I took Sarah to the urogist this morning. The doctor wants us to send Sarah to the bathroom, every two hours, and make a log for about a week, on how often she poops, and to look at the poop to. After the log, I'll call and the doctor will decide what to do next. It could be that she's learned to hold everything and needs to retrain her brain, and work out her bladder to work correctly, and this might even eliminate night time wetting too. I am hopeful.
So do you have to get her up at night?
No, just day time training her bladder first, and hopefully that will strech out her bladder so she'll be able to hold urine all night. But if they don't fix the day time issue, we won't have any sucess at night. It's going to take a little while to get there, but eventulally she will be dry day and night, hopefully, because phycially there's nothing wrong with her.
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