake to early this morning, we had a special time before having to get ready for school, snuggling on the couch. She's really my only snuggler.
These are the times I want to remember when she's fighting with me.
Monday, November 14, 2005
He's passing everything!
The tween is passing all he's core subjects!
I am so very happy, I just checked his grades online. He's pretty happy with himself too, I'm hoping knowing where is he is now, will motivate him to continue to do the work and turn it in.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Long Day
We had to get up way to early this Saturday morning to be at this Scouting thing. Hubby had to work, I'm very glad his Dad went with us and even drove us. The tween's troop did not plan well, I'll add a picture of their booth in a day or so to my fickr pictures. I just don't get why the boys didn't do a better job of planning, I know it's boy run troop, but really they need guidance. I called my nephew that is in the troop also and whined with him, since I knew he'd understand. He hasn't been to many meetings recently due to football. We ended up not staying for our whole shift, since there was nothing to do anyway, and no one was coming over to their booth. We had lunch and walked around a little and the kids did some of the activities, we left at 1.
I had to make 2 gallons of chili for church when we got home. It wasn't really that hard, since we decided to use all canned beans, and it was a chicken chili, so we even used canned chicken, but it took me like 20 minutes to open up all the cans and dump them in the pot.
Then I laid down for an hour before going to church we had to be there at 4:30. After the chili cook off, we stayed for church, then went to Burger King, I really just wanted ice cream, but the need for Star Wars toys is great at this house. My back is screaming right now with all the standing and walking today. "It's been a VERY long day"
Friday, November 11, 2005
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